Page 1 of Classic (my opinion) Sci-Fi missing from DVD

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Classic (my opinion) Sci-Fi missing from DVD

MikeS (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 19th March 2005, 22:11

What is it with the studios? ($$$$) With huge back catalogues to extract from there seams a tendency recently for re-issuing DVDs in varying different collector's editions etc. I would rather have some old classics than (not in all cases) constantly rehashed editions which include extras not worth having (HBO specials for one thing!). There are still some great classic (my opinion - ones I enjoy) which have still to be released on DVD. Here`s a list of the ones I`m after:-

Robinson Crusoe on Mars ( I believe this is on the way)
Incredible Shrinking Man
This Island Earth
Crack in the World
Colossus: The Forbin Project (not sure about this one - long time no see)

Anyone else got any others they would like to see?


This item was edited on Saturday, 19th March 2005, 22:14

RE: Classic (my opinion) Sci-Fi missing from DVD

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 19th March 2005, 22:27

I`d second that list. The scary thing is that there`s a whole generation who only know This Island Earth through that awful MST3K (Mystery Science Theater 3000) send-up.

I`m hoping Warner pull their fingers out over the oft-postponed R2 release of Forbidden Planet and finally release it at the end of May.

I`d also like to see them releasing some of those 1960s Hammer fantasy flicks like Moon Zero Two and When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth (the 100 minute UK cut, not the 98 minute US print that always surfaces on TV).

George Pal`s Doc Savage, Man Of Bronze would be fun.

J Mark Oates

Come along, Watson, there`s not a moment to lose!

RE: Classic (my opinion) Sci-Fi missing from DVD

izombie (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 20th March 2005, 09:36

Colossus is out on Region 1 but sadly not in widescreen. This Island Earth was out on Region 1 as well but is now deleted although DVD Import are still listing it. The Incredible Shrinking Man is one of my all time favourite films and I`d love to have it on DVD (just hope the Keenen Ivory Wayans remake never happens).

` nice until it`s time to not be nice`

RE: Classic (my opinion) Sci-Fi missing from DVD

bargainhunt (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 20th March 2005, 10:28

I did like Crusoe on Mars.

One I thought would be out considering links is Michael Mann`s "The Keep" - with Sir Ian McKellern.

Oh, just remembered a classic Wyndham one with Day of the Triffids BBC show to be released - want someone to do "The Kraken Awakes". Jonathon Cake did an excellent radio play of this a few years back and it was rivetting!

This item was edited on Sunday, 20th March 2005, 10:31

RE: Classic (my opinion) Sci-Fi missing from DVD

Chode (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 20th March 2005, 11:28

One I thought would be out considering links is Michael Mann`s "The Keep" - with Sir Ian McKellern.
It is on R1, released some time ago I think, as I downloaded the dvd cover when I put my tv video recording of it on disc.

Bog off Foggy
Ok, I admit it, I have a Philips DVDR70 (dons hard hat and jumps in bunker ready for incoming verbal abuse!)

( I know I`m getting old, but I really must proof read what the heck I type on the keyboard before posting, and then again, and again, and again and... If found, please return this person to the insane asylum)

RE: Classic (my opinion) Sci-Fi missing from DVD

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 20th March 2005, 14:01

The original DVD version of Blade Runner!!!! :(


And if you survive till 2005, I hope you`re exceedingly thin, For if you are stout you will have to breathe out, While the people around you breathe in.

DVD collection


This item was edited on Sunday, 20th March 2005, 14:04

RE: Classic (my opinion) Sci-Fi missing from DVD

the eggman (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 20th March 2005, 19:12

Demon Seed

RE: Classic (my opinion) Sci-Fi missing from DVD

the eggman (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 20th March 2005, 19:14

Woops posted twice

This item was edited on Monday, 21st March 2005, 06:21

RE: Classic (my opinion) Sci-Fi missing from DVD

phelings (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 20th March 2005, 21:59

The IMAGE release of This Island Earth was a poor print unacceptable compared to what we expect today.
Forbidden Planet is still out on R1 in a surround sound anamorphic widescreen print,albeit a bit scratchy.
Other classic fantasy thats on R1 but still not on R2 include Time After Time with Malcolm McDowell,Clash of The Titans,House of Wax and the Harryhausen version of Mysterious Island

This item was edited on Sunday, 20th March 2005, 22:01

RE: Classic (my opinion) Sci-Fi missing from DVD

Jitendar Canth (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 21st March 2005, 13:17

I`d love to see The Philadelphia Experiment on disc. Classic `80s sci-fi.

Jitendar Canth

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