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Ian Huntley gets 40 years...

Hulk Smash! (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th September 2005, 13:18

Soham murderer Ian Huntley will not be considered for release from prison until he is nearly 70, a High Court judge has ruled.

Mr Justice Moses said Huntley must serve a minimum sentence of at least 40 years - minus the 14 months he spent on remand prior to his trial.

The judge delivered his ruling at a hearing at the High Court in London at which the families of victims Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman were present.

Holly`s father, Kevin, had been demanding a whole life tariff for Huntley.

But the judge decided instead to set a 40-year minimum sentence.

Huntley was given two life sentences for the murders of Holly and Jessica following a trial at the Old Bailey in December 2003.

But he had to wait to find out the minimum term he must stay behind bars.

The announcement of Huntley`s minimum sentence had been delayed because his trial ended when the law relating to the setting of prison tariffs was changing.

In the past, home secretaries made decisions on minimum sentences. Now High Court judges decide.

Mr Justice Moses said the effect of his ruling meant that the parole board could not consider Huntley`s release on parole until he had served 40 years.

Opinions? I was a bit shocked to be honest - this monster could walk free when he`s 70 and still enjoy his last 20 or so years of life... Surely it`s about time "life" should mean "for life"? He killed those poor little girls - yet eventually he will walk free. If I was one of the parents, I`d be absolutely furious! >:(

"I like you. When the world is mine, your death will be quick and painless..."

RE: Ian Huntley gets 40 years...

jean88 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th September 2005, 13:23

He won`t last that long...

RE: Ian Huntley gets 40 years...

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th September 2005, 13:25

Have you noticed the way it`s being reported on the radio all day ?;

"Ian Huntley,the man convicted of blablabla"

My point is,what kind of idiot requires a reminder of who Ian Huntley is ?????? :/ :(

This item was edited on Thursday, 29th September 2005, 14:26

RE: Ian Huntley gets 40 years...

biglebowski (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th September 2005, 13:26

I think i`ll try and get this in before the debate turns into a "bloody liberal bastard" vs "fascist conservative bastard" argument.

For me, i think 40 years is a reasonable punishment. It appears that he`s suffering hell on earth on his stay at her majesty`s pleasure. One of the other inmates attacked him with boiling water just recently.

Also, while i accept that some people should be locked away and never let out, i can`t help but think that if you`re really going to do that (i.e. if there is no chance of redemption for a person), then the humane (and cost-effective) way to do it is to execute them.

RE: Ian Huntley gets 40 years...

jean88 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th September 2005, 13:35

Biglebowski, I don`t know if you agree with me but let`s use them for medical experiment, after all they use innocent animal no?

RE: Ian Huntley gets 40 years...

Hulk Smash! (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th September 2005, 13:47

Also, while i accept that some people should be locked away and never let out, i can`t help but think that if you`re really going to do that (i.e. if there is no chance of redemption for a person), then the humane (and cost-effective) way to do it is to execute them.

mmmm - well I`m in two minds about this. Part of me says "an eye for an eye" and it is a fitting punishment, but another part says "thou shall not kill" and it seems wrong somehow - to kill people who kill people to show that killing is wrong... :/

Put it this way - I don`t think I`m for capital punishment - but if it came (comes) to pass, then I won`t lose too much sleep over it.

"I like you. When the world is mine, your death will be quick and painless..."

RE: Ian Huntley gets 40 years...

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 29th September 2005, 13:48

I think 40 years is reasonable. I hope that`s long enough for him to die in prison.

Personally I think "Life" should mean life - but that judges should have other options in sentencing in murder cases. No point saying "Life" when they mean 12 years.


RE: Ian Huntley gets 40 years...

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th September 2005, 13:53

An eye for an eye makes us all blind, so sayeth my bleeding, liberal heart.....

I actually reckon that, in quite a lot of ways, this is a pretty unfair sentence. Yeah, he deserves every year, maybe more.

But if he had killed two ugly black kids (for the sake of argument), he probably would have got less time than for kicking a dog. Trial by media.

I DEMAND Adam Walbys opinion on this matter.

All glory to the hypnotoad
What im listening to (if youre interested)

RE: Ian Huntley gets 40 years...

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 29th September 2005, 14:12

But if he had killed two ugly black kids (for the sake of argument), he probably would have got less time than for kicking a dog. Trial by media.

I`m not so sure about this, there`s been plenty of outrage about young black (all attractive) murder victims, but it just seems that black and asian kids aren`t getting abducted and killed by *pedophiles* at a rate comparable to white kids (which is hardly any at all). But there are far fewer black and asian children in the country than there are white children.

Unless there is something *very* unusual about the case, killings of *boys* don`t seem to get the same press attention as girls.


RE: Ian Huntley gets 40 years...

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 29th September 2005, 14:18

Unless there is something *very* unusual about the case, killings of *boys* don`t seem to get the same press attention as girls.

Sorry,but unless you can prove that I will assume it`s baseless nonsense. :¦
There was certainly plenty of press coverage for the young boy abducted and killed in Livingston a few weeks back.

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