Info and forum posts by 'rigger'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 20th December 2002, 18:20, Last used: Saturday, 22nd April 2006, 11:27

Access Level: Competent

About this user: aircraft engineer.

This user has posted a total of 262 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.03 messages a day, or 0.23 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Practicle Joke -- my turn . . . but what to do ?

asked out loudly for my mate to "read out of the paper the numbers for last nights draw"

Topper. That would be a good one in our enviroment.
Its not an office, and Health & Safety are above all paramount, so the japery has to be at least safe. Memo`s are not in circulation except in email form among engineers, not shop-floor staff, which this one is. He was gloating all day, but i took it all in good spirit. But i HAVE to win !.. It is childish, i know, but pride is at stake.

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RE: Practicle Joke -- my turn . . . but what to do ?

All good stuff,

to summary, . I did get flashed, but by a workmate heading home in the same direction. He didn`t tell me and i am waving as he overtakes...tosser.! ;)

That said, i have no intention of letting things get out of hand, i am a supervisor, but would like to show my smart ar** colleague that he deals with a vetran in the field.

I will admit defeat in a few hours, and all will be well. Till my time is upon us, and we`ll see who is laughin.

As for the stunning blonde, it may make me smile, but the wife may find a smidgin` less hilarious!.

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Practicle Joke -- my turn . . . but what to do ?

Hi all.

Need some help.
A Wannabe Joker at work managed to get " FLASH ME I`M A C***" on A4 paper on the back of my car, the one day i forgot to look.

Thankfully my journey home is 10minutes.

This victorious assault is preceeded by 2 failed ones. He loves to think of himself as the Dogs Conkers of this type of thing and while i am sure i would think of adequate retribution in time, if anyone has a ready made cracker.. let it be heard.

I want this git to be put in his place.



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What is the latest Doggies Danglers in Mobiles ?

Hi all.

Contract up, time to choose a new Gadget.

ANy suggestions ? What is a cracker just now..
I do get a feeling that something new is about to hit the market...

Help appreciated.


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RE: Compensation Claim times . . .

No interim.

All honesty i dont have a scoobie what is going on.

Just waiting.

I am not desperate for the cash, but really at a point where i want closure and more importantly what i am due after what that old tosser did to me, the wife & my car.

I thank God i had no babies at the time...had i, i would not have now, if you catch my drift.
And i hasten to add, would be doing this from H.M pleasure having done something rather bad.


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RE: Compensation Claim times . . .

The big drag of it all, seems to have been to wait and see if i would recover fully from my injuries. That way they had eliminated the "will he wont he" get better, and start there.

No one can decide if i will but most think i will, i KNOW I WONT.

So that said, i have no idea. Another year, perhaps?

As for compo. it better be good after all of this.

Is it standard practice to knock back the first offer or is that just hearsay.
( Yes i know . .Hearsay is a shi* band too . . .thot i`d get in first)


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Compensation Claim times . . .

Hi all.

A while back i posted about a car accident i was in.
It was 4 years ago last month, and believe it or not i still am waiting to have it finalised.

I got pretty beat up being trapped in the car etc... broken ribs, vertebrae, torn spleen, you know the score ! he he.

Anyway, anone beat the 4 year mark ?

And does anyone know the going rate for a pretty bad accident such as this. ? /



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RE: Could it have been any worse for Scotland??

They make me embarrassed to be Scottish

Its that same thing that makes the Scottish welcome anywhere in the world, and i for one am proud to be with that stereotype than the table throwing window smashing, face slashin W*****s that grace for our beloved neighbours. I show a general support for England when they are so close they can taste it, but i NEVER slate my own.

Perhaps you can u look out her "hawf brick" and join yer pals at the square.

Shame.... Wallace wid be spinnin in his box. >:(

that aside .. i think we may be up poo-poo creek with no pants on in that table, but let the fun commence regardless.


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RE: Need help making a BIG BIG decision

Jezzo team, thats a bit harsh innit ?

