And a most wonderful 2013 to you all!! All the very best...
Mark - the most likely answer is `dancing`. Just go with it!
"Word Falling. Photo Falling. Breakthrough in Grey Room"
This item was edited on Tuesday, 1st January 2013, 01:58
Happy New Year to all.
Just home after one of the worst new year shifts I`ve ever done.
Was going great until around 2:30 AM when I got one crazy off a rank and it was all downhill from there :(
Spoke to two mates, one still private hire, and both trounced my takings by a fair amount, my Hack mate almost £100 better than me.
Then add to that the hire with no money so that was a lovely jaunt to report that and leave him in the hands of Mr Plod... just what I didn`t need.
Hopefully that`s this year`s bad luck compressed into one night and out of the way, onward and upward!
Soz for the moan... just needed a vent at an impartial audience.
(Or is that indifferent ;) )
Jimbo : oÞ
"There`s that word again... is there a problem with the Earth`s gravitational pull in the future?"
Wouldn`t do cabbing again for as long as I have a hole in my arse (if i can help it!)
Up here ****-heads are not happy with a drive home, they want to throw in a punch-up with the fair... not for me!
"So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable."
- Christopher Reeve (1953-2004)
Happy new year to all.
Hope it`s better than 2012 or at least mine is.
Jimbo. Just did about 4 hours before going round to sis in laws to have a few (and then a few more). Didn`t earn a fortune obviously but well worth going out. Sorry to hear about the poor shift you had. My entire run up to Xmas was poor so let`s hope we both do better in 2013. Just off out again as fares are still up till 4.00am.
Every Third Car
I used to be with it, but then they changed what `it` was.
Now, what I`m with isn`t it, and what`s `it` seems weird and scary
Weh hey, happy new year guys, and good on yer, mates.
Made merry with a very non-expected large bottle of Southern Comfort, because the guy behind the till sold me it for half price (£8) as he had been given the sack, and decided to be nice to the customers at the expense of the supermarket he was leaving.
In his words "I`m sticking it to them", so here`s to the sacked guy, hope he gets a better job elsewhere. I should give him a reference
Happy, and a succesful New Year to you all, good riddance 2012, a pretty crap year for most unless you are the Queen or an Olympic competitor!
RE: Happy New Year
Happy New Year everyone :)