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Yes Getting Jurassic Park Boxset for £18 from Tesco

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 5th October 2000, 18:27

I ordered jurassic Park WS CE Boxset from tesco due to a pricing error!
just recieved an email from Tesco saying they will honour the price:)

If only AMASUCK showed as much goodwill:P


RE: Yes Getting Jurassic Park Boxset for £18 from Tesco

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 5th October 2000, 20:07

There`s a Viz character for people like you, Mr Duke sir - SPAWNY GET !

RE: Yes Getting Jurassic Park Boxset for £18 from Tesco

wozwebs (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 5th October 2000, 22:57

Sorry to beat you `Duke but I pre-ordered it from Amazon for £11.84 inc P&P (used a £5 gc) in August when they too made a pricing error. They too have said they will honour the price

Beat ya, na na na na na.

RE: Yes Getting Jurassic Park Boxset for £18 from Tesco

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 5th October 2000, 23:33

OK - this thread is now officially a competition for SPAWNIEST GETS 2000 - keep `em coming !

RE: Yes Getting Jurassic Park Boxset for £18 from Tesco

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Friday, 6th October 2000, 00:18

we can all be spawny at Tesco:P

Dilbert Box Set - £17.99 (RRP £34.99)
Phantasm Box Set - £12.99 (RRP £39.99)
Spaghetti Western Box Set - £17.99 (RRP £50.99)


Get em quick!


RE: Yes Getting Jurassic Park Boxset for £18 from Tesco

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 6th October 2000, 21:04

Dukey - gimme more on the Spaghetti Western boxset : what`s in it - a 4-pack of `value` spaghetti ?

Incidentally - ENCORE DV450 - YES!!!! Home Entertainment just gave it the 2000 Award for Best Budget Player under £250. Hitachi 505 - pah !

RE: Yes Getting Jurassic Park Boxset for £18 from Tesco

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Friday, 6th October 2000, 22:34

The encore was good once but by today`s standard`s it sucks ass and you F*cking know it:)

swap you my Hitachi 505 for your cheap s***e encore?

If you say no! All credability in your word`s has been lost:P


"Dukey - gimme more on the Spaghetti Western boxset : what`s in it - a 4-pack of `value` spaghetti ?"

No! 3 of the best western`s ever released jerky:)


RE: Yes Getting Jurassic Park Boxset for £18 from Tesco

clayts (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 7th October 2000, 00:08

You are a man in luv and no mistake sir. As for that swapsie you`re my word okay, then ? Betcha won`t boast about owning a 450 then ! (Incidentally there`s a geezer on one of the other forums here at reviewer wanting a hack on the Hitachi - go to it Welly-boy) . Happy Spag Westerns :-)

RE: Yes Getting Jurassic Park Boxset for £18 from Tesco

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 10th October 2000, 09:27

Just recieved my Jurassic Park Boxset for 17.99 from tesco online:)
I just thought I would let you guy`s know.

Anyone purchase it at 29.99:)

WOZWEBS before you say anything......p*ss off this is my gloating thread get your own:)


RE: Yes Getting Jurassic Park Boxset for £18 from Tesco

wozwebs (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 10th October 2000, 11:17

Sorry Dukeman - I can`t reisist - Amazon had an error processing Switch transactions on Sunday so my card was rejected. When I phoned they tried again and it went through fine. For my inconvienience they took off the P&P charge so the grand total of my Boxset including postage is (wait for it) £10.09 - Never to be beaten. Almost a 3rd cheaper than the RRP.

He He - Love It!!!

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