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Need help making a BIG BIG decision

Just Askin (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 14th January 2006, 21:08

Met a girl at work a few weeks ago. Never knew she worked there until my shifts were swapped. We`ve got on that well that I`ve fallen totally in love with her. I know she likes me a lot but not sure if she feels the same as me. Now she`s left and gone to Lancaster Uni. I didn`t know she was leaving and had no time to tell her how I felt. I have a way to contact her through another work mate but, and here`s the but, I don`t know if I should. `So what`s the problem` I hear you say? My girlfriend and kids at home!

So, do I stay in a unhappy relationship or, take a risk and go after another?

RE: Need help making a BIG BIG decision

Andy_R (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 14th January 2006, 22:05

Sounds like this girl likes you as a mate and nothing else! If you reckon she feels the same way about you i.e. fallen in love with you then why has she gone all the way to Lancaster University??

Stay out of it unless you want her to do you for stalking! :/

RE: Need help making a BIG BIG decision

girders (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 14th January 2006, 23:45

My only piece of advice on this one is... for ***** sake don`t leave yourself logged in on the PC with this Forum on screen!

RE: Need help making a BIG BIG decision

BigmanInc (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 14th January 2006, 23:51

There is no decision to make here. Do not go after some girl who may or may not be interested, especially when she has just gone to uni. It really is not worth it. If your relationship is not good, then get out by all means, but forget the girl. Seriously.

The Bigman Cometh

RE: Need help making a BIG BIG decision

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 15th January 2006, 00:34

Walking on broken glass comes to mind!


"So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable."
- Christopher Reeve (1953-2004)

RE: Need help making a BIG BIG decision

Zovirax (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 15th January 2006, 02:54

So what`s the problem` I hear you say? My girlfriend and kids at home!


RE: Need help making a BIG BIG decision

sashenden (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 15th January 2006, 14:10

Got to ask yourself why she left with out telling you or asking to keep in touch. I would say she was just being friendly.

This item was edited on Sunday, 15th January 2006, 14:10

RE: Need help making a BIG BIG decision

Matthew Smart (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 15th January 2006, 14:59


Mmm... My thoughts exactly.

"Show me a woman who isn`t jealous of another woman, and I`ll show you a man" - Bill McNeal

What nickthegun isn`t listening to (of course you`re interested)

ecalp rehtona morf noitcelloc emag

RE: Need help making a BIG BIG decision

rigger (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 15th January 2006, 15:39

Jezzo team, thats a bit harsh innit ?

Regardless, at Uni (unless u have been) is drinkin, sh******, smokin` and at some point going to the odd lecture ot 2..

You are gonni b if u are not laready a distant memory in DAYS , amigo.

There is Lust & there is love...yourz rhymes with dust !

Get over it, or think of a way to tell your kids.

**We are only immortal for a limited time** NP

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