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Rob Kiff (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 26th September 2000, 16:16

A quick coment on Robert`s story on pricing
surely bringing the prices for old films down will
only boost sales and atract new buyers to the dvd

RE: Pricing

David Clegg (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 26th September 2000, 23:05

Couldn`t agree more - it seems the studios (or Universal at least given Eddie Cunningham`s remarkable comments) would rather sell fewer units at a higher price than more units at a lower price. Rather a bizarre business model (well, bizarre from my point of view).

RE: Pricing

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 27th September 2000, 11:36

Despite having the most annoying cases on Earth, I think Warner have definitely been at the forefront of pushing DVD in the UK. They certainly have one of the better PR companies anyway. MGM and Fox`s won`t even take the internet seriously, shows how backward they are.

Its about time a major studio produced a sensible pricing strategy like this, rather than selling regular stuff at £19.99 and then charging over that for anything remotely special.

RE: Pricing

uk_bas (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 27th September 2000, 13:15

I quite like the Warner klip cases... the foldout sections are cool!

I understand both points of view about the pricing, but if you tell a company they can manufacture less, sell at a higher price and make the same cash, what do you think they`ll do?

Companies run on profit, not good will.

Damn them!!!

RE: Pricing

nelley (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 27th September 2000, 14:17

Even in the early days of region 1 warner had the best range and pricing.
I believe they are responsible for growth of the dvd format especially
in the states.They brough out titles cheap while the others,ie fox didnt
see the potential.

RE: Pricing

Chris White (Competent) posted this on Friday, 29th September 2000, 23:22

If they are going to keep using the clip cases they could at least use the protective plastic covers that are available.

Warner are going very bad now, using p*** poor quality prints for their £15.99 dvds. and do poor carbon-copies of the Region 1 disc and stripping out all the extras.

RE: Pricing

RJS (undefined) posted this on Sunday, 1st October 2000, 01:07

Thats probably only on their back catalogue stuff. Three Kings is superb.

RE: Pricing

Chris White (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 1st October 2000, 12:56

Three Kings has an RRP of £19.99 and most of Warners £19.99 titles are ok

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