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my dawoo dvd

ginoworm (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 21st September 2000, 15:05

had about a week,seems to work ok.
shall i keep or get a refund?
looked at previous post`s,any other tests to try?
mine plays problem discs and the macro disable works.
please help i dont want to be left with a crap player again as i did with the samsung 807
thks in advance

RE: my dawoo dvd

nelley (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 21st September 2000, 15:25

As long as rgb works,it plays T2 special edition and you can disable
macrovision.Keep it.You dont have a problem player.

RE: my dawoo dvd

Poncho (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 21st September 2000, 16:16

Nelley, how can I tell if RGB works??
Ironduke told me to switch between RGB and AV, see if the picture changed and check the edges but the Daewoo only has RGB and Composite in the setup, my picture doesn`t change between these two and the edges, especially on bright colours arn`t as sharp as TV.
What can I do if I`ve got one of the prob machines other than keep swapping it?? Do you do a silver scan?? if not can you start within the next week :-)

RE: my dawoo dvd

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 21st September 2000, 16:47

Sorry Poncho it`s been a while since a had my scan.
AV moce = composite.

composite is considered poorer quality then RGB

try your svideo conection and tell us if it is better then what you where seeing before?

RE: my dawoo dvd

Poncho (Competent) posted this on Friday, 22nd September 2000, 08:05

Will do Ironduke, no svideo cable at the mo but I`ll get one from the comp fair on Sunday.
I`ll keep you posted
Am I right in thinking that the only problem is that the DVD isn`t switching the TV and not really a phisical problem with the DVD?


RE: my dawoo dvd

nelley (Elite) posted this on Friday, 22nd September 2000, 09:52

The best thing to do is just use SVIDEO.If you dont have it buy an
s video to scart cable.Since we have been shipping sc-2000 with svideo
to scart adaptors rather than scart cables our "picture problems"
complaints have decreased.When we had the rgb problem on the sc-2000
the korean factory did not believe us so i went to my local comet,bought
a 14inch rgb equipped sony and sent it to them.You must realise scart
is a european connector and far east manufacturers put scart sockets
on players and have no means of testing them.Use s-video its the best.
It sounds like you do have an rgb problem as when you switch from
composite to rgb on the menu it shouild give a sharper picture and
you will actually see the picture changing to rgb.Although an rgb picture
is better if you are sat at a distance from the tv its hard to tell the difference between and rgb picture and composite.But im sure ironduke
will disaggree with that.

RE: my dawoo dvd

ADAM04 (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 22nd September 2000, 10:21

Good call Nelly,

RGB and composite show no difference at all from more than 2` from the set. With an under £200 player the best I hope for is to give a good picture and good sound, any more is a bonus. If people want their DVD to make the tea and proform a striptease they should be paying the price and not complaining about (what really seem to me to be) trivial problems.

RE: my dawoo dvd

ginoworm (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 22nd September 2000, 14:50

thanks everyone,im not sure if my rgb works,i have a goodmans 28" widescreen any one else know if it works?

RE: my dawoo dvd

uk_bas (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 22nd September 2000, 16:04

Er - RGB is DRAMATICALLY better than composite - no color bleed with reds (depending on your TV...), much sharper, and much more vivid colour. In my opinion, it is also better than S-Video which is basically enhanced composite out.

RGB will bring the best out of your TV.

RE: my dawoo dvd

Poncho (Competent) posted this on Friday, 22nd September 2000, 16:35

Now I`m really confused, check this out
it says that component-video is best then s-video followed by RGB. If this is right, then I will get an s-video cable and not bother about RGB problems, if UK-BAS is right I`m back to square one..
Cmon peeps lets have some proof, which is best
the big debate

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