Info and forum posts by 'top_cat_38'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 8th January 2002, 20:29, Last used: Tuesday, 8th January 2002, 20:29

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 192 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.02 messages a day, or 0.16 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: What did you think of THE TWO TOWERS then?

I finally got around to seeing it, again with an open mind.

The last hour was ok, the big battle scene at the end was quite good but apart from that it`s pretty poor.

It just looks sooooo cheap `n` nasty as some of the SFX were very bad.

I`m not too bothered if it follows the book or not, as a film it`s nothing to write home.

I really can`t understand what the fuss is about.

Instantly forgettable dross in the main.

RE: What did you think of THE TWO TOWERS then?

I know I`m in the minority but do we need another thread about LOTR?

Why not have your own forum away from everyone like myself who thinks these films are pants.

(same goes for Star Wars).

Any film which just relies on CGI is pretty poor in my opinion.

I saw the first LOTR and can not remember anything good about it, no characters you can empathise with, no decent acting etc etc, there was just nothing to recommend it from any artistic view point.

These films are purely for devotees and why should everyone else have to suffer.

This item was edited on Thursday, 19th December 2002, 23:32

RE: CrimeWatch has just lost the plot

I think CrimeWatch, and the BBC in particular, lost the plot when Jill Dando was killed.

I thought it was awful the way they milked it and made her out to be another "Diana" when in fact she was just a c-list tv personality.

I have always felt sorry for the guy convicted, there was no way he was going to get a fair trial.

RE: Isn`t it about time the `Lets write a story` thread closed?

I hate to be a misery-guts but do we really need these type of threads as they`re just a waste of space?

If we do, why not have a "silly" forum for them?

People can also put general daft stuff in there.

Just a thought.

RE: Donnie Darko for £7.50

I`ve had a R1 copy of this for at least 6 months, if not longer.

It appears to have the same extras as the one above so there`s no need to wait until next year, it`s "out there" already.

This item was edited on Sunday, 15th December 2002, 15:19

Cheapest price for The Hitman and Getaway?

I have found The Hitman for £34.99 and Getaway for £32.99 both at

Does anyone know where I can get them cheaper on-line?

This item was edited on Thursday, 12th December 2002, 18:36

RE: Worst outdoor Christmas decorations

I think Issac Hunt has a point.

Only common people seem to go in for this sort of stuff.

Nice middle class people wouldn`t dream of doing such things.

Like most things to do with taste, it all boils down to `class`.

RE: TLC:Worst program on TV

It seems I`m only one who thinks it`s quite good. It makes me laugh, so what more does one want from a comedy?

I`d go so far as to say it`s better than the new series of Alan Partridge, the last episode of AP was probably the worst so far, absolute rubbish.

Besides, TLC is far superior than anything ITV puts out, just look at their Saturday night schedule for God`s sake...Blind Date, Pop Idols, Who Wants To Be...., An Audience With...., etc etc, all utter garbage.

I suppose there must be something wrong with me as I thought `Orrible was excellent.

RE: <<Who is the crappest actor/actress in Eastenders??!!>>

I agree, I think she`s awful, and always has been.

Having said that, it`s a tad unfair to single her out as Easterenders isn`t up to much anyway.

Which doesn`t say a lot for Corrie, Emmerdale etc etc. as they`re just dreadful.

RE: Liverpool Vs Man UTD the result!

Who cares as Arsenal are going to win it again.

They are by far the best team at the moment and have been for a couple of seasons.

Liverpool are too inconsistent and Man U are not the team they once were.

I`m an Aston Villa fan so have no particular axe to grind.

RE: lsn`t it ironic, don`t ya think?

6. TO BE OR NOT TO BE ....that is the question

RE: Last Castle & Rollerball for £4.99

Rollerball is out of stock ---drat !!

RE: Asylum seekers.......Do they realy get all this?

You mention Albanians.

There is no war in Albania at the moment, the population are not persecuted.

We went to war to sort out the problems in Kosovo and Albania, and I believe we won that war, so shouldn`t the Albanians and Kosovons be sent back now.

They have no right to be here as they do not face persecution at home.

RE: Asylum seekers.......Do they realy get all this?

I see you have already resorted to petty name-calling.

Grow up !

RE: Asylum seekers.......Do they realy get all this?

Oh dear, I think you have picked a very divisive topic.

Anyone who agrees with you will more than likely be branded a racist.

But here are my thoughts......

The majority should not be here. Only genuine refugees who live in fear of persecution at home should be allowed in. I have no problems with that.

I do have a problem with gangs of asylum seekers roaming our streets, in Birmingham where I live, there are loads.

If they are here, then they should be in camps where they can learn English, get decent health treatment and generally we can keep an eye on them.

Anyone who can`t speak or read English can offer nothing to this country, it should be mandatory for anyone who wants to live here. How can you participate fully when you can`t communicate effectively.

