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What`s a good MP3 player?

JohnnyTV (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 12th January 2006, 00:44

I trust you guys on here alot more than some guy in Currys so any recommendations on a decent player?

I wanna use it for the gym so it mustn`t skip when running. I`m not too bothered on space, 20gb would do, and not bothered about it playing videos/having a colour screen or anything as it`ll only be in my pocket.

I`ve heard lots of people recommending some players over ipods before but couldn;t find the thread again, so any advice would be much appreciated. I`ve got around £100 - 150 to spend


This item was edited on Thursday, 12th January 2006, 00:44

RE: What`s a good MP3 player?

rigger (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 12th January 2006, 05:34

In my opinion you can`t go wrong with ARCHOS.
For the gym probably the Gmini 200XS.

I have had three Archos variants and i love them all !
Great machines.

Just my tuppence worth, Ipods . . .nah.

**We are only immortal for a limited time** NP

RE: What`s a good MP3 player?

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 12th January 2006, 05:44

Yep, Archos Gmini. Cannot go wrong: no drivers to install (at least for XP, dunno about other OSs), no special software needed to add music to it, you just plug it in to *any* computer and just use Windows Explorer to drag and drop files.

My Gmini (200XS) was £150 and it`s 20gb capacity. I wanted a player that wouldn`t need software (ie like iPod) and that was good value for money - Archos fitted the bill perfectly.

I use dBPowerAmp for all my ripping needs. I think the newest version is shareware, but older versions are freeware.


RE: What`s a good MP3 player?

tripodjw (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 12th January 2006, 08:37

I`ve got a Creative Zen Touch 20GB, I paid £150 about 9 months ago so it may be cheaper now.

Great player, a little bulkier than the ipod but in my opinion the sound quality is far superior on the creative.

Software is fairly intuitive and the latest firmware (2. something) lets you use the player as a data storage device aswell.

Firmware and software updates readily available from creative website.

Would heartily recommend it.

Best thing i can recommend is going into a high street retailer and asking to listen to a whole load of models and brands and then buy online.

RE: What`s a good MP3 player?

marksparks999 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 12th January 2006, 09:09

creative zen micro... about £130 for 5gb version i use mine in the gym...

`I am going to live forever, or die trying`...

RE: What`s a good MP3 player?

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 12th January 2006, 09:27

If you are going to be doing a lot of gym work, a solid state one would probably be best. A Chav-pod nano may well fit the bill......

What im listening to (if youre interested)

RE: What`s a good MP3 player?

/////AMG (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 12th January 2006, 10:20

Archos make really good MP3 players. That gmini of theirs is really small, and 20GB in that size, impressive.

RE: What`s a good MP3 player?

Paull (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 12th January 2006, 12:52

I have a `Rio Karma 20 GIG` & it`s really good. I also have an "iriver" 20 gig, this is also great but has the advantage of having an external recording facility & the quality is high, unlike most others. A facility you may not need now but you may in the future. Lastly I also got one of those 1 gig Medion (Expandable) players. I think this would be best for you as `Nickthegun` says "If you are going to be doing a lot of gym work, a solid state one would probably be best. ". The Medion is only available at Somerfields & Kwicksave (I think) but for £25.00 & one GIG you can get a load of CDs on it, also you can insert an SD card so you can keep several cards with different CDs/ Tracks on.

The Rio needs software but Both the "iriver" & "Medion" are drag & drop.

RE: What`s a good MP3 player?

JohnnyTV (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 12th January 2006, 17:46

Thanks for your help everyone, I`ll take a look at those mentioned, definitely interested in the Archos with not having to change formats like on the ipod, should be able to upload all my mp3s within an hour.

RE: What`s a good MP3 player?

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 12th January 2006, 17:48

I thought you was broke ;)

Companies that have p**sed me off so much that I will never use them again and I hope you dont either....
Alloy Bodies of Manchester - The Grand Daddy & Benchmark for shockingly poor customer service.
Capital Bank Leasing who are part of BOS & are f**ing useless & struggle to action the smallest request but are fantastically efficient at taking money out of my account
Orange Telecom
....more coming soon no doubt.....

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