Page 1 of The ** FUTURE ** has arrived !!!!!

DVDs & Films Forum

The ** FUTURE ** has arrived !!!!!

foxmeister (Competent) posted this on Monday, 19th August 2002, 10:26

I`m thrilled to report that my region 4 Back To The Future box set from CD WOW has just landed on the doormat, and what a quality looking set it is, not flimsy by any means (and it says limited edition on the cover !!).
Also just to clarify for everybody it does say region 2 and 4 on the back cover.
Hope everyone gets theirs soon, enjoyyyy !!!!!

RE: The ** FUTURE ** has arrived !!!!!

General Thade (Competent) posted this on Monday, 19th August 2002, 10:52


Mine arrived too!

RE: The ** FUTURE ** has arrived !!!!!

handsome.b.wonderful (Elite) posted this on Monday, 19th August 2002, 12:02

...just ordered mine from ezydvd in Oz - fingers crossed it`ll be here in a few days. Does anyone know why the Region 1 and 2 versions won`t be available until December?

RE: The ** FUTURE ** has arrived !!!!!

Bill Carr (Elite) posted this on Monday, 19th August 2002, 12:13

"Does anyone know why the Region 1 and 2 versions won`t be available until December?"

Extra extra features. More commentaries, and more features for the latter two fillms.


RE: The ** FUTURE ** has arrived !!!!!

duder (Elite) posted this on Monday, 19th August 2002, 13:14

"Flux capacitor - fluxing"

A good reason to leave work early today!!

RE: The ** FUTURE ** has arrived !!!!!

Rich Davies (Competent) posted this on Monday, 19th August 2002, 13:33

Mine arrived today as well... I think I`m going to have to take the rest of the afternoon off!!

RE: The ** FUTURE ** has arrived !!!!!

clayts (Elite) posted this on Monday, 19th August 2002, 18:40

(sigh)...adds to mountainous stack of other unwatched box sets :-)

Glad it arrived early though :-)

RE: The ** FUTURE ** has arrived !!!!!

Stewart McWilliam (Competent) posted this on Monday, 19th August 2002, 22:09

So is the region 2 and 1 going to be the same now??

Except the box?

RE: The ** FUTURE ** has arrived !!!!!

hermy (Competent) posted this on Monday, 19th August 2002, 23:57

I got mine today too and at £6 a movie(its £17.99 at CDwow) its a great price,I do like extra features but I would not pay an extra 7-8 pound just for some more because be honest how many of you will watch the extras more than once,Ive still got movies where Ive not listened to the commentaries or watched all the extras yet.It says region 2 & 4 on back so if my girlfriend got this for her son it should work fine on his R2 player(id take mine round to test it but I know id never get it back,Im still waiting for my 6 sense DVD I lent her 8 months ago)

RE: The ** FUTURE ** has arrived !!!!!

davros (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 20th August 2002, 00:09

Mine arrived from ezydvd this morning - have suffered my first problem with buying discs from abroad online though.

Got two copies of BTTF part 2 and no part 3- have emailed them concerning this.

Anyone else suffered from this packing blunder?


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