Info and forum posts by 'montezumola'

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Joined on: Wednesday, 8th November 2000, 11:52, Last used: Wednesday, 8th November 2000, 11:52

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This user has posted a total of 10 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

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That`s too bad, because being able to select different angles and remixes on the fly is pretty cool for the Beastie Boys videos!! The Scan SC-2000 plays everything perfectly!

Good luck in your quest ...


Scan Macrovision - what am I doing wrong? *s*

Okay, I`ve just updated my firmware so that it now has the latest release (version 204s). I looked in the `secret` menu to find no macrovision disable options. I looked at the accompying instructions which told me what to do (setup-step-title-prev). I then looked at the macrovision status and the ADV7172 reads :


And not the 00000001 which I assume is Macrovision disabled!

What am I doing wrong!?!?

Any help would be greatfully appreciated!!!!



RE: Are you satisfied with your Scan SC-2000 player ?

The replacement player has resolved all the issues I had with the faulty player I had originally ... so I`m definitely satisfied!


Is this a hardware or software (firmware) problem? Yep .... it involves a Scan DVD!

Well, having receieved my replacement Scan SC-2000 DVD player on Friday (as promised) and I have to say the picture improvement is remarkable!


I`m unsure as to whether this is a hardware or software related problem :

I naturally have the sound set on `BITSTREAM` (as it is connected to a Dolby Digital TV) and for the majority of the time there is NO sound at all going through - completely silent - If I change the setting to `PCM` there`s sound, as normal, although only Pro-Logic (what`s the point of that when you`ve got a Dolby Digital reciever?). If I keep going back into the setup menu and keep alternating between `BITSTREAM` and `PCM` eventually I will get a Dolby Digital output (as the on-screen TV display shows `Dobly Digital 2/0 or 3/2). So, the problem is NOT the TV - I`ve checked this with another DVD player!

Why is the BITSTREAM option so inconsistent? I`ve noticed then even when it is `working` if you skip a chapter or return to the root menu then it goes back to being completely silent. The firmware version on my Scan is 1.87 ....

.... Any ideas peeps?



RE: The farce that is Scan - Read and weep !!!!!


Thanks for the speedy response. I await with baited breath!!



The farce that is Scan - Read and weep !!!!!

Well, it`s one thing after another, and now I have to admit it has reached the final straw -

Okay, I contacted Scan last week regarding my faulty DVD player (all the usual faults - pulsing background, dodgy mp3 playback, crashes) - they arranged a returns number and I sent them my player by next day delivery - they recieved it yesterday - I wanted a pick and drop, but because I had the player for less than ONE week over the 30 day period, they refused, even when I suggested paying for the courier !!

Right, they received it yesterday morning - but nothing was updated on their website - I contacted them, and they said the whole returns procedure can take anything from 5 days to a month!! .... After much deliberating the returns support chap promised me a replacement would be dispatched on this Thursday for receipt on Friday.

After seeing a comment by Nilesh that all Scans are sold out until January 5th I thought it better to contact them again - and, yep, you guessed it - `they`re all sold out` - I am OUTRAGED by this - it typifies the corporate mentality - maximise revenue at the expense of existing customers - and I guess everyone else waiting for a replacement DVD player will be just as disappointed.

Allegedly, a batch of 100 will arrive on Monday and one will be put aside for me - but do you honestly think I believe this? I`ve already talked to my credit card company about it - all I have to do is say the word, and they`ll be in like a lion entering the Colosseum.

My professional work is firmly in the IT industry, and I have never come across such a rigid and carelessness attitude towards their customers.

Yours disgustingly,


The farce that is Scan - Read and weep !!!!!

Well, it`s one thing after another, and now I have to admit it has reached the final straw -

Okay, I contacted Scan last week regarding my faulty DVD player (all the usual faults - pulsing background, dodgy mp3 playback, crashes) - they arranged a returns number and I sent them my player by next day delivery - they recieved it yesterday - I wanted a pick and drop, but because I had the player for less than ONE week over the 30 day period, they refused, even when I suggested paying for the courier !!

Right, they received it yesterday morning - but nothing was updated on their website - I contacted them, and they said the whole returns procedure can take anything from 5 days to a month!! .... After much deliberating the returns support chap promised me a replacement would be dispatched on this Thursday for receipt on Friday.

After seeing a comment by Nilesh that all Scans are sold out until January 5th I thought it better to contact them again - and, yep, you guessed it - `they`re all sold out` - I am OUTRAGED by this - it typifies the corporate mentality - maximise revenue at the expense of existing customers - and I guess everyone else waiting for a replacement DVD player will be just as disappointed.

Allegedly, a batch of 100 will arrive on Monday and one will be put aside for me - but do you honestly think I believe this? I`ve already talked to my credit card company about it - all I have to do is say the word, and they`ll be in like a lion entering the Colosseum.

My professional work is firmly in the IT industry, and I have never come across such a rigid and carelessness attitude towards their customers.

Yours disgustingly,


RE: Have Scan taken a day`s holiday?

Hi Vic,

Well, I bought a disk drive from Evesham Micros last year (Oct 99) - two weeks before Christmas the thing went pop and I contacted them - I received a replacement the very next day - THAT`S WHAT I CALL SERVICE !!!!

Have Scan taken a day`s holiday?

I`ve been trying for the last hour to contact Scan`s returns department to confirm that they have recieved my faulty DVD player and I have to admit I am sick to death of Christmas carols being played down the phone as I wait and wait for a human to respond !!!!!

I have had confirmation from the Post Office that the player was delivered early this morning, yet nothing has been updated on their website to even acknowledge reciept of it. This was sent at some expense (£18!).

I was hoping that all the horror stories I`ve heard about Scan`s customer services department were firmly with the minority ... Sadly this does not appear to be true!

.... And I was even looking forward to a new player tomorrow .... fat chance!

Oh well, once bitten twice shy ....

RE: Scan SC DVD 2000 Player / To buy or not to buy ?


That sounds absolutely appalling! It`s one thing having the item exchanged, but it`s another thing that there`s a total lack of courtesy in informing you on how soon you will get your replacement.

I am sending my Scan player back on Monday - they will recieve it on Tuesday, as for when I`ll get a replacement, after your experience that could be anyone`s guess!

I`ve found my player to :

(a) Show horrible pixellation & pulsing of static backgrounds
(b) Make an horrendous grinding noise when playing certain discs
(c) Crash unexpectedly
(d) Very rough and ready on immediately playing an MP3 (for the first couple of seconds, anyhow)

This is a disappointment because I think the Scan shows great potential as a budget player. I must admit, I have had no trouble in contacting their customer services & also I recieved the DVD player the day after I ordered - can`t ask for much more than that.