Info and forum posts by 'Greg WW'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 4th April 2002, 10:58, Last used: Thursday, 4th April 2002, 10:58

Access Level: Competent

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 182 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.02 messages a day, or 0.16 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: So who else has.............

I`m going to...quality film

RE: Best extended edition

Dances with Wolves - An extra 55 minutes makes an already good film into possibly THE best and most human Westerns...fantastic (oh and it hits DVD next month!!!)

RE: EFFING GREAT...I`m being made Redundant!

Nah...I did have a problem about 6 months ago but that got sorted out. The policy at the company is you can use the internet before 9am, after 5.30pm and between 12-2pm for whatever you like (which is when I generally use it). During normal work hours we are supposed to restrict ourselves to using it for work only, but just walking around this place and seeing footy and shopping pages displayed on peoples screens makes you realise that everyone else is abusing the privalage it wasn`t that.

RE: EFFING GREAT...I`m being made Redundant!

Cheers for your words of support everyone.

Already got my fingers in 2 pies but one is back where I used to work (step backwards???) Anyway, got plenty of applications to make so I`ll keep you posted.

Up the WEA!

P.S. Anyone got any jobs going in the South Somerset Area? Something in Purchasing or Contracts.



EFFING GREAT...I`m being made Redundant!

Says it all really.

Therefore, I shall be out of touch with the WEA for an unknown period...damn shame.

RE: My dad, RIP.

My condolences to you and your family, I hope your dad didn`t suffer.


RE: Blair leaves UK undefended against WASPS

Feckin` Traitor!

Greg WW here back on-line after some dust-ups with some local WASP agents. Be careful with your bunker busters Straighty, we don`t want any friendly fire incidents.

Well, I`m off to continue training my elite squad for the feast of WASPS that lie ahead in the coming months.

Up the WEA! Yeehaa!

RE: DVD Soon?

From what I can gather if you make a pre-order from them and don`t f*ck around by making mistakes on your order, just sit back and relax, you will not have any problems. I`ve ordered loads from them (last thing was Roger Rabbit which turned up earlier this week - 2 weeks before release date) and never had a problem...they are also good with customs too, generally marking the goods low value (cost of tangible disc and packaging maybe?)

Also, when something goes wrong I`m convinced people are approaching them to complain by the wrong method.

If they`ve got the stuff instock when u order then they do seem to take their time over things I admit.

RE: War or no war????!!!

I see plenty of Badgers and foxes at the side of the road, they don`t make me puke...why would a cat?

Greg WW

Part-time Waster

RE: War or no war????!!!

"He has already said he`ll attack all our soldiers if we start a war. Can`t take that risk."

Hmmmm, If we had taken that view in 1939, we would all be speaking German and the world would be populated by blond haired, blue eyed, white people.....and thats about it!

We pay our taxes to pay for our Armed Forces to protect our Country against threats from hostile nations. Saddam may not have the capability to send his 2,000 tanks hurtling across the plains of western Europe, through the channel tunnel and on into Britain, but he has the capability of supplying one dirty bomb or one chemical warhead or one biological warhead to any terrorist faction (not necessarily Mr Bin Laden) who can smuggle it across many borders, across the channel into the heart of London, or Bristol, or Birmingham or any other goddamn City, Town or Villiage in this Green and Pleasant Land and detonate it!....Then and only then will 55 million people (discounting the 5 million or so he could kill in London) cry out and scream "Why didn`t the Government do anything about it? You wait and see as people melt from the insides out, maybe your mother or wife or boyfriend....It`s about time this bloody country woke up and smelled their coffee. He doesn`t have the morals like most of us, if he wants to do it he can (and has done on his own people).

Don`t get me wrong, I do not like war as much as anyone else does, but you can`t sit back and hope you are going to be safe in your two up two down semi, with your 2.4 children, dog and VW Golf in the driveway.

The sooner people realise that, the sooner we can all sleep well at night.

RE: War or no war????!!!

