Info and forum posts by 'M.'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 23rd September 2002, 18:07, Last used: Tuesday, 15th February 2011, 22:10

Access Level: Elite

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This user has posted a total of 1743 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.21 messages a day, or 1.5 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Trivial annoyances that work colleagues do

The 22 year old girl that insists on standing and leaning forwards over a particular table when collating her paperwork revealing most of her bossoms to me from the safety of my own office..she doesn`t even suspect at thing :D

edit: it`s the looking but not touching bit that`s annoying... :(

Oh and then there`s the bloke that falls asleep at his desk but manages to awake bang on 12 midday for his lunch hour.

The bloke that spends 10 minutes drying his hands with some weird special sexual demented grin on his face whilst i wait in line...

the fat bastard bloke that breathes and wont give me a pay rise for first time in 6 years...

thank god its just a trivial thread...

This item was edited on Wednesday, 8th December 2010, 18:30

RE: Call of Duty: Black Ops... The Game..

getting my arse spanked online too for the first time....k/d ratio is a shocking .77% :(

I think this time around they arent giving out the best guns to start with....the m16 is now a 3 hit killing machine and no longer my saviour....the famas and galil however are re-addressing the balance nicely. Map knowledge is king as always and some of these maps are huge and take my old grey matter a while to comprehend but i`m warming to it after a few sessions.

I`m not feeling the love for sp game like i have in the past but i`ll get the job done when i have the umph to grind it out, started it on Veteran (as always, whats the point playing it on anything less after all?) and just escaped the prison on a bugs for me yet!

RE: Have you heard any rumours about a new xbox racing wheel?

Only the freezes myself too as I read all of the forum stuff everyday and have managed to take avoiding action to any more annoying issues (corrupt game saves, random punctures) with the exception of non-pitting AI of which i`ve had a couple...

Penalty system can be a bit harsh at times in dishing out 5 place penalties and timed penalties but thats F1 as they say!

Overall very very impressed, the wheel is ace with F1 and thats also the opinion of someone else I also persauded to get one too.

Roll on the Patch....

BTW: I Still got the hiss on my new wheel as has he when used with a wired headset or Turtle Beach headset but its fine with the wireless mic so thats another workaround im using.

I will be taking it back as faulty in the next 12 months is another new improved wheel surfaces though as clearly i cant use it with my TBs like i`d prefer to.

RE: MW2 Hacked to Hell and Back on PS3

Doubt it`ll be long before this hits the xbox then ;-(

RE: Have you heard any rumours about a new xbox racing wheel?

The wheel is a fantastic piece of kit.  I tried it out on Grid and PGR3 on thursday night and struggled to get around any corners at speed without spinning which was very soul destroying and left me feeling like i might turn a small profit on fleabay and put it down to a stupid idea after going back on an old promise that i`d never be as sad as to but a wheel....

However before giving up completely I tried it out on Friday on F1 and discovered it was a whole different story.  F1 just lends itself to the wheel more than any of the above and even Forza3....I spent virtually all day on it. 

Don`t get me wrong, It was hard to use at first but mainly because of the pedals (and lack of track knowledge) but after about 2 hours of perseverance it just suddenly finally clicked into place.  It briefly tried the control pad in the afternoon and was 3-4 seconds a lap slower so went back to the wheel.  The pedal issue i resolved by using a pair of racing shoes that i have knocking around but a cheap pair of thin soled plimpsoles would be ideal to use too, basically socks or bare feet feels uncomfortable (to me atleast) and regular trainers/shoes dont give enough feel to the pedals, they aren`t real car quality pedals after all.  Once your brain masters using two feet for the two pedals and you build your circuit knowledge you are away and you can watch your lap times get better and better.

If you get one trust me just persist with it and you`ll never look back after a few hours.

All this said i begrudginly got a refund on mine today as the headset input made a huge hiss on my Turtle Beach X41`s (when i used teh mic wire) and also with the regular MS wired headset so so it must have been a faulty unit....good news is i tracked and reserved a replacement down at my local Argos tonight so normal service will be resumed tomorrow, if you are after one then i`d suggest searching your local argos`s online as it seems they are still sending some to stores from head office and they are only £65!

Go for it i say!

Edit: weird F1 isnt showing on my gamercard despite me being on it until 1am today...

This item was edited on Tuesday, 28th September 2010, 21:28

RE: Have you heard any rumours about a new xbox racing wheel?

Gave up looking online endlessly and Phoned around everywhere and finally found the last one in a gamestation in a neighbouring town. Paid full whack £80 but didn`t want to miss out on one if ms have pulled out of the market as it represents good value compared to other wheels available. Now I just have to wait until Xmas day to find out how much I can improve my lap time by!

Edit: apparently I am allowed to check it works okay on Friday !!!!

This item was edited on Tuesday, 21st September 2010, 19:30

RE: Have you heard any rumours about a new xbox racing wheel?

Same probs for me with F1 and Wireless Wheel in last couple of weeks, all shops say discontinued or out of stock and ebay prices are going for more than new when it was available, no official word from MS on a new one but i cant help feeling if the F1 game becomes an annual release they must be working on something to market eh?

