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War or no war????!!!

bous (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 12th March 2003, 20:34


I say no war - maybe cos i`m a bit biased cos my dad is from Iraq - but its all BS anyways. No need for it.

RE: War or no war????!!!

moorsman (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 13th March 2003, 00:17

I fear as we all know it was decided long ago and the US and Uk don`t give a stuff about the UN and international law if it doesn`t aggree with them.
I feel ashamed to call myself British.
Tony Blair who claims to be a Christian must have already decided he doesn`t mind his soul burning in hell because thats where its going.
This is adreadful mistake for all of mankinds future and I hope and pray it doesn`t lead to much much worse !!!!!!! But it will.
Wrong , Wrong Wrong and immoral.
No War please.

In hope, Mark.

RE: War or no war????!!!

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 13th March 2003, 11:53

Thanks for the unbiased calm remarks. Duly noted and ignored.

Absolute B*stard

RE: War or no war????!!!

Greg WW (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 13th March 2003, 12:09

War...he`s got the weapons, he`s just keeping them for when the inevitable attack happens.

RE: War or no war????!!!

sparkster (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 13th March 2003, 12:16

I am totally against the war. I think if pressure is put onto Iraq by even more countries than he will be forced to comply eventually.

It is going to cause more trouble we go in and attack.

Look at it this way. If you see a fight in the street with someone os holding a knife you don`t go in and join in to try and break it up. You may negotiate with the person to drop the weapon. He may not do it, but less people will get hurt.

RE: War or no war????!!!

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 13th March 2003, 13:36

And pearl harbour was like smashing the guy in the face before he`s finished his drink, right?

Please, don`t try and reduce operational military strategy to the techniques of a hooligan brawl.

I`d say the guy with the knife would not listen to you and stick the knife in your throat, before kicking you until you bleed to death.
Absolute B*stard

RE: War or no war????!!!

Hodge (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 13th March 2003, 13:39

"Please, don`t try and reduce operational military strategy to the techniques of a hooligan brawl."

That`s pretty much what operational military strategy is though... a hooligan brawl, with guns. And technology.


"The earth is not dying, it is being killed, and those who are killing it have
names and addresses"

This item was edited on Thursday, 13th March 2003, 13:40

RE: War or no war????!!!

Pistol (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 13th March 2003, 13:45

"he`s got the weapons, he`s just keeping them for when the inevitable attack happens."

Yes, we know about Grunt Boy, but what about Saddam!


It`s going to happen, I just hope it all goes well and not too many people die (Iraqis included - and Americans). There are always valid objections to war, and maybe this one shouldn`t have been started, but now it seems to have escalated this far we may just have to grit our teeth and accept that it`s time to finish what should have been done last time round.

Hopefully it will be done and democracy restored to Iraq in a manner that won`t incite WW3, and we can all have a peaceful world with fluffy bunny rabbits and lions lying down with bears etc etc.

Unfortunately Saddam simply isn`t compatible with bunny rabbits so he has to go really.

RE: War or no war????!!!

sparkster (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 13th March 2003, 13:45

Grunt boy, the point I was making is that Saddam is far more likely to use his weapons if we do attack. He has already said he`ll attack all our soldiers if we start a war. Can`t take that risk.
WWW: -

This item was edited on Thursday, 13th March 2003, 13:45

RE: War or no war????!!!

Greg WW (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 13th March 2003, 14:03

"He has already said he`ll attack all our soldiers if we start a war. Can`t take that risk."

Hmmmm, If we had taken that view in 1939, we would all be speaking German and the world would be populated by blond haired, blue eyed, white people.....and thats about it!

We pay our taxes to pay for our Armed Forces to protect our Country against threats from hostile nations. Saddam may not have the capability to send his 2,000 tanks hurtling across the plains of western Europe, through the channel tunnel and on into Britain, but he has the capability of supplying one dirty bomb or one chemical warhead or one biological warhead to any terrorist faction (not necessarily Mr Bin Laden) who can smuggle it across many borders, across the channel into the heart of London, or Bristol, or Birmingham or any other goddamn City, Town or Villiage in this Green and Pleasant Land and detonate it!....Then and only then will 55 million people (discounting the 5 million or so he could kill in London) cry out and scream "Why didn`t the Government do anything about it? You wait and see as people melt from the insides out, maybe your mother or wife or boyfriend....It`s about time this bloody country woke up and smelled their coffee. He doesn`t have the morals like most of us, if he wants to do it he can (and has done on his own people).

Don`t get me wrong, I do not like war as much as anyone else does, but you can`t sit back and hope you are going to be safe in your two up two down semi, with your 2.4 children, dog and VW Golf in the driveway.

The sooner people realise that, the sooner we can all sleep well at night.

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