War...he`s got the weapons, he`s just keeping them for when the inevitable attack happens.

RE: Marantz SR7300

Hi Lee31

There doesn`t seem to be many people posting on this website at the mo.

I`ve just bought an SR4300 (£320 in Gold) and its a superb machine. The SR7300 is likely to be even better. I run the front two channels through my Stereo Amp (Arcam A85) as I didn`t want degradation of my stereo music (Good though the Marantz is, it can`t even compete at the same level for stereo music, although it is better than most multichannel amps by far). Problem is the remote for the marantz runs on the same frequency as the Arcam, so if I want to turn the film soundtrack up or down I have to get off my lardy arse...thats about it though.

You should be happy with your purchase.

What speakers are you going to run off it?

Aaargh!!!!....the curse of modern houses.

What a complete and utter git!

Three weeks ago I split with my fiancee (which was bad enough) and had to find somewhere to live (it was her house so I got/get nowt!) Having called one of my best mates, he agreed that having lived at his parents since the year dot it would be a good idea if we rented a flat together. After searching we came across a maisonette that overlooked one of our favourite drinking establishments and didn`t have any neighbours (it was built like a brick sh*thouse too). So, I went ahead and bought myself a brand spanking new surround amp and speakers (retail therapy after split and visions of loud special effects etc...nice). Unfortunately we weren`t quick enough getting a deposit so we lost that one. Found a nice two year old apartment a little further away which `seemed` as solid as a rock. Moved in, set everything up...before we even had a fridge...and sat back to enjoy Dog Soldiers. Half an hour later, boom boom from the flat below...bugger. The `retired` couple below can hear everything we do, even if we just walk into the kitchen!, so know I have an expensive set-up that I can`t use above the level of a whisper. Damn timber framed houses...I mean who in their right mind makes a purpose built block of flats without adequate insulation?

Anyone used

If so, what are they like?

This item was edited on Friday, 28th February 2003, 12:32

RE: My Philips 32" widescreen tv "flickers" when there are explosions and flashes......

Hulk Smash!

I know exactly what your problem is as I had the same on two PW6515 (32") that I bought and replaced last year. Try watching Blade at the end when the lightning is whirling around the room etc, it becomes most distracting. The picture momentarily breaks up into black and white "interference" in the middle third of the screen. It happens when there is a very sudden change of brightness and contrast. Philips apparently claim there is nothing wrong with the TV, however, word is there was a bad batch about a year ago that Philips have managed to fix on the production line (this falls into line with your and my time period). I sent mine back to my retailer immediately claiming it was "faulty" because essentially it was. I had a replacement 6515 which did the same so then returned it in favour of a Sony which I am very happy with. I`m not sure whether it can be fixed but you had at least better try. If the problem persists you may get a replacement of the same model (from an obviously newer batch that won`t have the problem) or something else. Its a shame because I loved everything else about the TV, but its impossible to ignore the problem when you have noticed it!

RE: Seperates Home Cinema Advice

Thanks for the advice Westy

In the end I plumped for the SR4300 with a KEF Cresta C (£59.99) and a pair of Mission 77DS rears (£99.99) now hanging proudly behind my seating position. I have to say that when I first spun AOTC I was blown away!. Even listening to something like War of the Worlds through Dolby PLII sounds fantastic. Unfortunately I can`t put in a centre rear as I have a galley kitchen behind me with an entranceway and knowwhere to put another speaker. 5.1 will have to do until I move I guess.

The only niggle I`ve got is the Marantz and the Arcam both run off the same frequency with the remote, so if I use the volume on the Marantz, the Arcam volume goes up too! (which isn`t good because the volume for the fronts should be control by the pre-out gain from the marantz, the Arcam Master volume remaining constant) Also, If I just want to listen to plain old stereo I can`t just turn the Arcam on from Standby because the Marantz comes on too! Does anyone know if you can get the frequencies changed? (Unlikely)...oh and before anyone says it, yes I am a lardarse and I can`t be bothered to do the thing manually!!! :)



RE: Dances With Wolves 3 Disc, 236 min Extended Cut is here in may!!!!!!!!!

