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Bargain Buckets Forum

Its not DVD,but booze(equally important!)

nevi (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 30th July 2002, 20:09

Sainsburys have their own parkin special on offer(Beer!)9.99 for 18 cans.

Its brewed in Leeds by Tetleys and is well tasty!

RE: Its not DVD,but booze(equally important!)

close to the edge (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 30th July 2002, 22:23

This is my Fav tipple and is available nearly every month for a week at a time at this price. By the way, it is easy to get the misses to get my beer if she can get it at her fav shop and it is cheap!

RE: Its not DVD,but booze(equally important!)

niteowl (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 31st July 2002, 13:57

Why not Save your misses the trouble and just buy it off Sainsbury web page....only cost an extra £5 me thinks u can get a whole truck full....


RE: Its not DVD,but booze(equally important!)

kirky (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 31st July 2002, 20:57

why not hit your local tescos for a 24 pack of carlsberg green for £10.75.

RE: Its not DVD,but booze(equally important!)

budda (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 1st August 2002, 12:37

24 pack of Grolsch only £8.99 at Asda. Or 3 for £20. You can even mix-n-match with Carling, Caffreys etc. too IIRC.

RE: Its not DVD,but booze(equally important!)

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 3rd August 2002, 13:36

I can not remember the name of the shop but if you are in Leicester and need some cheep Stella there is a small offy on Narborough road that does 24 500ml cans for £18. Thats 75p a can. Bargin.

All the best,

The 42%er.

RE: Its not DVD,but booze(equally important!)

Satanica (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 3rd August 2002, 18:11

*nips to Asda for 20 quid of Caffreys*

RE: Its not DVD,but booze(equally important!)

Foolish_Mortal (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 3rd August 2002, 21:13

Hi budda.

I`ve had a quick look on the Asda website, and the only stuff for that price are packs of 12 cans. Grolsch was there, as was Caffreys.

Is the 24pack bargain (cans, I assume?) only in-store, methinks? Sainsbury`s are doing 24cans of cafferys for £16 (same for Webster`s).


RE: Its not DVD,but booze(equally important!)

CAPTAINSHADWELL (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 3rd August 2002, 21:39

Ok b4 I announce a great bargain I warn u know - -if u dont like Cider turback. As the brew of the teenage devil is on Sale at Somerfields. 24 cans of Johnny Vaughns finest Stromgbow is on at 9.99 - - -now I im not gonna work out what that is in price per can but its drink moosh its string vest pikey time...............I m drunk

RE: Its not DVD,but booze(equally important!)

sparkster (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 3rd August 2002, 23:56

"24 pack of Grolsch only £8.99 at Asda. Or 3 for £20. You can even mix-n-match with Carling, Caffreys etc. too IIRC."

72 cans of Grolsh for £20! Gotta order that. That should keep me stocked up with beers for about 2 weeks! :-)

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