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DVDs & Films Forum

has anyone got "the thing"?

Rex Hamilton as Abraham Lincoln (Competent) posted this on Monday, 23rd June 2003, 21:26

Its a 1982 film I think. I want to know if the R2 version is Anamorphic or letterbox. TIA

RE: has anyone got "the thing"?

John Howells (Competent) posted this on Monday, 23rd June 2003, 23:02

Letterbox, just like all the other versions.

The "original" 1951 version is out on 5th August in the US.

RE: has anyone got "the thing"?

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Monday, 23rd June 2003, 23:07

for a minute there I thought there was a special collectors ultimate edition coming out soon.

Bring `em on, I`d prefer a straight fight

RE: has anyone got "the thing"?

MattJoyce (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 24th June 2003, 10:47

A great film and DVD - its Carpenter at his best (or was that Halloween or Big Trouble in Little China????). Anyhow, when Play.Com are selling for the incredibly stooopid price of £6.99
can you afford not to buy this priceless gem? Lots of extras, as well a film that you can watch many times without getting bored (how many films can say that about?).
BUY IT, Garrddammit, `cos this is classic moviemaking they just dont do anymore.
And, sadly, neither does Carpenter..

RE: has anyone got "the thing"?

the eggman (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 24th June 2003, 17:01

I have the R4 version which is letterbox as it`s coded Region 2/4 I assume the R2 version will be the same

My brain hurts

RE: has anyone got "the thing"?

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 24th June 2003, 17:40

The only non-anamorphic film I deemed worthy of buying, an absolute classic with great extras. Cannot understand why they didn`t anamorphisise(sic) it!?!


RE: has anyone got "the thing"?

fargo (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 29th June 2003, 21:59

i remember going to the cinema to see it, noticed it in hmv(maidstone) today £4.99, is it worth getting this dvd, or will i find it a bit dated and not as good on a 28" tv / 5.1 speaker set up?

RE: has anyone got "the thing"?

kool (Competent) posted this on Monday, 30th June 2003, 17:09

Buy it!You will not be disappointed.

RE: has anyone got "the thing"?

Jon Bayliss (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 2nd July 2003, 09:43

the gooey effects are still yet to be bettered by anyone. A real benchmark of a movie.
It doesn`t seem dated at all, even 20 years on.

RE: has anyone got "the thing"?

steveirwin (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 4th July 2003, 19:27

The images are great but nobody has mentioned the soundtrack!
The audio used in the opening scenes is brilliant.

Buy it.

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