Info and forum posts by 'retroman'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 21st July 2002, 23:48, Last used: Sunday, 11th September 2011, 18:54

Access Level: Competent

About this user: No web site yet...31, 2 kids (still a kid at heart), still into video games having started on Atari 2600, through Spectrum, C64, Amiga etc - Still have separates system after 13 years, widescreen telly etc - I admit I would be lost without the internet, I love the `Community Thang` but hate geeky snobs who think they`re so much better than others

This user has posted a total of 109 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.1 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: So what`s PES 2008 like on the 360?

Get The Orange Box. This years Pro Evo on the 360 is an absolute joke. I`m not even talking online. The physics are totally unrealistic and it feels like an old version of Fifa. The framerate on the replays is terrible (I know it`s the gameplay that matters) but it just seems so blurred and laggy. It`s too easy to score goals now and it`s so easy sprinting away from
defenders. It`s basically a poor arcade attempt and in no way feels like a proper simulation. I`ve always been into Pro Evo and last played Fifa around 1997 but I may give Fifa a go this year.

Incidentally I`ve heard the PS2 version is the best.

RE: Acoustics Solutions DVD 222 Portable

Strange. Got two for the kids. The hack works on one but not the other. Bought the same time from Argos but as the above poster said it must be different firmware I`m inclined to agree.

RE: 3 Free Issues of Viz Plus Free Gift

Brilliant spot. Thanks a lot. :D

This item was edited on Friday, 17th November 2006, 20:58

RE: Removed from a plane...

Pathetic. I would be interested to know what they were doing that deemed them to be `acting suspiciously`.

RE: What have you stolen?

I stole a girl`s virginity on Magalluf Beach in the mid nineties. Karma decided that when we fell asleep that somebody would steal my St Christopher and her pants - good karma i would say.

And er a big box of those white mice chocolates from the old Trebor factory on the local industrial estate. (aged eight).

To make up for my dastardly deeds I handed in a Samsung D500 that was left on the running machine at my local gym. All I got was a funny look from the woman on reception.

Now just where did Trebor relocate........................

This item was edited on Sunday, 18th June 2006, 16:25

RE: RIP DAD (Alfred Cooper 1931-2006)

Sorry to hear about your dad mate

RE: Outsourcing - What`s your opinion on the new money saving venture?

I work for Norwich Union Direct who have centres in Bangalore and Noida. The majority of the office I work in are sick to death of having to clear up the mess that our Indian colleagues make. Wrong spellings of names (I had a guy who rang to say we`d spelt Maurice as `Mars`), they will do anything to sell a car insurance policy and get a bonus. For example a customer will ring up and query why his car excess is a thousand and twenty pounds when they were not advised of this. Another example we get a lot is that a young driver say 18 will have a policy in their name and will call back to say we have them down for holding a licence for 3 years - we have to then correct this which means that the premium will go up by hundreds of pounds, cue irate customer wanting to speak to manager, get call listened to etc. While we are constantly having to deal with all this crap, we are constantly hounded to achieve sales targets which just adds to more stress. They will do anything to try and lower the quote another example being they will put down your vehicle is kept in a garage when you have told them it is on the road. Nothing gets done at all and you are labelled a racist if you dare try and make a complaint.

Thankfully I`m off to a job that doesn`t outsource and pays a hell of a lot more - my gripe is not with the people who work in India, but with the greedy companies who want extra millions on their already inflated profits and also the british public like you and I - who despite moaning and complaining about this - would still do business with a company who outsources to India `if it saves them 20 quid`

This item was edited on Thursday, 8th June 2006, 09:16

RE: Scummy Liverpool fans!!!

Well said SJ.

I was at Hillsborough and lost two of my old school mates who were 17 and 18 with their whole lives ahead of them. They were not drunk, had never been in trouble with the police and were not the type of guys who were into urinating on dead people or thieving.

Sadly, I think a lot of people on this forum still have this stereotypical, prejudicial view of scousers, based on lazy tabloid journalism.

I cannot condone what the small minority of Liverpool fans done - It was a disgrace and I hope that CCTV footage can catch the culprits, but just to let you know there were Hillsborough banners draped across walkways along the M62 route and surely this would have wound up and provoked the nutters who were on their way to the match.

A pr*ck is a pr*ck, whether he/she is a scouser, cockney, mancunian, geordie etc

You`ll find them in all walks of life - when you come across one or even a few try not not tar other people with the same brush.

