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Moving to New Zealand?

Linebacker2 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 21st August 2005, 13:16

As the title reads, we are looking into the possibility of emigrating to New Zealand.
I seem to be/am turning into a grumpy old man :/ .
Where I live seems as if it's being over run by alcoholics, drug addicts,(I think we have one of the largest proportions of rehabs per head in Europe here, so that doesn't help) kids that roam the streets at all hours and so on (it's amazing how having children of your own can give you a different view on things. :o ).

Anyway,rant over, the point of this is,has anyone been down this route, had any experiences (good or bad) or any information/pointers to offer on the subject?

Thanks in advance.

Have you tried switching it on........?

RE: Moving to New Zealand?

the eggman (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 21st August 2005, 13:17

You will have to watch out for Maoris stealing your sandwiches

RE: Moving to New Zealand?

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 21st August 2005, 13:18

Well after a year & some of getting all the paperwork together, our submission for Canada is now four months into the system. 8)

Ho hum only another 20 months to go before somone reads it at Canada House. :/

Paperwork was rather hard to get together, due to past employers folding up\disappearing & no references for my last 5 years of work as I have been self-employed. :(

I quite like the Helpdesk people in a benevolent (as opposed to malevolent) way as they do some valuable work in preventing us being inundated by every halfwit who can work a phone.

This item was edited on Sunday, 21st August 2005, 14:23

RE: Moving to New Zealand?

marksparks999 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 21st August 2005, 14:16

try the following... its done on a points scheme... by the way if you are over 35 you will be docked loads of points, also if you and your partner/wife are going look at who will be able to collect the most points from education and job, and put them down as the primary applicant...

regards, mark.

New Zealand Link

`I am going to live forever, or die trying`...

RE: Moving to New Zealand?

buff2k (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 21st August 2005, 14:39

Went out there in April to stay with my aunt and uncle who emigrated last year - absolutely loved the place. The people and general lifestyle are much more laid back and friendlier over there, they both love it and wish they`d done it long ago.

I think they managed to get enough points because my uncle has family already living over there, other than that they`re not particularly skilled, although my uncle`s a truck driver and haulage is big business over there.

A.C.C General BUFF2K

This item was edited on Sunday, 21st August 2005, 15:50

RE: Moving to New Zealand?

Chode (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 21st August 2005, 15:43

Admit it, you really just want to go hobbit hunting. :)

Cracking toast, Gromit!

... If found, please return this person to the insane asylum, as it would really annoy them if you do that

RE: Moving to New Zealand?

Linebacker2 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 21st August 2005, 22:12

Thanks for the replies people.

Touching 43, so could be stiffed on the points there and the wife isn`t a better bet for the primary applicant and looking through all the different bits of paper for the applications...... :/
At least I haven`t had the problem(!) of being self employed, and everyone I`ve spoken to that has had some experience of New Zealand has been positive about it.
So far, one friend joined the Navy after retiring from ours, another is about to retire from the airforce and is on an exchange posting with a view to joining their airforce later this year and another is actively persuing moving out their as his wife is a qualified nurse (straight to the top of the list, lucky git ;) ).
Still, I`ll carry on and see what happens, thanks again.


PS I`ve only read "The Hobbit" and I haven`t seen any of the films :o :$ and I`ll keep me sarnies away from the locals!

RE: Moving to New Zealand?

OBzilla! (Competent) posted this on Monday, 22nd August 2005, 10:08

My parents are emigrating in october and are both nearing the 50 mark, they weren`t very high on the points system but realised that you can always `buy` points by having money in your bank account so they sold their house and mortgaged up to the eyeballs on a new house in order to have all their money that was tied up in the house in their bank accounts.

RE: Moving to New Zealand?

the eggman (Elite) posted this on Monday, 22nd August 2005, 13:30

and everyone I`ve spoken to that has had some experience of New Zealand has been positive about it.

Didn`t they complain about Maoris stealing their sandwiches

RE: Moving to New Zealand?

Linebacker2 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd August 2005, 21:50

Go on then eggman, I`ve got to know, what happened with the sandwiches.......... :/

Have you tried switching it on........?

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