Info and forum posts by 'uk_bas'

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Joined on: Monday, 10th July 2000, 13:06, Last used: Monday, 10th July 2000, 13:06

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This user has posted a total of 38 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Wharfedale 28

does it have audio outputs? the last model didn`t, wondered what the connections were.

RE: Wharfedale 750, MP3s and CD-RWs ???

It can read CDR`s and CDRW, allowing you to do CD `backups` and play VCD/SVCD`s.

Don`t know about the 750s though.

Div-Ex to VCD???

Anyone know how to convert a Dix-Ex format video to VCD? Or if not VCD, some format compatible with the Wharfy 750.

This is just in theory of course...

RE: Wharfy 750 region 2 reset

thanks for the reply, apparently some people have had some trouble getting it to work though...

Also, a guy on DVDTimes forum says he got the Patriot to play on his 750 no problems...

Any other wharfy guys out there got/ordered the patriot? need to find out the truth here, I`m getting so confused by these conflicting reports!!!

RE: Which Scart ?

on off would be cool, plus any other options you can find!!


RE: Wharfedale 750 reset

cheers pal, no RCE worries for me then if they put it on R2.

Actually, if they did do that I suppose I could take it back to Tescos if the disks don`t play - they won`t know about the reset!!!

RE: Which Scart ?

(Answer to steve)

I actually have an S-Video lead for my PSX, which is better than the standard composite Scart (but not RGB), so I use this.

You can only get these in the states though...

otherwise, scarts 2&3 will be no different, your choice.

Great TV though ain`t it! The picture resize options are great.

Can you tell me where the subwoofer options are in the menu though? I still can`t find em.... where is that manual!!!

Wharfedale 750 reset

To avoid any potential RCE problems on R2, does anyone know a way to reset this player back to region 2 only????


RE: Which Scart ?

YES - switch to Scart 1! I have exactly the same setup, the other 2 only offer composite/svideo.

RGB is MUCH better!!! the only bummer is my playstation has to go into a composite scart... Boo hoo!

RE: Wharfy 750 region 2 reset

sorry, this is for the 750s....

anything for the old 750??

Wharfy 750 region 2 reset

I know this should be in a hack forum, but what with the RCE developments....

Anyone know how to factory reset it to Region 2???


RE: What Wharfdale have I got ???

definately an updated 750. That`s what I got when I swapped mine before the 750s hit town.

RE: Wharfedale 750s S-Video Problem

yeah, it`s a wierd one. I`ve always thought RGB looks crisper and has better colour definition, especially as you can almost eliminate `red bleed`

RE: I ordered the Mico on 10 Oct.

wharfedale kicks ass carrot!!!

better than a flakey yelo....

RE: Are artifacts to be expected @ < £200?

Same here. My updated Wharf (not the s) has no obvious problems, artifacts have never been an issue & layer changes are spot on.

My mate`s Sony & JVC (both £400 players) have worse layer changes!

RE: Widescreen Question?

yup. This tends to happen on 4:3 tv`s as well, if you use the 16:9 squish mode. My 14" portable Sony is about 3/4 of an inch over to the right - very irritating.

Unfortunately the TV guys insist on having pants geometry. All the screen size/tilt options should be available on a service remote, but they don`t include the menu access on standard ones...

Try to find a friendly engineer who`ll let you `learn` the codes with a learning remote - problem solved!

On a more serious note though, it`s about time manufacturers let us access geometry settings for ourselves. They`ve been on PC monitors now for ages, so there`s no reason not too. My Tosh only has vertical/horizontal adjustments available as standard, but how I long for tilt and pincushion!


If you`re after a budget player go for an updated wharfy or yelo.

RE: Pricing

I quite like the Warner klip cases... the foldout sections are cool!

I understand both points of view about the pricing, but if you tell a company they can manufacture less, sell at a higher price and make the same cash, what do you think they`ll do?

Companies run on profit, not good will.

Damn them!!!


That`ll be the early batches. I got mine in February (didn`t play Jaws etc)but switched it three weeks ago for the updated version rather than chance the firmware upgrade. Everything works fine now.

Bit wary of the 750s as it`s completely new and untested kit.


Jaws plays fine on mine sir...

RGB vs S-Video

Ok, the jury`s out, what really is the best?

I can only offer my not entirely technical opinion, but I believe RGB to be better than S-Video.

RGB appears sharper with more vibrant colours, with no colour bleed.
(Cable free with DVD)

S-Video is smoother but colours are less vivid, with (very) slight fuzziness at the edges. (£20 cable)

Also, RGB is the output for computer monitors, not S-Video. I know this is a lame justification, but there must be a reason for it! S-Video outs are on many camcorders due to size, plus Japan/US don`t use Scart.

It`s not just my DVD that looks better in RGB vs S-Video, but also my Playstation (I got an S-Video cable for it in the states under the illusion it was better...). Colours are far more vibrant and the picture is sharper (you can see the pixellation more evidently).

I know this thread will put the cat amongst the pidgeons, but I would like to clear this up. I had so many people saying `S-Video`, but after using RGB I can`t see any reason for anything else!

NOTE: you will need an RGB compatible TV to notice the difference, It may sound obvious but you`d be surprised how many aren`t.


Easiest way to sort the RGB vs S-Video - I`ve started a new thread.

