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Wharfedale 750s Review

wozwebs (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 13th October 2000, 00:28

Hi, My Wharfedale 750s arrived today from Tesco Direct (9 days from order) and 1st impressions are very favourable. I previously had an Xwave (Labway) LB900 which went back to Nelley at Scan as it couldn`t handle my T2 UE. Anyway plugged it all in and played with the settings for a while, it didn`t come with an S-Video cable so I had to use the Scart lead. Picture was very crisp and much better than the Xwave, the sound also great although I wouldn`t claim to be an expert on what I`m listening for in comparison to other models.

The one thing that came to light straight away was the lack of noise from the unit. My previous player sounded like a small aircraft about to take off whenever I put a disc in, but the Wharfy was so quiet I thought it wasn`t working at first.I tried a Region 2 first (Bugs Life - worked perfect) and it looked amazing on my Sony 32". Then for the region code listed on this site, I inputed it and it worked a dream as I tried my American Pie R1. Great again, but now for the tester - Terminator 2 Ultimate Edition. This had skipped between versions and stalled on the Xwave but here it worked perfectly and I have just finished watching it (Gotta be one of the best films ever made AND it`s nearly 10 years old).

The other codes work too (ie. 11111 and 22222) so it will hopefully survive the RCE threat. I also popped a CDR full of MP3`s into the player and they sounded great. The only gripe is that you cannot see file names as on other machines, just Track 1 etc. and it doesn`t list the folder names. I`m sure this will be a feature on a later firmware upgrade.

So overall I am very happy with my new toy and at £179.99 inc Delivery it can`t be bad at all. Get in there quick though as they will no doubt be selling fast with the run up to Xmas on its way.

Any Questions - post here


RE: Wharfedale 750s Review

IT Troll (Competent) posted this on Friday, 13th October 2000, 23:28

Thanks for the mini-review Woz, as I am considering buying this player.

Please can you go in to a bit more detail on the picture quality. In particular can you have a real close look for digital artifacting in the background of scenes. If present this will tend to manifest in darker more static areas of the background. Some minor blocking may be present but this should be static and not `shimmer`.

Also, what slo-mo speeds does it do and how do they perform?

RE: Wharfedale 750s Review

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 13th October 2000, 23:44

Blimmin` heck, Troll, you want the moon on a stick. I think Woz`s review of the 750S is excellent. Either you`ve got a top of the range telly or you`re searching for a fantastic quality player at el cheapo price. `Shimmer` ? For £179 ? Of course it shimmers you fool - it`s CHEAP ! (wotever `Shimmer` means...very subjective, Troll)
You gets wot yers pays for, matey boy. Incidentally, you get 2000, yes 2000, Clubcard points for buying the Wharfey. Enough for a can of prunes and a Mrs Miggins pie...

I`d Also like to know about Picture Quality

Carrot Cruncher (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 14th October 2000, 00:32

Like IT Troll I have a small wallet (And unlike others, a small mouth!)

Mmmmmmmm, Prunes.

IT Troll (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 14th October 2000, 00:39

2000 Clubcard point? How come? I thought it was 1 point for 1 pound. Is this a special offer in-store rather than online? (Not that I collect them, but I may start :-)

And yes I do want the Moon on a stick, and I shall have it, oh yes I shall.

RE: More Info

wozwebs (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 14th October 2000, 00:59

As I said before this is only my second player so I can`t really claim to be in a good position to compare to higher priced units like Sony etc. but compared to my Xwave the Wharfedale`s picture is much sharper. On the 6th Sense (R2) there were lots of blocky artifacts in the scene where cole is under the sheet breathing in darkness. On the Wharfy it`s fine.

I`d advise you to get one, and the one of the main reasons I went for it was because I know for a fact (My Girlfriend used to work there) the customer service in Tesco is superb and if anything goes wrong you can just exchange or get a refund. Mail order can have it`s problems (Hello Nelley) so I`d go for it M8. Gotta beat the Yello Dud that some Duke bloke was spouting about.

: )

RE: Wharfedale 750s Review

HardHank (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 14th October 2000, 09:12

I have the middle wharefedale with the new firmware and extra led, the picture is beyond reproach on the wharfy no artifacts, no skipping.

The wharfedale is comparabel to the output of a DXR-3 on a TV, but even sharper and more bold.

RE: Wharfedale 750s Review

clayts (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 14th October 2000, 13:31

Are you American, Troll ? You don`t REALLY get 2000 points, it was my vague attempt at being funny.
Sounds to me that the 750S is a big thumbs up - I`d go for it, if it wasn`t for this meddlin` Encore 450....I reckon my 450 is actually the janitor in disguise...
Incidentally you can get the Moon on a Stick in aisle 5, next to the lavatory cleaner...1 million Clubcard points for that moony-sticky thing

The deed is done - my fate is sealed

IT Troll (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 14th October 2000, 14:39

Thanks Wozwebs and HardHank for your feedback, as a result I have just placed my order online (local store has no idea when/if they are getting any).

Sorry Carrot I just couldn`t wait any longer. I`m fed up with all the hiccups and delays with these Chinese players. So I`ve decided to buy British (well a British badge at least). I`d still be interested to hear how your Mico is - the Wharfey can always go back.

Clayts - I shopped online and so there are no aisles (duh!). Any idea which section the Moon on a Stick is in? Or is it not available online?

RE: The deed is done - my fate is sealed

clayts (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 14th October 2000, 16:14

Troll, you should have insisted on the Moon on the Stick package that comes with the Wharfey when you buy onine. Mind you, that was a limited edition offer for one day, and the person that advertised it (the same person as the JP/LW boxet fiasco) is now working on the fruit and veg counter at Tesco Metro, Nottingham...
I don`t think you`ll be disappointed with your new player judging by the comments in this forum. If it does `shimmer` perhaps you`d be kind enough to provide a `shimmer review`....?
Take your point about Eastern players too. My 450 actually contains the entire Chinese population and they`re getting a little feisty in there...Well done for buying blitish (deliberate, xenophobic mistype)

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