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Getting babies to sleep at night?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Monday, 12th November 2012, 18:59

Erm, perhaps I could have written that better. My niece is a few months old now, but she still sleeps all day and is awake all night, which is draining my poor sister of all her energy. Before you say, she`ll just have to sleep during the day, my other niece is 4 and kind of puts paid to that.

Has anyone had this problem and come up with some way of encouraging a baby to sleep during the day?


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RE: Getting babies to sleep at night?

Sue Brown (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 12th November 2012, 19:11

I assume you mean sleep at night...well, I always kept my babies awake all day! Apart from a brief nap after the midday feed, they would be entertained with walks in the pram, music to clap to (sit baby on lap and clap their hands together etc) and stories (doesn`t matter that they don`t understand...etc etc) Then they are totally worn out by about 6-7 pm, just right for a bath if needed and bedtime. That way they should sleep through the night because they`re knackered (unless they wake up for a feed, being young) and you should get a decent sleep too.

Truth is though, that you have to sleep when your baby does, and it is bloody hard work.

RE: Getting babies to sleep at night?

Jitendar Canth (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 12th November 2012, 19:22

How not to get to sleep...

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

RE: Getting babies to sleep at night?

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 12th November 2012, 19:25



Writer`s Release

RE: Getting babies to sleep at night?

marksparks999 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 12th November 2012, 20:32

Brandy in their milk!

RE: Getting babies to sleep at night?

RJS (undefined) posted this on Monday, 12th November 2012, 21:46

Where is the QI buzzer when I need it...


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RE: Getting babies to sleep at night?

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 12th November 2012, 22:30

Just asked Annie. The trick apparently is to let them sleep for half an hour or so (as is convenient), then to gently wake the baby (loosen clothing, just make a gentle fuss), then keep the baby entertained until she sparks out again. Little power naps are ok, but let them sleep for an extended length of time and they`ll be up all night. We`re still doing this with Max, and he`s 2 and a half


Writer`s Release

RE: Getting babies to sleep at night?

Gaffski (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 13th November 2012, 00:28


I don`t want to belong to any club that will accept me as a member

This item was edited on Tuesday, 13th November 2012, 00:29

RE: Getting babies to sleep at night?

Gavski (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 13th November 2012, 00:37

Something I can answer and reason I have turned to lurker the past few months...

My daughter (7 months) likes to be awake at night too, oh and in the day too. So a real struggle.
It`s a routine that I found will help them. Have set times for things in day. So wake them if they are asleep to start the day. Breakfast, change, dress, play, milk...hour nap. Wake them if they sleep too long (apparently 4-5 hours in total in daytime is normal) I let Maddi sleep for no more than two hours in morning if she makes it that far. Then out for walk/play/do something. Lunch and play. Milk. Nap. Wake and play. Dinner. Bath. Story. Milk. Bed.
Maddi is just starting to do this now!
But only sleeps 7pm-11pm ish. Nighttime wise this week she is being fed when she wakes and soothed off. I`m hoping the pattern this week and now that she will be in her own room will make her sleep more. We think because she is in same room still we disturb her too much (and her us too)
So in conclusion, a routine and seperate room.

Oh, they say you should make night time as dull and boring as possible, so water and not milk to drink, no bright lights or tv or talking to them. They will get bored apparently and finally work out its not worth waking up!!!!

I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which i`m dying are the best i`ve ever had.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 13th November 2012, 00:39

RE: Getting babies to sleep at night?

marksparks999 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 13th November 2012, 09:57

if it helps our two go to bed just after 7, and get up around 7... they are 5 and 3 now!

They both went in their own rooms from week one... at least then we get some rest!

The oldest was a pain to get to sleep when she was a baby, would take at least 1 1/2 hours, and wouldnt settle unless someone was with her... the struggle was then to creep out quietly without waking her!
And the little one right from the start use to have her last feed around 10pm and slept right through... some times until 9 in the morning   

They are all different, no matter what anyone tells you, you are doing everything right for your child... a routine will follow.

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