Info and forum posts by 'dn38416'

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Joined on: Tuesday, 12th June 2001, 20:50, Last used: Tuesday, 12th June 2001, 20:50

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 29 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Best TV theme ever?

Starsky and Hutch (both versions)
V The final battle (title music)
The Professionals
The Simpsons


Id wish more studios followed the example set by Blade. That had an 18 and still managed to be successful. Most of the people interested in theses movies are in the 20-40 age group any way.

RE: Favourite Movie Theme/Score?

Like most of the scores already listed.Some of my favourites that are not as common as the obvious include
The Warriors
Escape from New York
The Thing
The taking of the Pelham 123

RE: SCARIEST or most chilling scene from a movie ever.......?

The Texas Chainsaw Masacre.
When we first meet leatherface and he hits the kid with the hammer, then slams the metal door shut and you get that spike of sound.
Very effective.

RE: V - Sci fi Mini-series on DVD

Its already available, I believe I saw it in an MVC store.Think it was around £30.Hope this helps I aready own the seperate editions and its still one of my favourite Sci-Fi shows ever.

RE: Training Day problems

Had the same problem with my x-box.

RE: 20:05 Channel 5 - two sides to every story

Read the book Dark Moon by David Percy. I read it after hearing rumours about the moon landings and am now 100% sure those visuals we have been led to believe are on the moon are not.
The sad thing is the powers that be get away with these things because your average Joe is to worried about paying his mortgage.
If I was back at school Id quiz my old physics teacher as he had the so obvious fake Aldrin picture on his class room wall.When your at school you dont ask any questions you just accept every thing you are told as fact.

RE: what is your Favourite film?

Id say The Hustler,Momento,Fight Club,The French Connection.Dam it to many quality films to list IMPOSSIBLE TO NAME A FAVOURITE.

RE: Lord of the Rings

Very poor film.
I loved the cartoon and the 80s radio broadcast.But this was bad it was like a 100 million dollar TV movie.How can people call this the Star Wars of this generation.

RE: Talk about cutting it fine - well done England !

Shocking display I seriously wanted Greese to win. We deserved nothing out of that game.Beckham was fantastic though.

RE: Play247: Do I be honest with them?

This happened to me the other week when I ordered V . Ive heard similar reports from other people, so as far as Im concerned play screwed up and I get a free copy, which I will sell therefore gaining £15.

RE: Deliveries stolen at post office

I live in Washington and have had no such problems with my discs being nicked or the package opened as of yet.Ive got two discs on the way so I hope this does not happen to me.

RE: Massive terrorist attacks in America

The reason my spelling and punctuation was bad was because I was using my dreamcast with a controller.I simply could not be bothered with the hassle of stopping and starting.Any way this forum its not an English exam you prat!
Answer me this how can a plane crash in to the pentagon the heart of Americas defence?When you consider the fact that two planes have crashed in to the WTC 30 minutes or so earlier.Surely this stray plane approaching was picked up by air traffic control either in the pentagon or else where so why wasnt it shoot down.
Any way I think Bin Ladens on the American payroll he probly helped fight the Russians in Afganistan for the Americans thats why they funded him after all he was involved with the CIA.

RE: Massive terrorist attacks in America

firstly let me say this is an unbelievable tragic nightmare and its still hard to beleive its happened.what i want to say may probly offend many but here goes i think this hole thing could possibly be an INSIDE JOB just the way the towers collapsed 40 minutes after the impact obviously by the footage the towers inploded could it be possible that bombs were planted in side the towers and that the planes were merely diversions to cover this up many reports stated a second explosion before the collapse.surely the fact that days before this tragic event the state of the worlds stock exchange was all over the tabloids is evidence that something stinks hitting the financial heart of the economy the WTC hours after theses reports is just to coinsidentle.a single currency will be easier to implament now i feel that this reason is only a small part of why this occured.the fact the intelligent agencies completly screwed up only fuels the theorys that this was let to happen.maybe these statements ive made are intirely nonsence but i feel like the world is being brainwashed by the media intensity around this nightmare and were not forming our own opinions.i feel the middle east is becoming a nother lee harvey oswald here.

RE: Horror films that are actually scary

If you have not seen it before The Texas Chainsaw Masacre is very creepy on its first viewing and extremly believable.Its very low budget and has great direction probly ranks as one of the best horror movies ever in my book.

RE: adult dvd

Just visited the site, I didnt realise it was now legal to sell hardcore in the UK .Why are they so expensive?

