Info and forum posts by 'davros'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 21st January 2002, 21:45, Last used: Monday, 21st January 2002, 21:45

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 54 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.05 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: elm street box set (R1)

I have the sc2000 and the r1 box set and i have had no probs- what firmware are u running on your machine?

the r2 set of films was insulting- the r1 shows what a box set should contain.


RE: Problem with Scan - can anybody help?

Nelley-steve here.

mail me at reniramtsafleb[at]ku.oc.oohay asap please.

Sorry for interupting thread


RE: For Wes Craven fans...

good soundtrack though

On line Brazilian Dvd retailers..................

Looking for online brazilian dvd retailers.

Only one i have found that i can translate is

Any ideas?


RE: They live?

Yeah it is called they live- its an old john carpenter film starring ex wwf wrestler Rowdy roddy piper!!

Its available at - although it is currently out of stock.

Hope that helps


RE: Sopranos

I got my sopranos season 3 region 1 from this morning.

£44.00 and customs didnt touch it -Bargain!

Had the region 4 versions but sold them and bought them all on region1 - big difference!


RE: The ** FUTURE ** has arrived !!!!!

Mine arrived from ezydvd this morning - have suffered my first problem with buying discs from abroad online though.

Got two copies of BTTF part 2 and no part 3- have emailed them concerning this.

Anyone else suffered from this packing blunder?


RE: lost film?

The film is called Creepshow.

I have had this since i was a kid- great stuff!


RE: Madness ?

Hey Daz- stop yer complaining and get your order in to replace your Escape from new york while you are at it.

Also- place an order for apollo13 and time machine 2002 -

Just kiddin


RE: Is the AV sender on today any good?


I have been emailing you for days - could you give me a shout please


RE: iron maiden rock in rio dvd R2 dts problem!!!

I have the disc also.

Couple of things worth noting, because of the way the dics has been mixed, the 3 guitars are designated to front, right and adrian in the middle. Steve and Bruce have been mixed through the 2 fronts it would seem. Bruce and Steve are low in the mix (esp bruce) .would suggest bringing centre speaker down to 1 or 2 and bring the rears down about half way.

Try that and see if it helps, if there is no bass whatsoever, get the disc back to the retail emporium from whence you bought it and demand an exchange.


RE: family guy

Know what you mean m8, mine too.

Dunno im still looking for release info.


RE: Who else is glad the Irish have lost?

Sorry if my comments might have offended you, perhaps i should make myself clear.

I dont think that all England supporters are troublemakers/scum, but there is a consistent trend with trouble making england supporters when they are away from home. If you need any evidence look at media reports from the last ten years. The people that cause the trouble are scum and there would appear to be a great number of troublemakers so draw your own conclusions.

My comments were in response to an accusation from another thread contributor who was trying to label the irish fans as troublemakers and this is simply ridiculous.

"People like you end up getting other people killed" -how?

I have stated facts -England trouble makers are more likely to get people killed while they are running amock through cities causing hassle - my comments are facts and are not designed to cause aggro.

Deal with it

This item was edited on Thursday, 20th June 2002, 21:10

RE: Who else is glad the Irish have lost?

You are entitled to your opinion as am i, England supperters cause trouble -Fact! - wanna dispute it or ignore it -thats ok with me. I AM NOT FRUSTRATED WITH IRELANDS POSITION -I AM PROUD.

You just keep on worrying about Beckams foot m8 cos this time tomorow you will be worrying no more as your team will be on their way home.

I am going to avoid getting into this my team is better than yours bullshit, but i will say this. I wanted to see both teams do well. I feel Ireland have played better then england SO FAR!.

They have showed more spirit and hunger than England and have done more than anyone expected. Of course the england side is going to be a more technical side- you hae a bigger population to choose players from and English football will always be more prestigious than Domestic Irish football.

I would like to see England win tomorrow as i dont share the same opinion as you in that they are a foreign team and deserve no interest.

As for the irish fans causing you trauma -- personally i think that is terrible but when compared to the behaviour of English fans over the last 10 years -nothing you say can take away from the fact that a great number of England supporters are scum and cant behave themselves
away from home.

I wish England luck tomorrow but feel the cokmments you have made are unjustified and border on ridiculous.

RE: Computers at Tesco

I decided to take a chance with time and bought their package for £699
3 months ago.

The reason i bought from them was simply for the hardware - i couldent build the same spec pc for the same money. As soon as i got it i took all their crap off, took xp off, formatted the drive, removed their recovery partition and i have had no problems whatsoever.

Machine is damn fast and build quality is also very good. I used to build pc`s and really cant fault it.

I knew all about their reputation but took a risk and so far it has paid off.

Just my tuppence worth

RE: Who else is glad the Irish have lost?

"I also think alot of people forget the ordeals that took place in the wake of our friendly defeat to them some years back. The Irish fans went around London rioting, showing they couldn`t give a **** about England & their supporters, but only getting one over on their superior rivals."

I would say you have some cheek accusing irish football fans of trouble.

England supporters have the worst reputation in the world for being assholes .Lets see how you behave when your less than average team get booted out by Brazil

Ireland have outplayed England in every match thus far. More spirit, more determination and less bullshit.

Cheeky bastard.

Wise up

RE: Who else is glad the Irish have lost?

Well the proof will be on Friday after England will have been slaughtered by Brazil.