RE: my dawoo dvd

Er - RGB is DRAMATICALLY better than composite - no color bleed with reds (depending on your TV...), much sharper, and much more vivid colour. In my opinion, it is also better than S-Video which is basically enhanced composite out.

RGB will bring the best out of your TV.

CHEAP DVD ALERT!!!! £7.99!!

Dixons have a (now rapidly decreasing) selection of DVD`s at £7.99.

I just got Aliens Speical Edition, Entrapment Special Edition, Dune, and a Friends DVD for less than £32!!

The ranges vary from store to store apparently, but notable DVDs include:

Arlington Road
Big Daddy
fistful of dollars
few dollars more
Alien Resurection
X Files - the movie
Lethal Weapon
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Pocahontas (!?)

If only I had more credit... :)

RE: Wharfedale 750 and 750s

This is all based on personal experience for the 750, and the forums for the info on the 750s

750 original had problems with R2 Jaws, Leon, and extras in LA Confidential. DTS output is apparently supported, but not officially.
I used to own this player until monday when I swapped it for...

750 newer model with firmware upgrade. This now officially supports DTS and has a DTS logo and light. The menus are slightly different with some icons and also the DTS logo on the bitstream output option. More importantly, it plays Jaws, Leon and LA Confidential bug free including the extras, and still has the multi region hack.

750s is the completely new model. Rumour has it that Wharf wanted to stick with the old chipset, but had no choice as Sony allegedly bought all the stock for PS2. The new chipset is a Zorin, and still supports DTS out. It also has 20x fast forward/reverse, new PAL settings to convert NTSC to run on older PAL tv`s, and has a better remote. It now has 2 scarts rather than 1, but 1 set of audio outputs rather than 2. Co-ax and optical digital outs are still included.
Nobody has tested it yet, so no news on bugs, although it reportedly plays Jaws etc fine. It is also multi region, but with a new hack.

So, what one to choose?

I swapped my original Wharf for the newer 750 (not the 750s), as I believe in `better the devil you know`. It is possible that the new chipset may have different bugs, and may also not be as good. If the rumours are true that Sony bought all the chips, the old Wharf must be pretty good! Also, the newer 750 plays all my disks bug-free.

The one area I don`t know about is seamlessly branching disks like the Abyss, where different chapters play according to the type of cut you see. People did report problems with these, but I don`t know what version of the old Wharf these were on. This may or may not be fixed on the new one, if it hasn`t been fixed on the newer versions of the 750 already.

Choice is up to you. Personally, I went for the updated 750 as I`m happy with it. However, if you have an older TV that needs PAL conversion for NTSC disks and are desperate for more fast forward options, the 750s is probably for you.

The 750s should be a great piece of kit judging on past experience, but as we`ve seen on these forums with other budget players, this is not always guaranteed. I definately don`t wish to scaremonger - I`m sure it will be a fantastic player for the price, but I need a player now and not in a couple of months time when the reviews are all out...

Anyway, your choice. What do all you other Wharfies out there think?


RE: What TV?

28" is just about big enough to get away with it, but I really would consider a widescreen. You only notice the difference once you`ve got it.

Toshiba currently do 28" widescreens at around the £500 mark if you shop around, as do Phillips. I`d be wary of cheapo ones, as they tend to lack decent inputs/outputs, have `curvy` screens, and limited picture sizing options.

Picture sizing options are essential in order to switch between anamorphic and non-anamorphic DVD`s, as well as getting a good comprimise 4:3 on 16:9 picture (cropping a bit off the top & bottom so people don`t look too squished on eastenders!)

RE: Wharfedale Firmware Upgrade

No, the 750 now has a DTS light as well, and is not the 750s as it doesn`t have the 20x fast forward etc.

Apparently, the latest batch of wharfs have a DTS light as well as updated firmware (the menus have little logos, including DTS option), as the player now officially supports it (woo hoo! - now all we need is the disks...)

This is not the 750s though. Forums on DVDTimes (sorry to plug a rival site!!) also reveal that the latest batch of 750 machines now come with a DTS light, but the model is still the 750 (not 750s).

The 750s uses a completely different chipset and uses a different region hack, has only 1 set of audio outputs but 2 scarts. Apparently a player (can`t remember the name) from Debenhams also uses the same hack, so it suggests the players are similar.

There are 2 product codes for them at Tesco as well. reports so far say that they will be in the shops in the next few days, but will be hard to distinguish from the 750 just by looking at the box. Still no news on how good they`ll be, I just chose to stick with `the devil I know`.

And I can now access 40 odd minutes worth of extra LA Confidential footage!!!

RE: Wharfedale 750

The newer 750 (no the s version, still the old model) with a DTS light & logo plays Jaws & LA Confidential`s extras etc, and is still hackable.

I had the original 750 from 6 months ago, but had problems with these disks before (and Leon as well). I took it back to Tescos yesterday and got it swapped, no questions asked (3 cheers to Tesco!).

Thought about waiting for the 750s, but nobody knows if it`s any good yet. If the innards are different, it could have problems with other disks, and I don`t need the PAL60 stuff or fast forward. Also, the twin audio outs on the current model are handy.

The jury will be out!

RE: Wharfedale Firmware Upgrade

Problem solved - I took it back to Tescos for a new one! It`s got a DTS light as well now. Jaws & LA Confiential play, plus all the extras.

Thought about waiting for the 750s, but nobody knows if it`s any good yet. If the innards are different, it could have problems with other disks, and I don`t need the PAL60 stuff or fast forward.