We need an open and honest debate in this country about the levels of immigration without all the name-calling which inevitably happens.

There are just too many.

Is Alan Partridge funny anymore?

Like a lot of people I was looking forward to the new Alan Partridge series but I think it`s been really poor.

Maybe the novelty factor has worn off over the years but it just seems to lack something.

I find the scenes at the radio station rather tedious now and the girlfriend has not made any difference.

It`s such a shame when you consider how good the first series was.

So come back Tony Ferrino all is forgiven !!!

I hope someone out there agrees with me?

RE: 16 X 10 X 40 CD-RW drive for £12.98 at Jungle....clearance special

Does anyone know if this is Windows 2k compatible?

RE: digital camera advice

This is an excellent site....

I have recently bought one after looking around for ages.

I managed to get a 2nd-hand Olympus Camedia....

3 x optical zoom
2 mega pixels
6 flash modes

does the job. Had some pics printed 5*7 and they are excellent quality.

So you don`t need that many mega-pixels.

RE: Celebrity Big Bruv

It`s all a pile of poo.

It`s just cheap tv for the brainless masses.

RE: The BigGesT bESteST DeAL iN The WholE-wIDe WorLd EvEr

There is no.... "official UK DVD chart", it`s a meaningless statement.

Sains can make up their own chart if they want.

RE: The BigGesT bESteST DeAL iN The WholE-wIDe WorLd EvEr

Yes I do have a point.

Sains had no intention of selling LOTR 4 disc and other multiple disc editions for £12.5 each.

It wouldn`t make economic sense.

But a few people in here have to kick-up a fuss thus Sainsburys will more than likely withdraw the offer completely just because a few abused it.

Sains can decide what they like, they are not obliged to sell anything to anyone.

Under contract law, such things are known as "invitations to treat", only when they accept your "offer", ie. payment, is there a contract.

If they are not prepared to accept £12.5 for LOTR 4-disc it`s just tough.

And I don`t blame them at all.

So grow up, leave Sains alone.

Let decent hard working folk who would revel at the chance of a bargain make the most of this offer not people in here who are just out to abuse it.

To be honest, that is what most of you are doing.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 12th November 2002, 19:10

Toshiba sd110 andSony HTK215 set-up

I have a toshiba sd110e dvd and the HTK215 on order.

Do I need any extra cables to get full 5.1 and DTS sound?

I have read about coaxial and toslink (?) cables, do I need these?

If so, can someone let me know what I need and where I can get them at a reasonable ie. cheap, price.

Thanks in advance.

RE: The BigGesT bESteST DeAL iN The WholE-wIDe WorLd EvEr

Someone wrote.....

Myabe the complaints to trading standards, and all the phone calls to head office checking the offers etc, and all those in store making a point and forcing the issue have been noticed...

maybe we will all loose out now.... point exactly.

Due to the greed of some people, everyone has lost out. Not just users of this forum but decent folk who could have saved themselves a few bob.

RE: The BigGesT bESteST DeAL iN The WholE-wIDe WorLd EvEr

Roger James,

If you can`t express yourself without swearing then that`s very sad.

I`m neither rich nor poor, I do ok.

We all like to get a bargain but why ruin it for everyone, eventually Sainsburys will withdraw the offer and everyone loses out.

Also, I have too much self-respect to brow-beat some cashier into giving me something I probably don`t deserve in the first place.

But what the heck, you can save a few quid so why would you care?

RE: The BigGesT bESteST DeAL iN The WholE-wIDe WorLd EvEr

I agree with eltel2.

If Sainsburys want to put LOTR at no 44 it`s upto them, it`s their chart and their shops. I think that`s too high anyway for such a pile of sh*t, but that`s another story.

Why ruin the offer for everyone else. Sainsburys will only withdraw it and everyone loses.

Some people in here are just plain tight-arses to be honest.

Either get better paid jobs or stop buying dvd`s but don`t ruin things for decent folk.

RE: man bites dog £6.99

I agree. It`s a cracking film. Buy it now !!

RE: <<Just Got Busted for Speeding>> :-(

The point is not about speed limits.

He broke the law.

He should accept his punishment and stop moaning !!

RE: <<Just Got Busted for Speeding>> :-(

I agree. Speed limits are there for a reason.

Why should people choose which laws to break?

You broke the law so "tough titties" !!

Toshiba sd110 vs sd220

I have noticed that the sd220 are now quite cheap (old model I presume).

What is the difference between the sd110 and sd220?

I`m only interested in playing dvd`s so not bothered about other media.

So would it be a wise decision to `upgrade`?



"It wasnt underwater when it was built. It is has probably been sunken over time or collapsed or something."......

.....YOU DON`T SAY ????

(I was being sarcastic by the way).