Regardless, at Uni (unless u have been) is drinkin, sh******, smokin` and at some point going to the odd lecture ot 2..

You are gonni b if u are not laready a distant memory in DAYS , amigo.

There is Lust & there is love...yourz rhymes with dust !

Get over it, or think of a way to tell your kids.

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RE: What`s a good MP3 player?

In my opinion you can`t go wrong with ARCHOS.
For the gym probably the Gmini 200XS.

I have had three Archos variants and i love them all !
Great machines.

Just my tuppence worth, Ipods . . .nah.

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RE: Bring back the Death Penalty


What is going on ? Sod a penalty, I`ll do it.

As for cushy life, dunno about that, i am no expert on prisons, but these ***** will never be safe, i think this is the type of inmate others live for to torture, i may have watched too many films but these guys get it big style, inmates dont like feaks who hurt kids.

I know Neilboy is a Daddy & so am i . . . .so i am sure he too cant bear to go close to trying to feel what te parents of this wee tot must feel..Jeez. Heart goes out.



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Letter Froooom Americaaaa . . . . .

Merryment of the season, one and all.

Any of you chaps expecting mail or in this case not a letter but a parcel from America ?

It was sent from Virginia on the 15th and sod all has happened.

Anyone in the same boat or works for the P.O and knows what "by-the-beard-of-Zus" is going on ?

Many thanks as always !


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OPINIONS ON . . . . . " Better to buy at Christmas time, or not ? "

Top O` the afternoon to you all.

REALLY want to get a new motor, and while i struggle to find the one i want, i nevertheless will buy eventually regardless, however, what does you lot fink, or know (car sales people out there ?), is it better to buy now, is there a slump in buying due to christmas, or is the new year a better bet ? . . . If i thought sales were slow and thus get a better deal coz they want me to spend, than I would do it now.

Opions, ideas, abuse Welcome.

Cheers Y`all.

SD :)

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RE: Plastic Pipe heating question

Cheers Dass.

No pipes in the loft, but do have quite a bit underfloor. There are some PARTS of the length of pipe which are just a nightmare to get to to lag due to the access, will this matter too much do you think,

My concern is more a freezing one than a heat loss one.


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RE: Plastic Pipe heating question

Good point well made fella`s, . . .think it might br laggin` time !


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Plastic Pipe heating question


Does anyone know if you have to lag plastic pipe ?

Had the heating done a few months back but the pipes are not insulated... do you need to ?


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RE: Kitchen Worktop Scuffin`

Sorry, sorry.

I am on night-shift at the moment so late replies all-round.

Havent attempted yet, but since first post he has done it again, by putting a large plastic box on the counter, and pushing it across leaving a huge bloody "score" not scratch along it . . .not happy.

By the way it is BLACK Quartz or something like that, effect.


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MODERN WORLD ? ? By who ?

Hi all.

Just finished nites, and the radio has been blaring all night.
One song had me listening, i gather from its repitition, that its title is " Modern World", but have no idea who it was.

Sounds newish, and wasn`t "THE JAM". .

If anyone knows.
It was rocky/indie sounding.


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Mk 4 Golf Heater Controls . . .where is the BULB ?

Hi, yet another " where/what the buggery is that" thread.

Anyway, my heater controls have no lighting, it is the basic set up, but i want to know where the bulb(s) are hiding and how to get in. . . any ideas ?



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RE: Kitchen Worktop Scuffin`

Slight error on my part "HOS" should read "HIS". . . it`s my Bodge-it-and-scarper DIY Dad.

We argue constantly as i like everything perfect, which when i do it, it pretty much is, even if it takes all night. . . where as the old fella, . . .well . .not quite the same exacting standards.

It is a laminate top, and will look into this Lamite repair stuff.



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Kitchen Worktop Scuffin`


Decoratining for the umpteenth weekend in a row, and last night with the help of the old man was fitting new worktops in the Kitchen . .

