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Sky+ Boxes still 49 quid

scandude (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 22nd August 2005, 12:41

Just this minute got myself a sky+ box for 49 quid, brand new, I mentioned to them I am with cable at the mo and got a cable box already and I was thinking of going onto multiroom through cable... what could he offer for me to stay with sky...was also told this could be a 80gb version but they couldn`t guarentee it.. let see what happens. WATCH THIS SPACE

RE: Sky+ Boxes still 49 quid

wozwebs (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 22nd August 2005, 13:21

Not too surprised, DigitalSpy said the other day that Sky are thinking of giving everyone Sky+ for Free (new AND existing customers).

RE: Sky+ Boxes still 49 quid

Barold (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 24th August 2005, 17:00

How do you get a box for £49??

Is it as simple as just ringing Sky or is there a special code or something???

RE: Sky+ Boxes still 49 quid

scandude (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 8th September 2005, 12:10

Sorry didnt see your message but all i did was ring them up and tell them that I was thinking of going to cable.. anyway update on the sky box... the unit turned out to be a 80gb HDD i believe its a PVR3 and the box and instructions says Pace so im assuming this is what it is, however I still havent got my card to activate the box yet so when u call up make sure they send you the card before you get the installation.

RE: Sky+ Boxes still 49 quid

tenerc (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 8th September 2005, 13:51

did you need to take out multiroom and pay for it to be installed ?

when we phoned about this, we where told we HAVE to have multiroom, so thinking of telling them to stuff sky, and in a month rejoin under my partners name.

RE: Sky+ Boxes still 49 quid

weener39 (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 8th September 2005, 15:26


I just ordered one of these Sky + Boxes. I am currently with sky and threatened to goto cable and got put through to the cancellations department (you have to get put through to this department otherwise you won`t get one).
I know have one being fitted in 3 weeks, and have also got 3 months free sky sperts out of them.
You DON`T have to sign upto muli-room but you have to pay a £10 a month subscription charge OR sirn upto 2 premium channels.....LONG STORY to get sky + and 2 premium channels so be prpared to pay around £30 per month......

Hope this helps.....(this is my first time typing on this site but have got loads of great bargains through reading in the past..thanks)

RE: Sky+ Boxes still 49 quid

scandude (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 8th September 2005, 16:52

I went with multiroom due to having 2 teen step-daughters who both are very much into their music right now, so I have the sky+ box connected to my Windows MCE PC ( record 2 or 3 channels at the same time ) and they watch the standard one. The only thing extra I paid for was the sky+ box ( 80gb version with 2 usb ports on it ) @ £49 and the extra £10 to mirror my channels, considering I now pay approx £49 a month for all the channels inc movies in 2 rooms im pretty happy. I also have a wireless video sender connected to sky+ box and routed to the bedroom so it`s pretty much all over the home now. On a different subject the guy I originally contacted ( Alex ) mentioned I could have a 160gb version for £149 but I declined, I might add this myself after the 12months warrenty :).

In answer to your original question, no-one said I had to take the multiroom to get this item and no it didnt cost me anything to have it installed.

This item was edited on Thursday, 8th September 2005, 17:56

RE: Sky+ Boxes still 49 quid

tenerc (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 11th September 2005, 15:17

thanks will give them another call next week, say ntl have offered me the 3 for £30 so want to leave.. and if they still say no, they can.. :o .

RE: Sky+ Boxes still 49 quid

trio (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 11th September 2005, 19:29

I rang Sky today and eventually got through to the cancellations dept via India (yeah i really enjoy having to spell Torquay about 9 times!). Initially i thought the guy was gonna just say "ok bye then", but managed to get talking to him and drop in the word `cable` several times. He wasnt budging on the £99 for Sky+ AT ALL. I am currently on the top package (so i now pay about £42 a month), which was part of my original installation obligations about 3 years ago (when it was much cheaper) and i always intended to call and change my package, but strangely never got round to it! Now Sky are fleecing the hell out of me, but i cant do without!!! Anyway, back to the point, the guy from Sky said he would happily cut my bill in half for the next three months, till i figured out if i wanted to stay with Sky; i am under no obligations to stay etc. We then got talking about Sky+, and still he wouldn`t budge, but he did say that over the next 3 months i will be saving £63.75, so Sky+ works out to be only £35 or so, including all the installation into a second room.

Obviously this only works if you are foolish enough to be paying for the top package, but as i have been doing that for several years now, i still see it as a bonus. He also said that Sky have added different package configurations now and is sending me the list of prices, so maybe in 3 months i will finally change my Sky package. Maybe.........

Finally, the Sky guy said that LOADS of people have been calling to complain about Skys offers for `new` customers only. He said that if you do ring then they can usually sort some kind of offer to keep existing customers happy (managers deals as it were) and the best number to ring is 08705 488485 (to avoid being routed to India). This line is open till 11pm, so call later to avoid queues but please give way if you hear me coming :D

RE: Sky+ Boxes still 49 quid

weener39 (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 13th September 2005, 07:01


I had to go the whole Hog and say that I wish to cancel my Sky Subscription and give them 30 days notice, but I have been with them for a while, maybe that comes into play.
Mine gets fitted on the 30th.

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