The Human Centipede (*that* horror flick)
After seeing the trailer for it on Charlie Brooker`s You Have Been Watching, I really can`t decide if this is a horror flick I should see because it is either genuinely hilarious, somewhat disturbing, or avoid because the trailer has all the good bits,,.
The first of three parts as well. :o
"The Green Belt policy is a Labour Policy, and we intend to Build on it"
John Prescott
RE: The Human Centipede (*that* horror flick)
Robert - this is your site - when are you going to remember how to embed youtube videos into posts? :D
Just copy and paste the entire url without any youtube brackets - it`s so easy! ;)
Yikes, that`s gruesome stuff! :o
RE: The Human Centipede (*that* horror flick)
I forget what works on the old one and doesn`t, using [youtube] tags works fine on the new version!
"The Green Belt policy is a Labour Policy, and we intend to Build on it"
John Prescott
RE: The Human Centipede (*that* horror flick)
Sad bunch of the usual schtick.
Every Third Car
I used to be with it, but then they changed what `it` was.
Now, what I`m with isn`t it, and what`s `it` seems weird and scary
RE: The Human Centipede (*that* horror flick)
So is it worth a watch
RE: The Human Centipede (*that* horror flick)
RE: The Human Centipede (*that* horror flick)
Some friends of mine (who are very much into horror films) saw it and said it was really good.
RE: The Human Centipede (*that* horror flick)
Available as a dvd rip from the usual places. Whatever they are. I wouldnt know , just seen it posted before.. ;)
RE: The Human Centipede (*that* horror flick)
Just got up to speed with this because Total Film are bigging it up in their latest issue. Really really doesn`t sound like my cuppa tea, but I`m getting mellow enough in my late forties not to get my knickers in a twist about this sort of thing.
TF are making out it`s a sort of ultra-black comedy-horror, which is fine if they`re reading it right. The outraged-of-Tunbridge-Wells brigade are lumping it in with the "torture porn" cycle.
Personally I don`t have any problem with these movies once they`re out in the wild and accepted by their target audience, I just get a bit depressed somebody could have thought the storyline up in the first place... :(
J Mark Oates
It`s Grand To Be Daft
RE: The Human Centipede (*that* horror flick)
Perhaps less so with the sequels, but the first Saw really came across as being quite new and original. The clips and trailers made it out to be far more horrific than it actually was, a lot of the film itself was (in the same vein as Seven) implied more than shown.
My first exposure to THC`s trailer really was a case of OMG I cannot believe someone has made a movie about this. But now I`m over the sock and have heard more about it, I`ll definitely be getting it on DVD when it is out.
We`ve had a few offers to see screenings, but I`ve yet to go to a screening that wasn`t incredibly poor in some aspect or another.
"The Green Belt policy is a Labour Policy, and we intend to Build on it"
John Prescott