The old fella wanted to do the cutting as the sheer amount he has "done in his time" would require a NASA computer to breakdown, however this did not stop hos scuffing the sh*t out the new one in the exact shape of the where the sink has been cut out, which now leaves a soul destroying mark all the way round.

How the hell do i get them out, can i ?

HEYYLP ( pen.pitstop voice!)

Ta chux.


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RE: Any PAINTER/DECOR`s out there ? ? ADVICE required.


Thanks folks, on nite`s just now, but 2morrow i will be givin it a go.


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Any PAINTER/DECOR`s out there ? ? ADVICE required.

Hi all.

Bit of a DIY dilema.

When we bought our current house there was mad wall panel in the hall, which we proptly tore down, which pulled loads of plasterboard paper with it due to the huge amount of adhesive that had been used by the previous owner . .now,

I sealed the exposed paper with PVA and plastered with a finishing plaster today.

It has STILL gone through, and bubbled like hell, in the pattern where i had sealed the broken paper . .

cut a long story . . i need to keep the existing plasterboard there. WHAT THE **** can i do to a/ Get rid of bubbles.
b/ Seal with and start again.

HELP experts. . . .


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RE: Ian Huntley gets 40 years...

I Quote:
believe that offering these types of people a second chance makes us a better society.


You feel better at night, with your babies wrapped up warm, knowing that when they go out to play in the morning, that a **** like Huntley is back on the streets with a nice fat 2nd chance in his pocket, . . . . .

Aww, he murdered two wee girls, and thats worthy of a 2nd chance, weeding flowers at the old folks home . . !

As bad as him . ? Dont f****`n think so mate...

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This item was edited on Sunday, 2nd October 2005, 00:13

RE: Ian Huntley gets 40 years...

Very well put matey,

My point although, angered was that i don`t see how the "humanity" card card be played or even deliberated in the face of something so "in-humane".

I couldn`t agree more that, a lot of media attention was given to this, and less to others which were just as devastating and evil.


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RE: Ian Huntley gets 40 years...

I see your point, Jed.

However the theme with the two mothers is exactly that, Huntley is a devious, external 3rd party, who loured these wee girls in.

The mothers were accused due to bizarre close-nit circumstance, which now highlight that nature can take a rough course.

Nature had no part to play when he got the girls into that house with his weasel faced lying cow of a girlfriend.

The addage of " Rotting in hell " is not good enough for people like Huntley.

But good point, well made nonetheless.

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RE: Ian Huntley gets 40 years...

How can you say " thou shalt not kill" in the same story as that evil, lying bastard ?

Those poor families have to re-live what they assume was the last cries for Mum & Dad to help them while this ************** did what he did, EVERY SINGLE NIGHT OF THIER LIVES and people who i have followed on this forum, which while entitled to thier opinion, can have the cheek to show this **** remorse ? !!!

40 years... on my, your, and the same Mum & Dad`s tax . . . what are you thinkin` here ? Mibi we could pay his SKY tarrif too ?

Get that Oxygen thieving, scum in a room with the two Dad`s who have a whole lot worse than some water for him. And let those guys feel a little more, than the shells they feel like now.

I am a Daddy of two babies, and if they were even sneezed on in anger or malice, God would be the only help. And even he would have to wait.

A bit strong, i guess, but what real reason does he have to remain among us... ?
Cancer takes away our loved ones, and no-one opts to keep that in a Jar and feed it !

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This item was edited on Thursday, 29th September 2005, 23:30

RE: PHOTO elements 3 . . .language change


Nevermind, thanks for the effort anyway !


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RE: PHOTO elements 3 . . .language change

Did that, being in Noweigan, i cant tell where to go.

Can anyone with an English version, have a wee gander in the programme, and see if there is an option to change in the menu`s .. ?

Ta much.

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RE: Tv footage from Bazzra. The burning tanks one.

Just as a footnote, the RAF are there too.

The Army are indeed a majority, but the rest play their part.

Thats me tuppence-worth.


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