Page 1 of Who has tried to watch one of those films and switched off in the first few mins!!!!

DVDs & Films Forum

Who has tried to watch one of those films and switched off in the first few mins!!!!

galaxy (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 1st February 2004, 02:46

You all know what i am talking about, It is one of those nights when there is nothing on T.V. to watch and you glance at your bulging DVD colection and say "I DONT KNOW WHAT TO WATCH". And so you put on your shoes and take a trot down to your local rental store and once you are inside you come across a collection you either know or you have no idea at all. :/
You finally pick the film you sort of fancy watching(BUT UNESURE OF ITS WRITE UPS) And read the reverse of the cover and find it had numerous praises from both the US and the UK press. :)
You get home take off your shoes, insert film, crack open a beer and sit down..... The next thing you relise is this looks like a pile of sh*t, But you give the film a chance and five minutes later it is still unapealling. >:(
You think to yourself what a complete waste of my Fu*!ing time and money......Name some of those wasted moments....

RE: Who has tried to watch one of those films and switched off in the first few mins!!!!

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 1st February 2004, 06:30

Master of Disguise with Dana Carvey. Read the review.

J Mark Oates

Do not be alarmed. That strange sound is simply
my mind boggling.

This item was edited on Sunday, 1st February 2004, 06:32

RE: Who has tried to watch one of those films and switched off in the first few mins!!!!

Django (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 1st February 2004, 09:22

EXORCIST 2-THE HERETIC...The only film I have ever walked out of @ the cinema!

RE: Who has tried to watch one of those films and switched off in the first few mins!!!!

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 1st February 2004, 10:21

Cat in the Hat,(Mike Myers) enough said!!


RE: Who has tried to watch one of those films and switched off in the first few mins!!!!

Robert Terwilliger (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 1st February 2004, 10:33

Vertical Limit...

In the trailers that I saw it and the reviews it sounded good.....watched maybe an hour of it and me and the gf looked at each other with that `is it me or is this film crap` look and took it back to blockbusters ...granted it lasted more than a few minutes but it I was willing to give it the benifit of the doubt...but then decided enough was enough >:(

"Twenty-eight days, six hours, forty-two minutes, twelve seconds.
That is when the world.. will end."

This item was edited on Sunday, 1st February 2004, 10:35

RE: Who has tried to watch one of those films and switched off in the first few mins!!!!

Oscar Wallace (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 1st February 2004, 12:06

Strange this...Blair Witch Project watched it for 20 mins turned it off, saw it a year later and enjoyed it,bought the DVD in January sale and enjoyed watching it again, bloody good film though not scary!


RE: Who has tried to watch one of those films and switched off in the first few mins!!!!

clayts (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 1st February 2004, 12:18

6th Day with Arnie

Anything with Van Damme in

I try, honest, I do try....


Moderator (aka Chopper Clayts)
DVD Reviewer

Webmaster of independent Sampo/Maxent DVD website Area 450

RE: Who has tried to watch one of those films and switched off in the first few mins!!!!

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 1st February 2004, 12:41

Anything with Van Damme in

Ah the wonders of DVD as opposed to VHS.
Wizz through to all the punch ups skip the wooden acting and finish the movie in the space of an Ad break.


Inside every old man is a young man wondering what the hell happened.

This item was edited on Sunday, 1st February 2004, 12:41

RE: Who has tried to watch one of those films and switched off in the first few mins!!!!

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 1st February 2004, 13:33

Jason X.... bag o` s***e! Only film I ever walked out of.

Expect the worst and you won`t be disappointed!

RE: Who has tried to watch one of those films and switched off in the first few mins!!!!

Ryno_Dod (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 1st February 2004, 17:47

bloody LOTR 3 i was expecting FAREWELL TO THE KING ;)

see for an insight

This item was edited on Sunday, 1st February 2004, 17:47

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