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Dansai not holding RGB setting - I`m not alone !

Tempest (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 21st January 2002, 23:17

Ok, where to start ? Well, I bought a Dansai DVD player from Tesco`s last week (excellent machine) but I do have 1 niggle.
It does not seem to hold onto the RGB output setting after you put it into standby or turn it off.
I have it connected to my 10 year old Sony 27" scart socket (which is wired for RGB) via the supplied Dansai Scart lead.

You turn the Dansai on and it`s going via composite. so I press the V-Mode 3 times.
1st press gives swirling mix of colours
2nd press gives back to composite image
3rd press give super sharp (and bright) RGB image.

Play a dvd etc... superb...

Put on standby, turn back on, and guess what, back where we started again....

Now I personally know of a couple of others who are getting this very same problem / feature ? occuring....

Wheras some others say yes theirs hold onto RGB fine every time.

Now I just wonder if this IS actually true.
My sony you see shows a MASSIVE difference on screen between Composite and RGB modes, wheras some articles on different subjects in the past written be people say they can`t tell much difference at all.

So I`m wondering if the people who say the Dansai DOES hold onto RGB output are actually correct ?

If they are then fair enough....

Someone else tried a different lead but this make no change to the problem/feature....

Anyone got any thoughts, or can tell what their player does ?

Thanks for any feedback on this issue.

RE: Dansai not holding RGB setting - I`m not alone !

David J.W. (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd January 2002, 02:56

I have to select RGB everytime as well and it does make a difference to the picture.
When i turn my Hitachi flat screen tv on with the Dansai connected i have to select RGB on my tv myself and my Dansai is NOT outputting an RGB signal, it seems standard video signal is the default setting for the Dansai something you probably will have to live with.............not really a big hardship on a DVD player that cost £99.99 and performs like a machine twice its price.

RE: Dansai not holding RGB setting - I`m not alone !

hunsbury0 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd January 2002, 17:27

You have been done.Mine cost £ 99.49

RE: Dansai not holding RGB setting - I`m not alone !

Tempest (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 22nd January 2002, 21:50

Well, it seems this is normal for this player after all.

Quite a few people on other forums are saying their players don`t hold the RGB setting either, so guess the people who said they did were not noticing the difference and just assuming it.

That being said, if anyone`s thinking of getting this player, don`t let this one tiny issue stop you. It`s an excellent player that does everything and for the price what more can you ask ?

Just pressing 1 button 3 times is a small price to pay if you want RGB on.

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