RE: adult dvd

Was this soft or hardcore


I already own R2 version but will be selling it and buying R1.I want the proper intro none of this subtitled nonsence and it will have the intire dialogue, I know its only one word but its still missing .Why didnt Cameron do a movie commentary as well as a deleted scenes one its not like hes been busy making movies recently. A commentary with Cameron, Biehn,Hamilton and Arnie is what this disc really needed.


Recently purchased a jvc 32ft1 but noticed on arrival that the plastic cover was not fitted proply to the flat screen just above the JVC badge.So rang up QED and a replacement JVC set was sent only this has the same problem.Surely this cannot be the design of the tv as liquid or anything could get in throw this gap as it should be sealed.Is this apparant on any other JVC tvs or have I just been unlucky and received two duff tvs.
thanks for any replys

RE: JFK - was Kevin Costner right?

Recently seen a conspiracy video which truly amazed ,it concerned the JFK assasination.It showed the uncut version of the zubruder footage apparently the footage we are all so used to seeing and the one shown in the film JFK is slowed down and vital frames have been removed and certain artefacts air brushed out(the footage was bought hastly from zubruder buy the government I think).Any way with out going in to, to much detail the whole assasination was apparantly some huge sacrifical ritual as deley plaza is on the 33rd parralell which has loads of masonic importance the place is riddled with oblisqes and other symbolism concerning the illuminati.On this tape it clearly shows that the final shot which finished JFK off was taken by the driver of the car in which JFK was sitting I know this sounds unbelivable but I now think this could be possible.I always wondered why his wife climbed out the back of the car espeacially when some one was shoting from above them, making her an easy target.Is it possible she saw the driver pull the trigger and feared for her life I dont know.
I strongly suggest veiwing this tape if you ever get the chance it was filmed at a seminar and makes fascinating veiwing it cost about £2 from an advert in some conspiracy magazine.You may not beleive it but it certainly adds new depth to this mystery.

RE: Under-used actors, who would you mention?

The most under rated actor in my opinion is Michael Biehn after The Terminator , Aliens and The Abyss he should of Biehn (sorry) a huge star.Only Jim Cameron seemed to acknowledge the guy, but still over a decade after his best films he still remains one of my favourite actors and I look forward to watching what ever he continues to star in.

RE: Anyone having problems with R1 T2 Ultimate Edition

Because of the dual sided aspect of this disc I have to be really careful when taking it out of the case as to avoid finger prints and dirtying the disc, but have never had any problems with a particular scene.

RE: LG3200 upgrade?

Sorry about that but the hack will not work on the lg 3200 and will screw up your player.I have the 3350e and just presumed that the hack would work on the 3200 but it does not.
Just a suggestion if you like the 3200 so much why dont you simply up grade a few pounds and get the 3350e.LG have just released this years newsest model basically its the same machine but has been given a face lift.

RE: LG3200 upgrade?

Why dont you simply put in the vcd remote hack which will enable your LG to play vcd s.It will work on your player as long as it has at least 1.2 firmware.Im supposing here that you have already aquired the multi region hack as its the same sort of process.
If you have not check this link out

RE: Art Of War

Michael Biehn who played Bly in the Art of War, his character in the film K2 read the same book too.SPOOKY

RE: Whats the first dvd everyone bought?


The Warriors to be released in mono

Found out that the classic cult movie The Warriors is being released soon on dvd.But to my disapointment its only being released with a mono soundtrack and limited features a trailer i think.Why was this cult film not given the respect it deserves and given a full revamp.
Dont know if anyone watched this on the BBC last time but it had at least 5 minutes of extra footage at the start and the picture looked cleaner. Was there ever a speacial edition released on laser disc because id never seen that version before.
Theres obviously extra footage and still a strong cult interest in this film, with at least the over 25 year olds so i feel thats its a missed oppertunity with a format such as dvd.

Momento whens it available to buy R1 or R2 ?

Best film ive seen all year, but when will it be on sale to buy?.Does any one know about the possible extras it might contain .

RE: LG 3500E Remote hack

When you view the firmware version screen it resets the player back to default setting on all lg if you but the multi region hack in prior to viewing the firmware screen it will reset the player there fore erasing the hack.A strange thing about this hack is even when the player is set to region 1 it will still play region 2 discs which is a very cool bonus.I can confirm that the hack works as i have an lg 3350e.