Second hand sucks as you dont know how aggresive teh previous user was and i dont believe all this "only used twice" crap everyone claims on ebay.

RE: New Xbox360 Elite

had mine since 22/7 and very happy with it!

Only connects at G rather than N though which is possibly as i use WEP security on my N router rather than WPA (to accomodate the kids DSs) still fine for purpose though.

RE: New Xbox360 Elite

£185 at today...

RE: Test Drive Unlimited 2

yep, mee too for the 360, twas hours of enjoyment!

RE: Laser eye treatment

Who you going with, which treatment type and price if I may be so rude? Thinking of doing this myself....oh and good luck buddy!

This item was edited on Thursday, 4th March 2010, 21:02

RE: What`s your all time favourite game/console/home computer

Postmans Knock, Kiss Chase and Chuckie Egg & Elite (BBC B) were my favourite childhood games :D Arcade Wise i used to love that Star Wars game which usually had a knackered controller, used to dream of one day owning one in fact such was my SW obsession!

Nowdays it`s CoD titles and racers like PGR3 or GRID.

So my Current All Time = Xbox360 & MW2, no point harping on about the past as times have moved on and so have my tastes.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 2nd March 2010, 17:58

RE: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

I hate the way that as the host you can`t kick people like back in CoD2, agree that the random map scenario is better than always playing your favourite 3 maps though from simply wanting to level up quicker...

Still not prestiged this time, proved myself as 10/55 on MW1 and really can`t be arsed this time coupled with the fact that some cheats have already long since glitched their way there with just 10 headshots which devalues the whole affair for me. So for me I will just concentrate on gettting as many Camos and challenges that i can before the next great CoD game arrives.

Still not yet been involved in a Tactical Nuke game although my daughter has had a couple herself in TDM.

Still loving it though when i get the time to play it and got my 1000 Achievement Points for first CoD game since CoD2 came out :D

This item was edited on Monday, 22nd February 2010, 18:11

RE: iPhone Data Usage...

Not sure where to look to find out about data usage on my iphone to date...I imagine without the streaming video content you`ll be fine unless you get huge amounts of emails and in any event the iphone seems to restrict the emails received to a few kb unless you opt to view the whole thing which saves you from being all "junked out". If you have a "keen" interest in streaming, which could happen once you get into the iphone a bit deeper then why not chose one of the providers that offers "unlimited data" if you are worried. I don`t imagine for one minute you`ll get a free 16gb 3gs iPhone from Voda so it will be a new contract effectively anyway so i`d consider another provider maybe? Ther was a contract cost comparison article over on MSE recently iirc.

RE: Is there any point pre-ordering anymore?

Depends on what you are prepared to pay I guess....

Argos are currently taking pre-orders on Bioshock2 on both PS3 and 360 for a cracking £29.99!!!

seems a great price but who knows what`ll happen nearer 09/02/10?

I paid £30.99 via Game back when you could use internet vouchers on pre-orders and they had it up to pre-order for £34.99, i`ll get reward points and some quidco if it tracks too making a bit cheaper than argos but most sites are advertising it at £39.99 with an rrp of the usual £49.99.

RE: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

9hrs 20mins on Vet so yeah its short but in fairness i got it for the MP. That said a 20 hr campaign would have been nice!

Only got 24 Intel items first play through so will have to go back for the rest (21) to get the extra 10 achievement points...sometime. Cheers for the heads up on the above spoiler!

News Just In....from CVG

Call of Duty Classic is the revamp of the original Call Of Duty PC title that was included in the Hardened and Prestige edition of the mighty Modern Warfare 2. If you didn`t fancy shelling out for those editions, you be able to download the title on XBLA this week.

Call of Duty Classic will be available this Wednesday for 1200 points, reports the Major.

Features include:

Legendary franchise: Play the winner of more than 80 Game of the Year Awards and 50 Editor`s Choice Awards.

Battlefield action: Experience the cinematic intensity of World War II`s biggest conflicts including D-Day, Stalingrad, and the Battle of Berlin. Play through 24 epic single-player missions across four interconnected campaigns.

Online multiplayer: Take your game online with multiplayer on Xbox Live, including Leaderboard support.

Not bad for @ £10 I reckon, finding the time is the hard part...

This item was edited on Monday, 30th November 2009, 23:31

RE: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

I stayed far left and kept behind a crate peeping out with the thermal very slowly taking them down one by one after first panic firing from the hip at the ones that came running towards me. Just died about 20 times on the 2 minute countdown getting to the i`m sure it all balances out in the end!

RE: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Finished it on Veteran today. M, will be interested to see how you get on in the breech level - on the oil rig at the top of the stairs through the smokescreen.... I must have dies at least 50 times!

I did that level the other night, thought it was before the Gulag level tbh but I could be wrong...I died about a dozen times on the first breach room before i discovered SPOILER:
it`s easier to go through the left door of the two
. As for the smokescreen part I just used the thermal scope guns as suggested and kept in cover darting in and out. I only died twice (sorry) and then i died twice more on the last breach room.

