Page 1 of Wharfedale 750s S-Video Problem

Hardware Forum

Wharfedale 750s S-Video Problem

wozwebs (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 15th October 2000, 19:35

Hi - I posted a review of my Wharfedale the other day and have since purchased an S-Video cable for it as there was only a scart lead with it. I hooked it up to my Sony 32" and the red & white phonos to my stereo. This set up was fine on my XWave (which had no scart) but here the picture is in black and white and all fuzzy. The sound is fine through the phonos so does anyone have any suggestions. The lead was from a computer fair and has gold ends.



RE: Wharfedale 750s S-Video Problem

AlteredReality (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 15th October 2000, 20:43

made sure you`ve changed it to s-video in the options menu, or is it still on RGB, which would explain it..

better staying with RGB scart over s-video anyway

RE: Wharfedale 750s S-Video Problem

clayts (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 15th October 2000, 22:31

Totally correct, Altered. The order of preference shoud always be RGB over S-video, pref by SCART

RE: Wharfedale 750s S-Video Problem

wozwebs (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 15th October 2000, 23:13

Great cheers chaps that worked fine, but I was always led to believe (in magazines etc) that S-Video gave a better picture that Scart.

RE: Wharfedale 750s S-Video Problem

uk_bas (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 16th October 2000, 15:17

yeah, it`s a wierd one. I`ve always thought RGB looks crisper and has better colour definition, especially as you can almost eliminate `red bleed`

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