Info and forum posts by 'wozwebs'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 29th September 2000, 13:58, Last used: Tuesday, 11th July 2006, 15:54

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 21 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: England top bargain

No it is the new England home shirt that is £11.99, has been this price since October I think. It`s the one they will wear at the World Cup in June and til March 2007. The new Away kit is out in a few weeks til 2008. In short, there is a new home kit one year then a new away kit the year after

RE: Sky+ Boxes still 49 quid

Not too surprised, DigitalSpy said the other day that Sky are thinking of giving everyone Sky+ for Free (new AND existing customers).

RE: JVC DRM10 DVD recorder

Doesn`t have RGB input though so those buying to record off Sky may be slightly disappointed with the picture quality through scart

RE: G1 Sky Package Is Back

Superb - cheers for this. I missed out last time so was chuffed when I just called up and made the switch from just sport to Sport + half the movies. I just quoted G1 and the guy said he heard it was back on but said it wasn`t yet on his system fully.

I was paying £33 before but it is now £34 so £1 increase. If I only watch one film a month then I suppose it`s worth it. Wonder how long it will last for?

Nice one!!

This item was edited on Monday, 6th September 2004, 10:14

Panasonic A160

Can this machine be remote hacked or chipped in any way? A friend of mine has it and would like to borrow some of my R1 discs

Cheers for any info


RE: xwave dvd reviews

Yeah M8, avoid this player I would. I had one for a few months and it had terrible lip sync problems and the picture was very blocky. I`d go for a Wharfedale 750s (Which I now have) as it`s by far a better player and only £179.99 from

RE: Wharedale 750s faulty???

My 750s does exactly the same on 6th Sense. Fine on every other disc. Very strange but like you say, press stop and then play again and it`s fine. Must
be the disc.


RE: Videologic, 5.1 or DTS???

Cheers for the info chaps. I am thinking of going for the DD5.1 version mainly for the price. The idea of seperates is a good one, but then I`ve got to get all the speaker etc. and I have just about convinced the missus that the Videologic has itty bitty speakers that you won`t even notice in the corners of the room. : )

Thanks Again

Videologic, 5.1 or DTS???

Hi, I`m looking to buy a Videologic system to compliment my Wharfedale 750s and Sony 32" WS TV. The Digitheatre looks favourite as the price is around the £200 mark. However is it really worth saving for the DTS version. Is there that much difference between the two. Bear in mind that I currently only have it running in stereo through my Marantz Hi-Fi so am not an audio expert etc.
Also I only have 2 discs that utilise DTS anyway (T2UE and American Beauty). Will newer discs feature DTS more and more in the future?

What do you all think?

RE: Wharfedale 750s S-Video Problem

Great cheers chaps that worked fine, but I was always led to believe (in magazines etc) that S-Video gave a better picture that Scart.

Wharfedale 750s S-Video Problem

Hi - I posted a review of my Wharfedale the other day and have since purchased an S-Video cable for it as there was only a scart lead with it. I hooked it up to my Sony 32" and the red & white phonos to my stereo. This set up was fine on my XWave (which had no scart) but here the picture is in black and white and all fuzzy. The sound is fine through the phonos so does anyone have any suggestions. The lead was from a computer fair and has gold ends.



RE: More Info

As I said before this is only my second player so I can`t really claim to be in a good position to compare to higher priced units like Sony etc. but compared to my Xwave the Wharfedale`s picture is much sharper. On the 6th Sense (R2) there were lots of blocky artifacts in the scene where cole is under the sheet breathing in darkness. On the Wharfy it`s fine.

I`d advise you to get one, and the one of the main reasons I went for it was because I know for a fact (My Girlfriend used to work there) the customer service in Tesco is superb and if anything goes wrong you can just exchange or get a refund. Mail order can have it`s problems (Hello Nelley) so I`d go for it M8. Gotta beat the Yello Dud that some Duke bloke was spouting about.

: )

Wharfedale 750s Review

Hi, My Wharfedale 750s arrived today from Tesco Direct (9 days from order) and 1st impressions are very favourable. I previously had an Xwave (Labway) LB900 which went back to Nelley at Scan as it couldn`t handle my T2 UE. Anyway plugged it all in and played with the settings for a while, it didn`t come with an S-Video cable so I had to use the Scart lead. Picture was very crisp and much better than the Xwave, the sound also great although I wouldn`t claim to be an expert on what I`m listening for in comparison to other models.

The one thing that came to light straight away was the lack of noise from the unit. My previous player sounded like a small aircraft about to take off whenever I put a disc in, but the Wharfy was so quiet I thought it wasn`t working at first.I tried a Region 2 first (Bugs Life - worked perfect) and it looked amazing on my Sony 32". Then for the region code listed on this site, I inputed it and it worked a dream as I tried my American Pie R1. Great again, but now for the tester - Terminator 2 Ultimate Edition. This had skipped between versions and stalled on the Xwave but here it worked perfectly and I have just finished watching it (Gotta be one of the best films ever made AND it`s nearly 10 years old).

The other codes work too (ie. 11111 and 22222) so it will hopefully survive the RCE threat. I also popped a CDR full of MP3`s into the player and they sounded great. The only gripe is that you cannot see file names as on other machines, just Track 1 etc. and it doesn`t list the folder names. I`m sure this will be a feature on a later firmware upgrade.

So overall I am very happy with my new toy and at £179.99 inc Delivery it can`t be bad at all. Get in there quick though as they will no doubt be selling fast with the run up to Xmas on its way.

Any Questions - post here


RE: Robbie Williams Rock DJ DVD for 86p!

Cheers for the tip off M8. Mine has just shipped for the princley sum of 86p

Great spot


Scan Compliment Shocker!!!

Hi, Just thought i`d post a rare `Thank You` to Scan Computers and in particular Nelley. My X Wave DVD was sent back and was un-repairable, I asked Nelley for a full refund and it went through yesterday. Took 10 days from reciept of my player to do a full refund to my card.

Thank you again, now I`m off th buy a Wharfy 750s.


RE: Yes Getting Jurassic Park Boxset for £18 from Tesco

Sorry Dukeman - I can`t reisist - Amazon had an error processing Switch transactions on Sunday so my card was rejected. When I phoned they tried again and it went through fine. For my inconvienience they took off the P&P charge so the grand total of my Boxset including postage is (wait for it) £10.09 - Never to be beaten. Almost a 3rd cheaper than the RRP.

He He - Love It!!!

RE: Yes Getting Jurassic Park Boxset for £18 from Tesco

Sorry to beat you `Duke but I pre-ordered it from Amazon for £11.84 inc P&P (used a £5 gc) in August when they too made a pricing error. They too have said they will honour the price

Beat ya, na na na na na.

RE: Yelo Review in DVD Mag

The magazine I saw the 3/5 review had a free cover mounted DVD with the new Disney movie `Dinosaur` on the front. It was in WH Smith`s and had an exclusive to Smiths foldable half cover.

Yelo Review in DVD Mag

Not sure which mag it was (oct 2000 issue though), but whilst flicking in WHSmith`s I noticed that the Yelo only got 3 out of 5 and was marked down due to sound quality. I have read the 95% Total DVD review and just thought it strange why people rush and buy a player on the strength of one review. Surely It`s best to read a selection and then purchase. Ive just returned my X Wave and ordered the Wharfedale 750s which has had many good reviews etc.

Just my 2p`s worth
