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DVDs & Films Forum

family guy

Graham Patrick (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 27th June 2002, 15:16

anyone know if there`s a release date for season 2? my season one discs are gonna be worn out soon!

RE: family guy

davros (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 27th June 2002, 18:27

Know what you mean m8, mine too.

Dunno im still looking for release info.


RE: family guy

Hulk Smash! (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 30th June 2002, 11:24

Yeah - "Family Guy" is fantastic - on a par with "The Simpsons"! I`ve heard they have stopped making it now though (sob....) - but there is/was a petition to keep it going.

Baby Stewy is one of the all-time great comedy characters - HE RULES!!

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