Ireland have been a brilliant side during this world cup -played a lot of good football and have done a lot better than other sides with a similar population. Even after such a dissapointing defeat yesterday, not one fan was arrested for causing trouble.

We can all look forward to the down trodden englands supporters running amock after their team have been hammered- causing as much trouble as ever and ruining their own already poor reputations.

Personally i would have liked Ireland to have reached the quarters and I would also like to see England do well .

Would this thread have ever been created if England had been put out already?

I think not.

This item was edited on Monday, 17th June 2002, 15:27

RE: First on-line review of Yamaha DSPAX630SE

Thats it, Im trading in my 620 for the 630 and buying a gamecube.


RE: is dts a lot better than ggood old dolby digital

There is no comparison. DTS is the king!.

If you need any convincing -go and watch the fast and furious in DD 5.1 and then watch it in DTS. It may be a s***e film, but it is worth buying for the DTS score.

This is pretty much the same with most discs with both DTS AND DD -you will find DTS the superior choice nearly every time. DD 5.1 is good, but too mush emphasis is put on the big impact sound, whereas with DTS you get real depth, crispness and impact where required.

Just my opinion


RE: Music recommendations required...

First off i recommend anything by iron maiden, other good stuff to check out is jimmy eat worlds latest album -good stuff indeed.


RE: Got my new Yamaha 630


Where did you get one for £200????????????????????


RE: Got my new Yamaha 630

Congrats on the purchase,

I bought my 620 a few months back and i am seriously considering upgrading to the 630.

Could you outline the advantages and performance comared to the 620, after you have had a while to test it out?


RE: Iron Maiden: Rock In Rio.

Good idea,

I would do but I am in Belfast and i dont believe there are any branches here unfortunately.

Im raging as it looks like the dvd is being held back until july now!!!!




Looking for a new monitor as my old one looks like s*** when gaming
Got £300 to spend and would prefer a flatscreen with a high resolution --1600 by 1200 for example,to show off my geoforce 4-Something to add real defenition to playing games.

Any ideas -- where i can get one at a good price on line ?
What do you recommend?


This item was edited on Wednesday, 22nd May 2002, 21:43

RE: Iron Maiden: Rock In Rio.

Lucky Sod ..

I have had mine preordered for months, just back from seeing them at Brixton.

Have been collecting Maiden stuff for years and have spent over £100 on maiden merchandise this week.

Would be really interested in purchasing some authographed stuff from you if you can aquire it.

Got a contact address for sanctuary?


RE: Ferrari aren`t doing themselves ANY favours!!

I dont know why everyone is so suprised by ferraris decision yesterday.
I have been a f1 fan for 10 years and i have seen the FIA bow down to ferrari time and time again over the years.

The reason for this?

Ferrari make F1 alot of money, it is the biggest team in terms of fans and because it generates so much revenue anually, the powers that be dont want to rock the boat. Ecclestone is frequently asked before a race who he wants to see win-his answer... "I dont care as long as it is ferrari".

How many times have we seen ferrari getting away with things other teams are pernalised for.......

Silverstone..schumacher won in the pits
Jerez ..Schumacher tried to drive over villeneuve to win the championship
Irvines car in susuka..when his car was disqualifed for being outside the regulations
The list goes on....

Ferraris tactics reflect a team that is built around 1 driver and to a certain degree i can see the reasons for this but its not like they have anything to prove. They have won the last two championships and their car has been dominating f1 for the past year. The ferrari is the most reliable car on the grid and it has overall advantages compared to other team

Frank williams and Ron dennis are as passionate about the WDC but will always allow their drivers to race untill one team mate is mathematically
out of the race for the championship. Ferarri are only interested in revenue and dont want anyone elses name on the title but Schumachers.

Personally I hate Ferrari, I always have, not because of their drivers or their tactics but because they are under the impression that the rules do not apply to them and to a certain degree see themselves as untouchable due to the ass kissing they receive at the hands of the regulators in F1.

It is well overdue that ax Mosely and the rest of the beuracrats form a rule book, one where there is no room for interpretation and the rules are straight forward.

Formula one is about technology and shouldent be allowed to be associated with the bullshit that we all witnessed yesterday. I do feel Ferrari will look at themselves after yesterday and make ammends...but it is too late as any decision will be based on the fans reaction and not what they should have done morally. Rubens needs a to form a back bone and demand the right to race. Not even a two year contract is worth it..cos lets face it Rubens` contract is a contract to come second.

Dont be fooled by Schumachers bullshit yesterday.... he has no regrets, he was behind the wheel and did not have to take the win. The only reason we saw him acting like the gentleman yesterday is due to the booing and yelling he received.

Hopefully yesterdays farce will be the last of it, Formula one dosent need to be associated with race fixing and as far as i am concerned cheating.

Steve (xeno)

RE: DUP DVD software

I have a fully registered version of this software too -- it creates the images no problem. When it goes to write it just sits there and does nothing. It recgonizes the writer but will not write.

Any ideas?

RE: Did I make a good or bad decision.

Know what you mean Pete

So it sounds like a good buy then?

I am happy anyway -but as always the proof is in the puddin!

Should be here in a day or two so i will know then.

Steve (xeno) (davros)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 1st May 2002, 10:40

Did I make a good or bad decision.

I have bought alot of home cinema gear so far this year and have been recently looking for a good tv.

I asked the guy i buy from to keep his ears open for a good 32" philips or panasonic. When he called back he offered me a philips 5407 32" widescreen for £470.

Is this a good buy?

