Page 1 of Anyone used

Retailer Reviews Forum

Anyone used

Greg WW (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 26th February 2003, 16:27

If so, what are they like?

This item was edited on Friday, 28th February 2003, 12:32

RE: Anyone used

smage (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 22nd March 2003, 12:37

Ordered Star Wars trilogy from them a couple of weeks back. Obviously they are non-genuine but, it`s so much hassle to get the old laserdiscs out, I thought it was worth the $36 and gave them a go.

The discs arrived yesterday (from Malaysia) and the quality isn`t bad at all. They even have DTS 5.1 audio. Shame they`re the spec.eds. and not the originals though.

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