RE: Gene Pitney RIP

Bizarrely way back in the heady days of 1988 when I purchased my first CD player from a place called Laskys, the first CD album I bought was Gene Pitney`s greatest hits. I used to like `The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance` and I couldn`t get over the fact there were no crackles, as my mum used to play it on an old Marconi radiogram when I was about 4 years old.

24 - A Little Bit Of Light Humour

sorry can`t seem to get link to work!

This item was edited on Tuesday, 21st February 2006, 23:12

RE: The first time you seriously (got) drunk & what age?

I was about 17 and worked in a local video shop. Went out with the Manageress, her brother and his mate who were all in their mid-twenties. Tried to keep up with them, drinks wise and it was a bad decision. Woke up the next day in my Dad`s shed and had puked up all over his beloved tools, his black & decker workmate taking most of the `hit`. I`d been that drunk my keys were wedged in the front door upside down but luckily no-one had noticed them. I also realised that I had no money on me whatsoever and that I`d been taken advantage of by an uscrupulous taxi driver.

It could have been much worse if you get my drift. :¦

RE: Life on Mars...

My nephew who is 20 got a job as an extra in this!! He signed up to a casting agency in Liverpool about 5 months ago and about 6 weeks later they got in touch with him to say they had found something that he could earn a few quid in.

He`s never had any acting experience apart from School plays etc, and when he gets to Manchester and is briefed on the programme they tell him he`s gonna be a Porn Director from the 1970`s (he`s got long hair). He walks into this room and there`s a naked couple on the bed and he gets to say something along the lines of `Cut - that was great``

When he told me it was about a detective who`s in a coma and goes back in time he said it in such an understated manner, that I didn`t really expect it to be shown on the telly especially at peak time. I just hope it`s included in one of the episodes as he hasn`t even rang me to tell me he`s close to getting his 5 seconds of fame.

I thought it was really good as well.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 11th January 2006, 23:25

RE: Space Cadet tripe from Channel 4

I personally think it`s very funny. In a sick, voyeuristic kind of way!

RE: Balls of steel...worst programme ever ?

I just thought it was plain unfunny. Was really looking forward to it as well.

A Grave Miscarriage Of Justice

This lad has been jailed despite the fact that somebody else has confessed to carrying out the attack. Words fail me.

I think I`ll give Bulgaria a miss when it comes to a holiday, despite the Travel Industry saying that it gives `value for money`.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 26th July 2005, 11:36

RE: COME ON LIVERPOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Everton 0 Liverpool 5 - League Game 1982
"Howard Kendall - Can You Hear Me?"

Everton 0 Tranmere 3 - FA Cup Round 4 2001
"Walter Smith - Can You Hear Me?"

Everton 0 Liverpool 1 - Milk Cup Final Replay 1984
"Adrian Heath - Can You Hear Me?"

Everton 1 Liverpool 3 - FA Cup Final 1986
"Gary Lineker - Can You Hear Me?"

Everton 2 Liverpool 3 - FA Cup Final 1989
"Stuart McCall - Can You Hear Me?"

Liverpool UEFA Champions League Winners 2005
"ANDY_R - Can You Hear Me?"


Bitter Blue

This item was edited on Thursday, 26th May 2005, 00:00

RE: Kaiser Chiefs - Employment £3.87 @Dvd Soon (With Fidelity Card)

That`s the only problem. I started at the final page and went backwards. It was on page 993 out of over 1,000 pages!

Kaiser Chiefs - Employment £3.87 @Dvd Soon (With Fidelity Card)

Only just realised that these tortoises do music albums! Apologies if this is already commonly known.

This item was edited on Sunday, 10th April 2005, 22:40

RE: Can someone test a site for me?

Worked for me as well from our works computer which is networked. Out of interest there is one site I can never access from work

This item was edited on Wednesday, 24th November 2004, 12:51

RE: places to buy Nintendo DS

Does anybody know whether Lik-Sang put the price on the package as I wouldn`t want to be stung by customs.

RE: John Peel Dead

I remember listening to him him back in 1989 playing the Inspiral Carpets. It`s just something that sticks in my mind. Thanks for the memories Peely.

