Info and forum posts by 'David J.W.'

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Joined on: Friday, 8th December 2000, 20:59, Last used: Friday, 8th December 2000, 20:59

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This user has posted a total of 16 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Dansai Questions. Please help?


Watched STAR TREK tonight and that has the option to change the voices of the characters into 3 spoken languages. Default was English
but you could also select German and Czech. It was very funny watching Kirk talking in Czech.........sounded nothing like him but its a good idea.
Not all DVD discs support it and some DVD players dont call the button Language but instead mark it as AUDIO.

If you need anymore info Email me anytime.

JMB 28" WIDESCREEN TV`s are they any good?

Index sell them for £269.00 and i just wondered if anyone has one and what they were like. They certainly look okay but i was wondering about performance and if they understand NTSC signal?

RE: Dansai not holding RGB setting - I`m not alone !

I have to select RGB everytime as well and it does make a difference to the picture.
When i turn my Hitachi flat screen tv on with the Dansai connected i have to select RGB on my tv myself and my Dansai is NOT outputting an RGB signal, it seems standard video signal is the default setting for the Dansai something you probably will have to live with.............not really a big hardship on a DVD player that cost £99.99 and performs like a machine twice its price.

RE: asda dvds

Multi Region.

Open tray tap 8421 on remote and press enter. Then press enter until
display shows 9 this is multi region.

Macro Off

Open tray tap 4561 on remote press enter. You will be able to turn Macro Off.

By the way Pacific are made by Schneider !!!!!

This item was edited on Tuesday, 22nd January 2002, 02:46


Press setup on your remote

Press stop on front panel of unit

Press previous on front panel of unit

Press next on front panel of unit

Now you will see secret menu with regions 1-6 or Bypass for region free.

You can also turn off Macrovision here.


Blank screen ? you mean blue with no writing on it? If this is the case then that is the proper JMB start up screen.

The JMB3000 is a very basic player but for what they cost they do the job well. I have got mine running multi region and it never refuses anything even the Matrix plays without a problem.

I have to confess i have become something of a DVD nut and i have a few DVD players in my house. I just love DVD its ace!!.


If this player is anything like the JMB3000 then do this.
with machine turned on and draw closed press open/close stop skip/forward at the same time.

You will get a menu that allows you to change the region setting plus default colour settings etc.

If anyone comes across the hack to turn the macro off on this machine please lett me know.

RE: need hack for Pacific p-dvd 1000

Yes 9 is multi region. This is not a bad player at all i have it hooked up to my Hitachi 28" widescreen which is a Natura flat screen model and the picture looks very good.

Anyone know a macrovision hack for this player ?

RE: Playback problem: White horizontal lines

I am haveing the same problems with my Pioneer DV525 and my Hitachi 28" widescreen.
In my case i think its my On Digital box causing the problem, so last night i changed my scart arrangement and it seems to have gone.

RE: Oritron DVD100

I had one of these machines for a while and for the price they do a good job.
I got it as a second player so i could have a machine for downstairs and one for up but as things turned out i was presented with a Pioneer DV525 for £99.99 brand new so the Oritron went to a freind as payment for welding on my motor.
Anyway i did use the Oritron a few times and i found it a very reliable player more so than my other cheap player (JMB3000) this tends to suffer from the jitters ocasionally and the Oritron does not.
Both picture and sound are both very good although music CD`s played through my widescreen TV via scart set to RGB sounded distorted yet using normal phono stereo leads through my amp it gave a very respectable sound.
As for multi region i would be interested myself so i can pass it on to my freind.........i know it does not play CDR`s or CDRW`s or VCD.....but for a penny short of a tonne what do you want?
In short from my time with the machine i would not hesitate to recommend it as a second player or come to that a main player in budget home cinema set up.......enjoy

RE: Woolworths Oritron DVD Player £99.99 help needed A.S.A.P Please!!!!

I had one for a short while........not a bad machine considering the price.
It does not play CDR VCD or MP3 but it does a good picture and sound output it also outputs a sharp RGB signal via scart.
One down side is it doesnt have a display just a couple of LED`s 1 i think is red for stand by and the other green for power on.........oh yes one more that flashes when you use the remote.

Anyone else noticed that its LED`s are disturbed by any other remote you happen to be using?


Thanks for that, i think its a pretty good machine myself the picture and sound quality is pretty much flawless and the machine looks damn fine too!!!.
Shame about no multi region........i have just hacked my other machine i have for the bedroom(JMB3000)and that works very well.Maybe a conversion is something for the future.


Got this player at my local Catalogue Bargain Shop (CBS) for £99.99 brand new.
I just wondered if anyone could tell me if this was a good price?

Also anyone know a multi region hack for this machine?

A big thankyou for the hack for JMB3000.DVD player

Just a big thanks, due to this hack my DVD player is now region free......that is my bedroom player but does anyone have a hack for my Pioneer 525 dvd............please?


New to DVD so please one of you kind souls give me some advice.



Hi i am a new member i just got my first DVD player today.
I was hoping someone could tell me what they think of my DVD player
and you can be honest.
I paid £125 for it so i dont think i got a bad deal when i compare it to other similar spec machines.