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Has anybody on here Emigrated/or thinking about Emigrating?

Greg WW (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 23rd January 2003, 08:28

Hi all

Remember my (very long) thread last year about "There must be more to life than this?"? Has anybody here left the UK to seek pastures new? (Or in the process) I was looking at Canada.

If anyone has, got any tips?

RE: Has anybody on here Emigrated/or thinking about Emigrating?

handsome.b.wonderful (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd January 2003, 08:41

I moved to Madrid for a year (not sure if you`d call this emigrating) but my advice is:

• Learn the language - though I hear Canadanese is pretty easy to pick
• Try and have a job, or at the very least, a few job interviews set up for when you arrive
• Find your own place to live. If you`re initially going to be staying with friends/family, don`t outstay your welcome - visitors are like fish, they start to smell after 3 days
• Make sure to bring enough dosh to last at least a couple of months should things go tits up jobwise
• Immerse yourself in the culture as much as possible
• Buy as many cheap Canadian dvds as possible
• Don`t forgot to have a good time

This item was edited on Thursday, 23rd January 2003, 08:42

RE: Has anybody on here Emigrated/or thinking about Emigrating?

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd January 2003, 10:42

Yeah, US or Canada for me. I want my tax dollars to pay for stealth bombers and cruise missiles.

Canada has a "points" system for immigration - have you researched this?

RE: Has anybody on here Emigrated/or thinking about Emigrating?

straightjacket (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd January 2003, 11:09

Wherever you decide on I`d check out the w*sp situation first Greg!

RE: Has anybody on here Emigrated/or thinking about Emigrating?

Telboy10 (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 23rd January 2003, 11:23

If the Canadian "points" system for immigration is the same as the UK`s then your in - just claim asylum.

RE: Has anybody on here Emigrated/or thinking about Emigrating?

Greg WW (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 23rd January 2003, 12:23

Yes, I am researching at the moment. You`ve got to score 75 points. Unfortunately I only score over 75 if i`ve got a validated job offer (chicken and the egg?) Anyway, the other arf scores over 75 without a job offer (better education and work experience!!!), so she could be the principal applicant...unfortunately I`m having a real job convincing her that we would have a much better quality of life, etc. So, I need info from the coal face to re-assure her. The way I see it:

Better Education system (for kids)
Better Healthcare (with Medicare)
Better job prospects (and slightly higher salary)
More space
Cheaper Housing (4 Bedroom, double garage in Calgary = £75,000)
I wanna big truck!
Cheaper cost of living in general (prices about 2/3 of UK)
Better weather (especially because I love skiing) and its hot in summer too!
Cheaper DVD`s

Mind you the Wasp situation does require more detailed research!!!

This item was edited on Thursday, 23rd January 2003, 12:24

RE: Has anybody on here Emigrated/or thinking about Emigrating?

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd January 2003, 16:53

She needs convincing?! Yeah, that is a problem with the job, lucky for the missus though.

I`d agree with everything you`ve said there. Quality of life *is* better.

I`d disagree on the healthcare - as I understand, you can`t go private. On the other hand I`d rather there than the NHS here. And apparently, its better out West, and in places like Toronto and Vancouver.

You can get a farmhouse with acres of land in Quebec for £50,000, 1 hour from Montreal and the US border.

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