Nothing has overly frustrated me yet but then there`s always one level on Vet that p***es you off. In MW1 it was no fighting in the war room...i think - the one with the timer? And in CoD5 it was the penultimate level with the flak guns where you approach the big epic building (Richtstag?). So I`m guessing there will be a nasty nip waiting for me. I reckon the 3* Spec Ops are harder so far on some levels, getting all 69 is gonna be tough and the under 30 secs run is also gonna be tough for me too :(

Talking of headsets i just bought myself some Turtle Beach x41`s...can`t recomend them enough guys, they mimmick my home theatre set up without p***ing my family off through the wee hours. in fact they are so good i forgot i had them on when i came back into the room from raiding the beer cellar and they kicked back in! Expensive yes but cheaper than a divorce and endorsed by my wife :D

RE: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Playing on Veteran and up to 5hr 50mins and just completed the Gulag mission so plenty still to go I guess as haven`t finished Act II yet...about 1/3 more or so?

RE: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Played it for 2 1/2 hrs online tonight and it`s simply superb, very indepth with unlockables and class set-ups which should offer something for all gamer styles and may offer an alternative to prestiging? Itching to play again just getting too tired tonite :(

RE: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

It`ll be a pleasure to catch up with you Jackal...see you soon buddy!

RE: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

I`m determined not to Prestige this time around, made it to Gold Cross LvL 55 (10/55) on CoD4 but it took forever....CoD6 seems to go upto LvL70 on each prestige although not sure on how may XP that entails but I suspect more than CoD4, that coupled with the fact that a Divorce will negate my saving by from buying it in Sainsbury for £26 and returning my Postal copy to my nearest Game store for a refund. To be honest if it had arrived a day or so after they posted it i`d have been happy but as it`s stuck at Parcel Force gathering dust i`ll just take a trip to the Supermarket and save myself @ £20 which will fund the 2 or 3 map packs that IW will churn out!

I`m gonna Prestige ain`t I???? Damn it`s gonna be tough no resist....what`s the general consensus?

RE: Datel 2gb xbox memory card...anybody used one of these ?

Picked them up for a few regulars on here at the time, should have kept more for myself

Much appreciated at the time fella!

RE: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

So you got a pre-order that you almost thought about cancelling..then eh Gareth? ;)

PC gaming is where it`s at so long as you can afford the video card / spec upgrades all the time agreed, I went to Consoles route to avoid the PC arms race as at least its an even palying field although no mods is a real blow for PC gaming on this calibre and something I miss about the xbox...shame.

I used to love those large lobby SW Battlefront I & II sessions on PC, especially Hoth!

This item was edited on Friday, 6th November 2009, 18:29

RE: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

DON`T wait until xmas Superted, I did that with CoD3 and it hurt like hell, a real wrench from the very pit of my soul.....and to compound my agony when finally xmas passed and i got CoD3 online `everyone except me` (mates/strangers) knew the maps off by heart which made me feel like the provebial `rabbit caught between the headlights` for a coupla months and almost spoiled it for me....(i love dots and small i`s) which is quite defeatest (no not the last bit in brackets) s*** now i`ve lost my train....

It`s gonna be awesome and then some...i hope, so "jump in" a...s...a...p!

you know it makes sense?

Oh...and still no disc :(

This item was edited on Wednesday, 4th November 2009, 20:32

Windows 7 Professional - Upgrade £36.95 or Cheaper delivered

Only if you have a child in education but this offer seemingly includes all students eg: Primary/Secondary School (5-18yrs) unlike some `student` offers that require a `uni` email address,


64 Bit version also available for same price!

They`re an official M$ partner linked to from here for thiose with any concerns as to the genuineness of the company in question:

Anyone upgrading from Vista Premium will need to perform a "Full `Clean` Install" as this is the Professional version so you`ll need to back up your files/data externally and re-install your programs as this upgrade will wipe the lot according to what I can tell. Lots of info available at M$ website for any questions you may I did...

Hope this helps someone else with kids save a few £.

EDIT: Seemingly cheaper here £32.66 :o, another official partner

This item was edited on Tuesday, 3rd November 2009, 22:13

RE: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Nothing today but it`s at the Parcel Force `National Hub` and has been `Sorted` today at 2.30pm so if its on a 48hr service tomorrow may just be the day that the enemy files for a divorce :D

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

It`s has today been Picked, Packed and Despatched via upgraded Courier from Game, god bless their recent retailer award!

I`ve so far ignored the YouTube offerings (but did read the MP reviews) so let`s see if this baby lives up to the hype where so many others have tripped and fallen....for anyone else that gets it early as I now hope to be warned thought that there is almost certainly a leaderboard reset coming just before the official release date to keep things fair - which is refreshing!

Gentlemen, it`s been Emotional!

RE: Does theh Xbox Elite come with an HDMI Cable?

Just Composite cable now days isn`t it?

Does it still come with the dongle for connecting the optical output as i might upgrade to the CoD6 Super Elite and will have to chore the dongle from my trade in Elite if need be?

RE: Datel 2gb xbox memory card...anybody used one of these ?


M$ latest update will render all 3rd party drives useless according to Major Nelson...

sorry no time to link but there was an article over at either CvG or IGN about this and the surrounding furore!