General Forum


Soprano (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 30th January 2003, 13:54

Are there any reviews for this film out yet? I haven`t seen any. Empire is out today, but I haven`t had a chance to loaf in a news agents and read it.

Please no links to, as the crayon style fonts and childish web-design hurt my eyes. I want a real review not a geeks view


Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 30th January 2003, 13:58

you won`t find one yet, what with the film not having left post-production. (they`re cutting it a bit fine tho, it`s supposed to come out in about 2 weeks)


handsome.b.wonderful (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 30th January 2003, 14:35

No reviews but there`s an interesting clip of Daredevil fighting Bullseye at the link below to whet your appetite - it looks pretty good but to be honest after seeing the Reloaded trailer everything else pales in comparison:

This item was edited on Thursday, 30th January 2003, 14:36


chewie (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 30th January 2003, 15:08

Daredevil is finished. They were still in post production because Fox wanted a PG-13 as the film was too violent and the MPAA would only grant an R. Sadly, the film is now a PG-13. The good news about this is the Director was really p***ed he had to cut the film down (which *might* mean an uncut DVD release). The bad news is Daredevil will probably be a 12A in the UK, so look forward to sharing the cinema with a lot of brats.


Soprano (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 30th January 2003, 15:38

Interesting news chewie, I didn`t know that. May get two versions of DD out then? R and PG-13.

Well, I`ll go West End to watch it and avoid the children with their Nokias and baseball caps who won`t pay the extra.

I have just started reading Daredevil again after a 8 year break so am looking forward to this.


chewie (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 30th January 2003, 15:56

I`m not that familiar with Dardevil. I know Kingpin. But everyone else is quite new. But I think it looks good (still a bit nervous with Affleck as Murdock though... can he be taken seriously???)


mikeyb (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 30th January 2003, 16:13

I`m sure this 12A rating is just an excuse to get parents and kids to pay for admission where normally it would be a PG with a few secs of cuts just bumping up attendance numbers if you ask me....

or is this me just being cynical ...



mikeyb (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 30th January 2003, 16:15

Rumours are that Jennifer just wanted to see him in some leather ...... !


chewie (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 30th January 2003, 16:30

The 12A rating is meant to boost numbers, but it is a BAD thing for film fans like us. Do you like seeing your films butchered???

No!, me neither. Films that may get a "light" 15 will now be cut to get the 12A. Then there is the BRATS in the cinema that want to do everything else apart from sitting down and watching the bloody film.


flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 30th January 2003, 17:25

The little f[at]rekc who sat in front of my girlfriend and me when we went to see "What Lies Beneath", would not stay in his seat, he was up and down. Then him and his girlfriend were started texting (with the tones on). When he sparked up my girlfriend asked him to put it out, he told her in no uncertain terms to "f[at]kc off".

I am sure he regretted it tho`, I promptly grabbed him by his collar and opened every door with his face on the way out of the cinema, when he got his phone out to ring his mates, I took it off him and launched it into the bushes. I passed his girlfrind on the way out and told her I`d hang around after for him, but they were nowhere to be seen, strange that!!

I couldn`t understand his behauviour. They`d paid extra for the Premier 18s and above screen and spent more time chatting and getting popcorn than they did watching the film. The staff did absolutely nothing, but I suppose they don`t get paid enough.


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