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PCs & Mobiles Forum

What free antivirus, firewall, pop up blocker , etc programs would people recommend?

Harry_Potter (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 31st August 2006, 12:19

As per the above title. What free programs are worth downloading .. or are they full of parts within the program that in itself allow programs to observe your surfing on the net, etc.


Chris :)

RE: What free antivirus, firewall, pop up blocker , etc programs would people recommend?

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 31st August 2006, 12:59

Firewall: Sygate (but now no longer made, but it is around. wink)
Pop-up blocker: Whatever comes with IE7, Firefox or Google Bar
Spyware:Windows Defender. Spybot, Adware
Use Firefox instead of IE and with a bit of fiddling of extensions all ads on this site will be blocked. As do most of the signatures.

This item was edited on Thursday, 31st August 2006, 14:07

RE: What free antivirus, firewall, pop up blocker , etc programs would people recommend?

gordyffc (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 31st August 2006, 13:00

Spybot Search and Destroy
XP Firewall is ok if you have it

Plenty more that others will soon add!!


RE: What free antivirus, firewall, pop up blocker , etc programs would people recommend?

dbs71 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 31st August 2006, 14:13

AVG Anti Virus Free Edition - used it for years!
Spyware Terminator - has resident protection, realtime scan and auto updates. The company that produces it did have a chequered past but they seem to have cleaned their act up.
XP built in firewall.
Firefox for browsing plus various extensions


This item was edited on Thursday, 31st August 2006, 16:05

RE: What free antivirus, firewall, pop up blocker , etc programs would people recommend?

admars (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st September 2006, 06:23

Another vote for AVG free here, been using it for uears on a couple of PCs no problem.

Firewall; I was using free Sygate, but that`s not been supported for years.

tried Comodo (they do antivirus too haven`t tried that) at Comodo was a pain, after an extension upgrade to firefox, it would say that it`s chnaged, ask if I wanted it to access internet, i`d say yes, then next time i ran it it would ask again. uninstall Comodo install again each time you update a prog that accesses internet :(

Now using ZoneAlarm, which I used to use before Sygate. Stopped using ZoneAlarm a couple of years ago, when an update started it hogging all internet bandwidtch so nothing else could connect! Now it seems great again.

i wouldn`t recommend XP firewall only, in case you have something on your pc, it won;`t stop it getting out.

pop up blocker, just use Firefox with ad block, and g updater extensions, for no more ads

Also get Spybot and Ad-Aware as mentioned earlier just in case


This item was edited on Friday, 1st September 2006, 07:24

RE: What free antivirus, firewall, pop up blocker , etc programs would people recommend?

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st September 2006, 06:45


Had those three for ages and it seems to stop everything so far.


When we are born we are naked, wet, hungry, and we get smacked on our arse. From there on in, life gets worse

RE: What free antivirus, firewall, pop up blocker , etc programs would people recommend?

Linebacker2 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st September 2006, 12:07

Just to say I use just about the same as most above. Here is a link to a web site with free downloads. Someone posted it on on of the forums recently (damned if I can find the original post :/ ), it should take you to most of the progs mentioned.


RE: What free antivirus, firewall, pop up blocker , etc programs would people recommend?

cynic (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 2nd September 2006, 14:20

as will or
which are two of the main repositories of freeware or shareware (keep an eye on some of the stuff as it may be time limited though the items listed above are all free)

Firefox with adblock is also worth a try as i`ve found by adding most of the advertising servers and suchlike i`ve eliminated most of the tracking cookies that adaware and spybot list and this website is now mostly advert free

This item was edited on Saturday, 2nd September 2006, 15:21

RE: What free antivirus, firewall, pop up blocker , etc programs would people recommend?

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 2nd September 2006, 20:29

Pretty well anything you might need will be on here along with geek free understandable advice.
Can`t have enough of this kind of link in your favourites.


When we are born we are naked, wet, hungry, and we get smacked on our arse. From there on in, life gets worse

RE: What free antivirus, firewall, pop up blocker , etc programs would people recommend?

Robert Terwilliger (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 5th September 2006, 22:51

Yeah, Ive used AVG for years now and it does the job, same with zonealarm and spybot

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