Info and forum posts by 'Big P22'

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Joined on: Sunday, 13th January 2002, 18:07, Last used: Sunday, 15th January 2006, 15:22

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This user has posted a total of 50 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.04 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Medion 17" TFT at Somerfield for £150

Saw this on the shelf today, though didn`t get the spec. If anybody else has seen, can they advise if it is a good buy.


Aladdin in Asda

Asda Livingston had the 2 disc Disney Aladdin for £5.97 last night.

RE: want to buy a 4gb ipod.. but where shall i buy from.?

If you are struggling to get an Ipod, why not go for a Creative Zen Micro. It has 5GB capacity, and looks to be a better machine. My brother has one and having a had trial I would definitely recommend.

Is this a bargain on Smallville

Play have Smallville Season 2 for £41.99 or Season 2 (Promotion Edition) for £34.99. The special features look the same. What is the difference?

RE: Freeview Box

Thanks Rob, had a look and am quite impressed.

Freeview Box

Mother in law wants a Freeview Box. What would people recommend? I have the Panasonic, but that only has 1 Scart socket. This is fine for me as I don`t record from the TV, but she does quite a bit. I was quite impressed with a Samsung that my brother has.

Any opinions welcome.

RE: Plasma or LCD

Thanks for the help. Just before I buy, are the prices due to decrease dramatically within the next 6-12 months? I have noticed that the high street retailers are carrying more stock of both Plasma and LCDs, which generally means that they are due for a price drop.

Plasma or LCD

I am thinking about getting a new TV. I have about £5000 that I could spend, but don`t want to if I don`t need to. I personally prefer the image on a Plasma screen to that of an LCD. The trouble is I seem to remember reading that the lifespan of a Plasma wasn`t particularly great(something like 10000 hours). Could somebody comment on this please? I asked the guy in my local Panasonic shop, and he said that the 10000 hours was rubbish. He said that it was more like 35000 hours.

I would also appreciate opinions of models available, I have only really seen the Panasonic ones, and a Daewoo at £2500 in Dixons which looked pretty good. I am tempted by the Panasonic 5 year guarantee that is thrown in, but am sure that I could get the TV cheaper elsewhere. Am I correct in my opinion that Plasma produces a more pleasing image on the eye than LCD, or is it just that the display models I have seen haven`t had anything better than a common aerial attached?


RE: Pacific 1002 problem

I have this Player and had the same problem. Try going into the setup and changing the TV type to NTSC. I did it and expected the TV to throw a wobbly, but to my surprise it cured the problem!

RE: ASDA Guarantee

I was in Asda yesterday and there was a sign up in the electrical department that said something along the lines of:

"All our electrical products come with a 1 year guarantee"

It`s a pity as I think that the inclusion of the 3 year guarantee got them quite a few sales.


RE: Pacific 1002

What version of Nero were you using. Would it make a difference if I upgraded to Nero V6?


RE: Pacific 1002

I do use NERO. Version


RE: Pacific 1002

Yes that seemed to solve the problem. It does seem strange though, as I have all the Season 2 mpegs written as SVCDs, and they all play without a problem.


RE: New TV

Thanks Chris,

Information is very helpful.


Dec 2000-t

Looking at getting a free view box and saw that this allows you to connect it to your PC and record onto your hard drive. What sort of quality is the footage?


RE: New TV

I have decided that I am going to spend more on the TV, may as well get something I am happy with. No specific budget (although no more than £600).

I want a 28" Pure Flatscreen 100Hz. What would you recommend and where from? Saw the Panasonic TX28PS12C for £500 at a fe online retailers. Any thoughts on this?


This item was edited on Tuesday, 28th October 2003, 18:55

RE: New TV

Ideally between £300 and £350.


New TV

I am looking to buy a widescreen TV for my bedroom so 28" will be fine. I want a flatscreen CRT. Any suggestions on what I should go for.


Pacific 1002

I have had no problems up until now with this machine. I have downloaded a couple of Smallville SVCD`s. I think that these are encoded as NTSC, although no NTSC DVD`s I have caused problems. When I put the Smallville SVCD in and it starts the display is all blocky and the colours go all funny. If you fast forward and then hit play the picture is perfect. I have downloaded the first three episodes. 1 and 3 suffer from this problem, whereas 2 doesn`t. Is it the way that the MPEG has been encoded?


RE: TiVO for 99pound....

Not really that interested in having to pay the monthly fee of £10 or £199 for lifetime. Can you buy and not subscribe and just use it as a HDD recorder, with a basic timer of a VCR. If not is there something on the market that allows this. I really fancy a DVD recorder with built in VCR, but still think they are too pricey for the amount of times that I would use the record function.


RE: Hum from Digitheatre DTS

The power lead can`t be disconnected from the subwoofer. The cable to the centre speaker can`t be cut any as it is not standard speaker cable it also carries the control signals to the subwoofer. All other speaker cable is just the right length.


RE: Hum from Digitheatre DTS

The hum is coming from all of the speakers including, the centre and the subwoofer. There is no way I could change wiring for these, as I could for the rest, so I think that it must be mains hum. Can I buy anything to combat this, and if so where is it available and how much does it cost?


Hum from Digitheatre DTS

I am getting some hum from my Digitheatre DTS. I was wondering if anybody could suggest anything to reduce this. I have tried having only it plugged in to the wall and the hum is still present. It is quite annoying so I would really like to reduce it, if I can`t remove it completely.


RE: DVD -R or DVD +R

Not sure if this is correct but somebody told me that DVD+R isn`t acknowledged by the DVD Forum, but DVD-R is. Is this correct?

If so does this have any effect in reality?

What about DVD-RAM? From what I have seen it is only Panasonic who seem to support this and the disks are really expensive. However the +RW and -RW are only 1000 times rewritable compared to RAM`s which are 1 000 000 times rewritable. It looks a good format but will it be killed off by the lack of support from other manufacturers?


LG RZ-17LZ10 LCD Television

I am looking at getting an LCD TV for the bedroom. I have seen the LG model named in the heading and was wondering what people thought about it. I will be using it for TV and DVD playback. I had a look on the LG website but it wasn`t listed there.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Road To Perdition

I was in MVC today and saw a Road To Perdition Box Set which had an MVC exclusive label on it. Can anybody tell me what you actually get with this as the box didn`t. It is almost identical to the normal version, with the eaception that under the special feautures the audio commentary with Sam Mendes isn`t listed for the box set. Could someone shed some light on this please?


Panasonic E30 Recorder

A friend of mine has one of these and was saying that it won`t play SVCD`s. He has the same problem with his Panasonic player (not sure of the model). Is there any way to upgrade the firmware on these machines to allow SVCD playback?


RE: V.Cheap DVD Multiregion and Macrovison Free

You can find a lot of info at and select AD1100WB


Samsung DVD-R3000

Is this recorder any good? have it for £499.00. I checked and it was over £800. It does DVD-RAM which I like the idea of. How does it compare to the Panasonic EM30 (think that is correct model no)?


RE: Karate Kid Trilogy £9.99

Bought a set in Asda a couple of weeks ago for £12.99
