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Freeview Box

Big P22 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 21st January 2004, 11:11

Mother in law wants a Freeview Box. What would people recommend? I have the Panasonic, but that only has 1 Scart socket. This is fine for me as I don`t record from the TV, but she does quite a bit. I was quite impressed with a Samsung that my brother has.

Any opinions welcome.

RE: Freeview Box

Butterfield8 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 21st January 2004, 14:46

Myself and her indoors were bought the Sony by her Mum.

It was bought due to me positng on here, in this forum if I remember rightly, and the advice I received.....and that advice was right! It`s a top box, really easy to set up and navigate through the menus......

I must admit that I can`t remember off the top of my head if it has 2 scarts but I`ll check this evening and let you know...

Just had a look on the net - 2 scarts (1 Supplied) part no: VTXD800U

Take a look - it`s a lovely little beast!


RE: Freeview Box

Big P22 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 21st January 2004, 14:50

Thanks Rob, had a look and am quite impressed.

RE: Freeview Box

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 21st January 2004, 17:05

The Sony is the dog`s bollocks BUT if you don`t have the budget (£90+) then my mate, who owns a Sony,swears blind a Goodmans box (£60?) was able to get channels his Sony couldn`t in a side-by-side test at his mother-in-laws.
In fact he said the Goodmans worked fine using the worst indoor aerial you could imagine apparently,whereas the Sony just wouldn`t.
If signal isn`t an issue it`s got to be the Sony.
It`s luuuuuverly

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