Page 1 of Wharedale 750s faulty???

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Wharedale 750s faulty???

quantum (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 27th October 2000, 03:01

I`ve just bought a 750s, when playing sixth sense i
get white/green horizontal bars down each side of the screen...this
dissapears if i enter the setup menu and exit it (Without making any
changes) and start the film again. Anyone else had this problem??
I have also had a look inside the player the checksums on the eproms are
U4 cs=ae71 and u6 cs=05fc (if anyone is interested 1111+R hack doesn`t work)


RE: Wharedale 750s faulty???

Chris Reay (Competent) posted this on Friday, 27th October 2000, 07:30

Hi Kris,

I haven`t tried my copy of 6th sense on my new 750S but in light of your findings will try it tonight.

I also have a machine that won`t accept the 1111+R hack.

My machine accepts MR hack and return to R2 but not manual hack to R1.

There appears to be a lot of information and possibly mis-information re whether this particular version of the machine will cope with RCE, so yesterday I got fed-up worrying baout it and ordered an R1 copy of The Patriot so that I could test RCE for myself, then at least I`ll know.

I bought my machine direct from my local Tesco store and have this machine with the non-hackable R1 problem, however several colleagues ordered theirs off the web and they seem to be fine, so it looks like the stores are sourcing their stock from somewhere different to

If The patriot won`t play I`ll probably return my player to the store, and re-order a new one from

I`ll post the results of my Patriot test here when I get it.



RE: Wharedale 750s faulty???

wozwebs (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 27th October 2000, 15:40

My 750s does exactly the same on 6th Sense. Fine on every other disc. Very strange but like you say, press stop and then play again and it`s fine. Must
be the disc.


RE: Wharedale 750s faulty???

quantum (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 27th October 2000, 18:39

It`s looking very much like there may be a fault with the 750s!
I just tried my copy of sixth sense in my freinds 750s and exactly the same problem as me! He got his player from different firmware to mine(Different hack) but same problem?!
Also I have noticed that if i connect the dvd to video recorder via the scart the picture gets brighter and dimmer! this is a problem for me as my vcr has 2 scarts but tv only has 1. this variation in brightness dissapears if i connect the dvd directly to my tv. I don`t think this is a result of macrovision, as far as i know macrovision only affects the picture if you actually record onto tape?? Maybe someone can correct me on this? or offer an explination?


RE: Wharedale 750s faulty???

MikeS (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 27th October 2000, 22:21

I`ve today received my 750S from Does this problem appear on any part of Sixth Sense, as I can not see the lines when playing. Have also found that the play accepts 1111 (1 or 2) hack. How many versions of this player are there?


RE: Wharedale 750s faulty???

Daniel_D (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 1st November 2000, 15:06

This IS due to Macrovision! I`ve seen that on a Samsung 907 and also a PC DVD-ROM player (as long as you don`t use a macrovision disabler software) when they`re connected through the VCR.
The best thing is to purshase a multi-scart block for your TV.

A quick note about "The Sixth Sense":
My Wharfedale DVD-750s doesn`t show any problem with this title. It seems there is 2 "generations" for that model already.
Mine comes from a Tesco in Ireland ...


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