Page 1 of Scan SC DVD 2000 Player / To buy or not to buy ?

Hardware Forum

Scan SC DVD 2000 Player / To buy or not to buy ?

pedro (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 30th November 2000, 23:42

Hi all, as this will be my first purchase of a dvd player ( o.k less of the virginal jokes please ) the Scan seems to fit the bill especially after reading good reviews about it . But oh dear ! I happened to stumble across this forum today and read some of the orrible + nasty things happening to Scan players, as you all can imagine I`m in a bit of a dilemma now !. So if you kind folks out there could allay my fears I would be very grateful.
Is it worth getting ! or is there a" better "player on the market with the same features at roughly the same price ?
As I live in the very far north of Scotland how good is Scans refund + returns policy ?
How good is picture + sound quality for dvds + mp3s ?
From one very confused ( must take the pills again ! ) hopefully to be dvd owner. Merry Xmas , Pedro

RE: Scan SC DVD 2000 Player / To buy or not to buy ?

pöb (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 1st December 2000, 03:09

Hi pedro,

Took the plunge myself a few weeks ago and bought the scan machine,

1. Love the machine, its played everything I`ve thrown at it, including
un-finalised mp3 disks I`m working on.
2. Machine arrived in less than 24 Hrs (west coast of Scotland).
3. Getting through to scan technical support is a nightmare.


4. The main man from Scan (Nelley) reads the forum and when hes
available will sort things out for you if you really need him (main
reason I trusted scan with my money).

Its up to you matey, read everything you can find, then jump on in.


RE: Scan SC DVD 2000 Player / To buy or not to buy ?

PSXmad2 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 1st December 2000, 08:53

Hi Pedro

I must agree with all that pob says I was in looking to buy my first DVD also about 3 weeks ago, I had purchased from Scan before I read the reviews and so far its been a great player, and imo very good value. I suppose pleople might say its early days but I am very satisfied for now.


RE: Scan SC DVD 2000 Player / To buy or not to buy ?

Judas (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 1st December 2000, 13:03

Hi pedro

I took the plunge and bought a Scan DVD player.

My experiences-

Player did everything OK, except play DVD`s. I had little white and black dots appearing all over the screen, and this got worse the longer the player was on for.

I contacted the man from Scan, he said send it back. This cost me a whopping £17.80 by registered post (as suggested by Scan customer service) and I have since been told by Wesley that I ain`t getting this money back.

I sent my player over a week ago, and Scan haven`t even contacted me to let me know thay received it, and despit e-mails to nelley and wesley, they still haven`t told me if they could replicate the problem.

I am going to ring Scan in a minute to see if they have the new batch in yet as promised, and if they are going to send me one. I`ll keep you posted.

Summary - If you want a budget DVD player, the Scan could end up costing you over £200. If you want customer service, forget it (they seem to forget about you once they have your money). If in a Victor Meldrew kind of way you love a good moan, trust Scan (they will certainly give you plenty of cause for that).

RE: Scan SC DVD 2000 Player / To buy or not to buy ?

montezumola (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 1st December 2000, 17:21


That sounds absolutely appalling! It`s one thing having the item exchanged, but it`s another thing that there`s a total lack of courtesy in informing you on how soon you will get your replacement.

I am sending my Scan player back on Monday - they will recieve it on Tuesday, as for when I`ll get a replacement, after your experience that could be anyone`s guess!

I`ve found my player to :

(a) Show horrible pixellation & pulsing of static backgrounds
(b) Make an horrendous grinding noise when playing certain discs
(c) Crash unexpectedly
(d) Very rough and ready on immediately playing an MP3 (for the first couple of seconds, anyhow)

This is a disappointment because I think the Scan shows great potential as a budget player. I must admit, I have had no trouble in contacting their customer services & also I recieved the DVD player the day after I ordered - can`t ask for much more than that.

RE: Scan SC DVD 2000 Player / To buy or not to buy ?

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Friday, 1st December 2000, 17:33

Wow looks like scan have gone 360!

ie back to crap:P

glad I got out of that in august:)

HITACHI 505 ROCKS!!!!!!!

RE: Scan SC DVD 2000 Player / To buy or not to buy ?

Microstar (Competent) posted this on Friday, 1st December 2000, 20:43

Got my Scan in early November - one of the first of the `Mark 2` batch. So far it has been very very good. Was sent upgraded firmware by Nelley (Scan) that improved the features of the machine ;)
Picture and audio are top class for the money, mine is also almost silent it operation. So far a neighbour has also boought one (swapped for a Wharfedale 750S after seeing mine) and a colleague at work has just bought one, with a second intending to shortly. No problems with any as yet.

If you do buy via mail/web order then use a credit card - you get much more protection that way. My CC company (Beneficial Bank) are great - the odd time I`ve had problems I ring them and they just refund me the money and sort it out later.

RE: Scan SC DVD 2000 Player / To buy or not to buy ?

Judas (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 1st December 2000, 20:56

Hello all,

I tried ringing Scan customer service this afternoon. I was on the phone for about an hour and I still didn`t get to talk to anybody, I just got caught up in a sodding loop in their *automated telephone system* and all I got was 50 minutes of some christmas album.

If nelley is reading this, were your staff on some kind of holiday today because they weren`t in a hurry to answer the phones? And could you get someone to contact me about my returned player, because I would like to know what is going on. You can get my returns number off the e-mails I`ve already sent to you.

Paul `Judas` Jewitt


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