RE: Boris Johnson Comments

:) Just some facts for the people who still have a stereotypical view of Liverpool to digest -

. Liverpool is the UK`s nomination for European Capital of Culture 2008

. The population of Liverpool stands at 441, 477

. Average income in 2003, was £22,839, a rise of 10.9% on the previous year

. Liverpool has more listed buildings, national museums and galleries than any other city outside London

. Liverpool has 2,500 listed buildings and 250 public monuments

. Work is in progress on the £18m refurbishment of St George`s Hall

. The City Council has signed a £750 million deal with the Duke of Westminster`s Grosvenor Estates, to transform the city centre with 2 million sq ft of new shops, offices and leisure facilities - Europe`s biggest regeneration scheme

. Liverpool has had World Heritage city status conferred on it by UNESCO

. A new arena, conference and exhibition venue is planned on the King`s Waterfront

. A new £225m state-of-the-art tram system is planned

. Liverpool John Lennon Airport is Europe`s fastest-growing regional airport, with 17 new links in the past two years

. A new £15 million Cruise Liner Terminal will be bringing big ships back to the Mersey by 2005

. A scheme to regenerate Anfield includes 2,200 new and refurbished houses, an Education Innovation Centre, an internet youth café, health facilities, environmental improvements, a community plaza and community centre and a new stadium for Liverpool FC

. Liverpool has Europe`s longest established Chinese community and Europe`s largest Chinese Arch which stands 14 metres over the entrance to Chinatown

. One of Liverpool`s major railway stations, Lime Street, is undergoing a £15 million renovation

. Liverpool is the most successful footballing city in England - with 27 League Championships, 4 European Cups, three Eufa cups, 1 cup Winners cup, 11 FA Cups and 6 League Cups

. Liverpool is home to the Grand National, the most famous steeplechase in the world

. Merseyside has over 40 golf courses, 7 of championships status. These include the Royal Liverpool - which will host the Open in 2006 - Birkdale and Formby Golf Courses

. Liverpool`s Anglican Cathedral is the largest cathedral in Britain and the fifth largest in the world

. The Liver Building is one of the earliest examples of multi-storey reinforced concrete construction in the world

. More than 60 languages are spoken in the city every single day

. The world`s first School of School of Tropical Medicine was opened in Liverpool in 1898 and discovered that Malaria could be passed by Mosquito bite

. The city is home to the UK`s largest independent TV company - Mersey TV - which produces Hollyoaks and Grange Hill

. Liverpool is the most filmed British city outside London and was the location for over 140 productions in 2001

. Sir Paul McCartney`s Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts (LIPA) opened in 1996

. Founded in 1881 with the establishment of University College Liverpool, The University of Liverpool was one of the first civic universities in Britain

. The eight museums and galleries that make up National Museums Liverpool possess the greatest collection of artefacts, paintings, specimens and objects collectively held under single ownership in the country

. Liverpool has gone from having the UK`s highest council tax to almost dropping outside the top 100 of most taxed authority`s

Liverpool holds the Guinness Book of Records for being the Capital of Pop - that`s because more artists with a Liverpool origin have had a number one hit, than from any other location

This item was edited on Thursday, 21st October 2004, 14:21

RE: help with a film anagram

Tis ok - The Life Of Brian - was getting desperate as finishing work in 20 mins

help with a film anagram

Rebel If No Faith? - help wanted!!

RE: Who`s been to Menorca?

We went to Cala N Bosch on the south east coast last year and I must say it was really nice. We stayed at the resorts namesake hotel and I would say the island in general is pretty much family orientated which was ideal for us as we have 2 young kids. My only concern for you would be the weather at that time of year as I`ve been told that from the end of September onwards (we went middle of august) it can rain a bit.

RE: LG 8110 on 3 - anyone have one and what`s the verdict?

I`m interested in the 8110 despite having no Bluetooth and only 14mb of memory. The one thing I wanna double check is when you make video calls do you get billed extra? Or are they included in say your free minutes depending on which tariff you pick?

RE: My dad, RIP.

Deepest condolences mate.

Goodmans GDVD122 stuttering sound on region 1

Just had my Dvd changed by Littlewoods Extra due to my previous Goodmans GDVD125 being unrepairable. My problem is when playing region 1 discs, there is a slight stutter in the sound. The strange thing is that there is a tv type button on the dvd remote control which switches the screen to either pal, ntsc or auto. When you switch it to NTSC the screen is in black and white and the sound is fine!! Any ideas at all?? Is it due to my Goodmans TV not picking the signal up correctly? I`ve never had any problems before with Region 1 discs on the same television. Region 2 DVD`s are fine. Please help as I don`t want to change the DVD as it came with surround sound speakers.

RE: goodmans gdvd122

hope this helps

This item was edited on Thursday, 26th February 2004, 15:47