I have it on good ol VHS and the extra footage completes the story no end. What was already a very good (if long) movie is now an excellent telling of the "native american story" and a wonderous piece of filmmaking with loose ends tied up. I for one shall be updating to DVD.

Do YOU know this movie?

My mate at work wants to know the name of a movie from the mid-eighties about a bunch of Marines in helicopters that go through a Bermuda Triangle type thing and end up in ancient china or somewhere fighting a load of Samurai type dudes.......Any ideas?

Seperates Home Cinema Advice


I`m upgrading my current Stereo Hifi to have Surround Sound

My Current system is:

TV: Sony KV32LS35
Amp: Arcan A85 biwired to...
Speakers: KEF Q35.2`s

I am going to keep the Stereo circuit "Pure" by using the Pre-outs of a Surround Amp and plugging them into the Arcam for the fronts, but I need some advice on matching equipment.

In terms of Amps:

I like the look of the Marantz SR4300 and the Sony STRDB-1080 but which one would sonud best with the Arcam (I suspect the Marantz would becuase its more musical)

In terms of Speakers:

I would like to keep to KEF products, either the Cresta series Centre and Cresta 1 (both cheap) or maybe the older versions of the Q85 Centre and Q95 Surrounds. However, these are ageing and I`m not sure they would go well with the "newer" electronics. I like the idea of the 77DS Mission surrounds but I wouldn`t know what Centre speaker to match them with...

...any Ideas????


RE: Micheal Jackson documentary- Your Views

I agree, so he has a different outlook on life to the majority of us...he shouldn`t be villified for it. It is a shame, but I don`t believe he means any harm to anybody, quite the opposite.

RE: Help? What is advantage of Region1 DVDs?

Also, If you are thinking of getting out of this godforsaken country to go to Canada (like me) you don`t have to replace your entire collection (only the R2 ones!)

RE: Has anybody on here Emigrated/or thinking about Emigrating?

Yes, I am researching at the moment. You`ve got to score 75 points. Unfortunately I only score over 75 if i`ve got a validated job offer (chicken and the egg?) Anyway, the other arf scores over 75 without a job offer (better education and work experience!!!), so she could be the principal applicant...unfortunately I`m having a real job convincing her that we would have a much better quality of life, etc. So, I need info from the coal face to re-assure her. The way I see it:

Better Education system (for kids)
Better Healthcare (with Medicare)
Better job prospects (and slightly higher salary)
More space
Cheaper Housing (4 Bedroom, double garage in Calgary = £75,000)
I wanna big truck!
Cheaper cost of living in general (prices about 2/3 of UK)
Better weather (especially because I love skiing) and its hot in summer too!
Cheaper DVD`s

Mind you the Wasp situation does require more detailed research!!!

This item was edited on Thursday, 23rd January 2003, 12:24

Has anybody on here Emigrated/or thinking about Emigrating?

Hi all

Remember my (very long) thread last year about "There must be more to life than this?"? Has anybody here left the UK to seek pastures new? (Or in the process) I was looking at Canada.

If anyone has, got any tips?

RE: DVD Soon?? Double Discs? Any Good?

Been using them for 6 months - NEVER had a problem (although now I`ve said it I probably will). I think they specifically say not to e-mail them except via the website.



Nooooooooo....don`t do it!

RE: Large, Heavy, Diesel Mondeo, beats small, p*** quick Honda Civic up the motorway!!

Well done Westy! Maybe the prick in the Civic wont challenge anyone else, perhaps in a built up area containing schools.

RE: Isn`t it about time the `Lets write a story` thread closed?

Ah Martymcfly, you have proved yourself to be an inferior foe from your first `shot across the bow` by resorting to name calling and profanity. I`m surprised you were able to reply at that time but then again playschool does finish a lot earlier these days. :)