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Buffy on Sky One last night *possible SPOILERS*

elmore (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 11th January 2002, 12:43

Firstly, did anyone who has previously enjoyed this series think that last nights show was pretty weak?.
Killing off the main character at the end of one season, and bringing her back to life at the begining of the next isn`t a cliffhanger. It`s just taking the p**s out of the audience.

And secondly did anyone elses Sky One picture go completely to pot during the last ten minutes. All other channels were fine.

This item was edited on Friday, 11th January 2002, 14:54

RE: Buffy on Sky One last night

Neil Baker (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 11th January 2002, 13:14

I did see it and I wasnt that impressed either. And yes my picture suffered terrible interferance at the end as well, first time I have had a problem like that.

RE: Buffy on Sky One last night

Jason Newington (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 11th January 2002, 13:24

Likwise the transimission was in all sorts of problems for the last 10 minutes. I quite enjoyed the episodes though and with regards to brining Buffy back being a p*** take all I know is that there are some very interesting results of said resurection to be seen in later episodes.

RE: Buffy on Sky One last night

roar349 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 11th January 2002, 14:53

My Sky One comes through cable and I had said problems. Yes episode was a bit weak, but to be honest the first episode of the season is just reintroducing the characters.

RE: Buffy on Sky One last night

chrisd (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 11th January 2002, 16:20

I thought the episode was pretty good and had no problems with picture (NTL). As for "Killing off the main character at the end of one season, and bringing her back to life at the begining of the next isn`t a cliffhanger. It`s just taking the p**s out of the audience." - anyone who follows Buffy knew there was never any plans for SMG to leave the series and this was just part of the continuing storyline. The so called "cliffhanger" was not if Buffy was going to come back to life, but the effect her death would have on the rest on the gang, how they would bring her back to life and the consequences thereof. I probably have seen better episodes but this was still pretty good and sets the tone for the rest of the series. I went a bit off Angel in the last series and hope there`s some improvement in that when it starts back next week.

RE: Buffy on Sky One last night

skankyman (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 11th January 2002, 16:36

Sadly I had to resist watching last night as I`m boycoting Sky until they show American shows in their original widescreen. Alas I will wait `till late this year on good ol` BBC2 (even better wait for the late night uncut repeat - gosh some weeks you get 4 maybe 5 secounds more! ). Seriously I think that the affects the ressurrection has on buffy will be very interesting.

RE: Buffy on Sky One last night

Wedge G (Elite) posted this on Friday, 11th January 2002, 17:23

I think that everyone had problems with the picture in the last ten minutes. I was slightly dissapointed with the episode, especially being two hours long, but we all knew that Buffy would be back. (well, anyone who is a true fan - can`t wait for that musical episode that they sneaked a few clips of into the behind-the-scenes last week!)

There were a few genuinely funny moments, with the best line again going to Spike - "Oh what, did you see your life flash before your eyes? - cup o tea, cup o tea, almost had a shag, cup o tea" (hehehe)

I just want to know if Tony Head will be back! (I know hes signed to do a spin off based in the UK)

RE: Buffy on Sky One last night

Mark Turner (Competent) posted this on Friday, 11th January 2002, 17:33

<<I just want to know if Tony Head will be back! (I know hes signed to do a spin off based in the UK) >>

I think he`s contracted to do 8 episodes this series. He says he`s keeping his options open about returning to Buffy, but wants to spend more time in the UK for the time being.

RE: Buffy on Sky One last night

OBzilla! (Competent) posted this on Friday, 11th January 2002, 19:09

shouldn`t there now be a third slayer? I know Buffy wasn`t the slayer that was supposedly `active` but didn`t the line go "once a slayer dies her replacement is brought in" or something along them lines?

I thought the episode was good but it wasn`t as good as it was built up to be; there have been some much better episodes occuring in just mid season, so I would have expected a first episode to be excellent. I found Willow was a bit dissappointing, i always think it`ll be soo cool to watch her burn someones eyeballs out or something, but she always does s***ty spells!

And finally, yes my picture fudged up near the end, what did Dawn say to Buffy?


RE: Buffy on Sky One last night

elmore (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 11th January 2002, 20:32

The problem that I have with killing off characters and then resurrecting them later on is that I feel a bit cheated by the shows producers. The ability to suspend disbelief is what shows like Buffy are all about, but you have to have a thread of credibility that runs through the storyline. If you don’t have that, and it becomes possible to kill and bring back characters at will, you’ve pretty much lost your horror and suspense element. At least she didn’t turn up in Spikes shower, (yet). Buffy has been one of the most original and best written shows for the last few years, but whether this is the start of a new jaw-dropping storyline, or just a writer running out of ideas, lets wait and see, (without reading future episode guides on t’internet.

By the way, if the Scooby gang wanted to keep Buffy’s death a secret from the bad guys, wasn’t the grave and headstone a bit of a ‘heads up’.

Oh yeah, and Anya is certainly looking hotter this season.

This item was edited on Friday, 11th January 2002, 20:33

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