Info and forum posts by 'sconebum'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 21st May 2001, 18:13, Last used: Monday, 21st May 2001, 18:13

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 21 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Too bloody good to miss - Sky+ for a Ton!!!!

I phoned too last nite, and got the offer after being asked if I worked for BT. I said I worked for a competitor, but that "a friend" told me about the offer. Installation date is 28th Jan.

The operator read out a long list of conditions about what it used to cost, and what I was getting. I asked specifically about recording two channels simultaneously, she stated that I would get all the latest facilities including this as part of the deal.


Found it!

This item was edited on Friday, 17th October 2003, 01:30

RE: HMV sale - details clayts??

Which Indiana Jones trilogy would that be on DVD?

RE: ITV Digital - £79.99 Any Free Monkeys?

I suppose that none of these boxes include that coveted collector`s item, the ITV Monkey, he`s sufficient reason to part witht the cash.
I`ve seen them change hands for that on eBay!

Bush DVD1000 £88 at Makro

Got a small Bush DVD machine today which I`m gonna fit up in the car! It`s tiny (about 10" square) and plays mp3s too. Now all I need is a flatscreen...
Has anyone heard of this kit?

Raiders Released?

Watching Raiders of the Lost Ark last week got me searching for the DVDs of the Indiana Jones series, but the only place that seems to have them available is DVDImport.

Are these VHS transfers, bootlegs or VCDs, or has DVDImport (ahem) cornered the market in Indy movies?

RE: WH Smith Sale

I`m not a great fan of WH Smith`s, but a bargain`s a bargain.
Then again, the day I picked up the Perfect Storm for £7.99 instore, they still had some of the same disks selling for £16.99 in the plastic anti-theft boxes. I wonder if any mugs actually bought them at that price, and whether WH Smith staff would have put them right?

WH Smith Sale

Got an email today from them about a January sale.
A few good titles at including Seven 2-disc for £7.99

WH Smith Bargains

Just found WH Smiths selling a few decent titles at £7.99, such as Perfect Storm, Unforgiven, Three Kings, Heat.

RE: Interesting 2 for $50 at

Is it me or does EZYDVD and ChaosMusic use the same graphics on their sites?
Are they affiliates or the same bunch?

Cheapest Chimps?

Seasons Greetings to all.
Can anyone beat Under18`s £14.49 for the region 2, 2-disc Planet of the Apes (2001).
As this won`t be released until Feb 2002, does anyone know the US or OZ release date?

RE: 2001 2-disk set at Ezy

Interesting comments about Ezy. I have had the same story from them in the past regarding not being able to find my emails.

Also, last week they sent me the Birdcage and the Shining erroneously, they had sent me the Birdcage about 6 months ago and I had cancelled the Shining after they had advised that it was out of stock.

They`ve guaranteed to reimburse my card and postage costs for returning the disks, but I`m a little concerned...

Shawshank at Under18 for £7.49

Got this from Under18 today:

Dear Customer,

We thought you`d like to know that we are doing the Shawshank Redemption at only £7.49.

We have also got Shrek on at a special pre-order price of only £16.99.

All these offers and more are available at

RE: French DVDs

Well, I got back today from South West France.
I must have been in every hypermarket in the region (HyperU, Leclerc, Carrefour, Geant etc..) but I was amazed at the same high prices which we are subjected to in the UK. Average price is about £13 for tat, up to about £18-22 for films I might buy.

The only exception in the hypermarkets is an occasional bin of two-disk sets (i.e. separate titles).

Usually these were an iffy older film with a real turkey, but once I got hold of Manhunter, which is called Le Sixieme Sens in French (wonder what they call the Bruce Willis film?) teamed with a Dario Argento film called Stendhal Syndrome, for 149 FF (about £15)

Other places selling DVD`s are few and far between, I only found two actual Video and DVD shops. They couldn`t beat the hypermarkets, but they did sell adult and older DVDs, as well as tons of second-hand disks for a few quid off full prices.

I expected more from the hypermarkets, with their samey pricing getting me thinking about price-fixing...

RE: Simplygames Omen Dvd trilogy

I received this from Simplygames this morning after threatening them with Trading Standards...

Good morning Mr Sconebum,

Unfortunately due to the massive demands for this product we found it
financially unviable to honour the price. We did however decide to change
the price to £26.99 which is our cost price and a lot cheaper than our

I do apologise for the upset this has caused you but we do reserve the
rights to supply goods for any reason, this is clearly stated on our site.


Luke Smith

RE: French DVDs

Thanks Mike,

Bargain Buckets in France here I come.

I haven`t been to France since `98 (before DVD really took off) so I hope the big hypermarkets are cutting each other`s throats over the price of disks.


French DVDs

I`m going to France soon, and want to bring back cheap DVDs. My question is, will they work properly.

I understand that our Gallic friends are region 2 also, but when I`ve brought French VHS video tapes back they only played in black & white, something to do with Secam rather than PAL?


Well, I tried it, and this was the reply...

Dear Sconebum,

Thanks for your email. As previously mentioned the DVD`s you ordered were
listed on our site in error and are not available. We are unable to supply
them and subsequently no compensation will be offered.

If I can be of any further assistance, please let me know.

Best Regards,

Lloyd Hathaway
Team Leader
WHSmith Online Customer Service
"mailto:yawahtah.dyoll[at]ku.oc.enilnohtimshw" class="decrypt"
Edit your account details & check or cancel your orders:

Online Help and Information:

WHSmith Online, 1 Ashville Way, Cowley,
Oxford, OX4 6TS, United Kingdom

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 19 May 2001 12:57
To: Lloyd Hathaway
Subject: Re: Order: xxxxxxxxxx

Dear Mr Hathaway,

Thank you for your communication, however I expect on-line orders to be
honoured as normal transactions would be.

I did think your advertised price was a great opportunity, and placed the
order in good faith. I have documentary evidence that the goods were
advertised on your site at that price, and I would expect a company of the
standing of WH Smith to stand by their advertised price. Indeed, by
accepting my order, you entered into a contract with me for the goods at
that price.

If you are unable to assist then please refer me to someone who can.
Otherwise I shall have no alternative but to refer the matter to Trading

I have enclosed copies of documents which confirm the contract between us,
for your information.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Lloyd Hathaway"
To: me
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 3:44 PM
Subject: Order: 364869210

> Dear James,
> I am very sorry to inform you that the above mentioned order for What Lies
> Beneath / Fight Club DVD has had to be cancelled from our system as we are
> unable to supply this item.
> This item should never have appeared on our site as it is a rental only
> that WHSmith Online cannot supply. We are constantly working to improve
> integrity of the information on our site but unfortunately with such a
> database errors do occur from time to time. I hope that you will accept
> apologies for any inconvenience caused.
> If I can be of any further assistance, please let me know.
> Best Regards,
> Lloyd Hathaway
> Team Leader
> WHSmith Online Customer Service
> "mailto:yawahtah.dyoll[at]ku.oc.enilnohtimshw" class="decrypt"
> ============================================
> Edit your account details & check or cancel your orders:
> Online Help and Information:

> WHSmith Online, 1 Ashville Way, Cowley,
> Oxford, OX4 6TS, United Kingdom
> ============================================