Page 1 of my BOWELS are full of OWLS : (

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my BOWELS are full of OWLS : (

mistah-wedding-deejay (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 14th August 2008, 20:59

evil mu8 : (

as ive metnioned here before im an owl ethusiast OWLTHUSYAST if you will : D and i used to breed owls but not anymore m8 anyways my long time rival owl-breedder<knob> BARRY TWANGEN</knob> called me oiut of blue yesetrday anyways b5 i put the phone down on him he said he wanted to call a truce (wev e been FEUDIN for 20 years now it reached a peek lasy year when he started putting posters up in my town BESIMRCHING THE NAME OF MAURON SCHILLIB so i retaliated by trying to get nudey picutres of his wife [MAN] and trying to blow up his house anyway i ssort of said ok and he invited me rounf for dinner was hafl expecting to get poisoned [BARRY TWANGEN IN HIS LIVING ROOM WITH THE 6 YEAR OLD FISH FINGERS LOL ] anyway he wsa really nice etc and we had a slap up meal of what i tought was chicken - enjoyed every morsel : ) his wife was looking a bit tasty too but thats one bird i didnt get stuck into while at his house : (

tought wed made up and everything got home noticed my owlery (like a dog kennel but for owls and a perspex roof so they dont fly away tho they kppe flying into it lol) was empty then my mobile (NOKIA 3310) goes off miracle really battrey was dead from me playin SNAKE all day : ) it was barry turns out ive been KNOCKED AGAIN it wasnt bernard matthews finest turkeys id gobbled it was my VERY OWN OWLS : ( ( ( : ( : ( (

barrys evil; smug laugh thru the daleky 1 bar recpetion of my NOKIA 3310 (that also has a tennis game on it but don,t know the name) is a stak reminder to NEVER LEAVE YOUR PETS UNOWLTENDED or EVER EAT AT THE TWANGEN HOUSEHOLD : ( : ( : (

i did sort of get my own back tho while in the toilet i did anice big poo aqnd didnt use the toilet brush (if only i know i wsa makin ROOM FOR MY OWN OWLS in my gut i would off smeared it all up the walls paddy in a 70s prison style ) also i went thru her underwear draw not convinced shes not a man tho as shes got big hands


RE: my BOWELS are full of OWLS : (

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 14th August 2008, 22:10

I for one would like to put my vote forward for this thread to be eradicated from existence, and never mentioned again

Curse this infernal alcohol...

Writer`s Release
My Collection

This item was edited on Thursday, 14th August 2008, 23:14

RE: my BOWELS are full of OWLS : (

M. (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 14th August 2008, 22:27

So you typed all this in-deliberately or on purpose?

RE: my BOWELS are full of OWLS : (

Miles (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 15th August 2008, 05:55

Is it still NTG`s alias?
Or am I mis-remembering something?

"Build a man a fire, and he`ll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he`ll be warm for the rest of his life."
-Terry Pratchett.

RE: my BOWELS are full of OWLS : (

miikeyblue82 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th August 2008, 07:14


RE: my BOWELS are full of OWLS : (

rehan (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th August 2008, 07:42

Now i can believe the Daily Mail when it says that people have forgotten the art of writing in clear and proper sentences.

RE: my BOWELS are full of OWLS : (

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th August 2008, 08:15

Is it still NTG`s alias?
Or am I mis-remembering something?

You are misremembering very, very badly.

Although I do like the wedding deejay....

What im listening to (if youre interested)
Newly MySpaced fwiw *Updated..badly*

RE: my BOWELS are full of OWLS : (

Miles (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 15th August 2008, 08:38

Then I apologise for the slur against your good name ;)

"Build a man a fire, and he`ll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he`ll be warm for the rest of his life."
-Terry Pratchett.

RE: my BOWELS are full of OWLS : (

marksparks999 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th August 2008, 08:52

get back under your rock...

`i am going to live forever or die trying`

RE: my BOWELS are full of OWLS : (

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th August 2008, 09:51


Although I do like the wedding deejay....

me too.....i think the above piece i hilarious.....a work of comedy gold :D

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