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[VIDEO] RE:Post Trump fallout

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 24th July 2024, 15:47

Don't mean to spam, but had to share

Writer`s Release

RE: [VIDEO] Post Trump fallout

Par Mizan (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 25th July 2024, 11:59

"Get out of that nursing home bed and get back to work", sounds like my former boss when I broke a leg and was invalided for two months at home, I got a phone call from the former boss to come in at sit at my desk and continue working, as he said I still had two working hands. So hop to it.

As expected I told him to, and so did not last long in that job LOL.

RE: [VIDEO] Post Trump fallout

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 29th July 2024, 13:36

And it's not even August

Writer`s Release

Liked by: mbilko

RE: [VIDEO] Post Trump fallout

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 14th August 2024, 23:17

Every betting website has Harris ahead in the polls.

Trump is imploding. can't wait.

Writer`s Release

Liked by: RJS mbilko

RE: [VIDEO] Post Trump fallout

RJS (undefined) posted this on Thursday, 15th August 2024, 07:39

It's funny how Biden sounded like the ancient guy losing his marbles, but now he's gone, Trump looks like the ancient guy losing his marbles.


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RE: [VIDEO] Post Trump fallout

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 15th August 2024, 10:56

Yep. Fox news was taking much delight in parroting that Biden was the oldest Presidential nominee to run for office. When he dropped out that mantle was bequeathed to Trump, and funnily enough, they never mentioned that fact again.

Everyone else does though

Writer`s Release

Liked by: RJS mbilko

RE: [VIDEO] Post Trump fallout

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 15th August 2024, 15:05

Pete-MK says...
"Every betting website has Harris ahead in the polls."

Getting flashbacks to 2016 here...

Never underestimate American stupidity.

Liked by: mbilko

RE: [VIDEO] Post Trump fallout

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 15th August 2024, 19:10

RJS says...
"It's funny how Biden sounded like the ancient guy losing his marbles, but now he's gone, Trump looks like the ancient guy losing his marbles."

I think Trump has always had less Marbles just that three/four year difference let him call Biden the old guy.

Interestingly Scaramucci thinks Trump may drop out of the race.
He reckons his main fear is going to jail so if someone else stands more chance of winning it for the GOP and would give him a pardon...

No I wouldn't bet the house on it either but it's an interesting thought


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Liked by: mbilko

RE: [VIDEO] Post Trump fallout

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 24th August 2024, 00:02

Discovered a new thing today regarding ChatGPT prompts. Ask it to describe a few things in the style of your favourite ascerbic US comedian.

I started with this prompt:
please explain how Donald Trump would be the worst possible choice for US president in the style of Andrew Dice Clay

And I got this:

Alright, buckle up, sweetheart, 'cause I'm about to lay it out for ya, Andrew Dice Clay style. Trump as president again? Fuggedaboutit! This guy’s like a bad joke you hear at a sh**ty dive bar, and it just keeps getting worse every time you hear it!

First off, he’s a con artist, plain and simple. The guy’s got more lawsuits than I’ve got leather jackets. He’s a walking, talking dumpster fire of bad decisions. You think he gives a flying f**k about you? Nah, he's too busy hugging himself in the mirror, whispering sweet nothings to his ego.

And let's talk about that big fking mouth of his. Every time he opens it, the whole world cringes. He spits out more BS than a busted sewage pipe. He’s like a fking broken record, repeating the same dumb s**t over and over again, thinking it’s gold. Spoiler alert: it ain’t.

Oh, and the economy? Sure, he’ll tell ya he’s a genius, but it’s all smoke and mirrors, baby. He bankrupts casinos—CASINOS, for Christ’s sake! How the hell do you lose money on people throwing it at you?

And don't get me started on how he handles a crisis. COVID hit, and this guy was playing fking golf while people were dropping like flies. He’s the last person you want in charge when the st hits the fan.

So yeah, Trump for president again? That’s like choosing to drive off a cliff ‘cause you like the fking view. Trust me, you’d be better off picking a fking raccoon to run the country. At least it’d be cute while it ruins everything! HICKORY DICKORY DOCK!

Feel free to repeat using the favourite comedian or celebrity of your choice.
Writer`s Release

RE: [VIDEO] Post Trump fallout

RJS (undefined) posted this on Saturday, 24th August 2024, 06:12

RFK Jnr pulled out and threw his weight behind Trump, which may make things less easy for the Democrats (after what appears to be a ridiculously well run convention).

Hopefully not though.


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