Page 1 of Oritron DVD100

Hardware Forum

Oritron DVD100

MikeyUK (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 2nd November 2001, 16:49

Anyone got any info on this machine - seems to be Region 2 only but the manual is non-existant.

Any info gratefully received...


RE: Oritron DVD100

David J.W. (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 2nd November 2001, 18:47

I had one of these machines for a while and for the price they do a good job.
I got it as a second player so i could have a machine for downstairs and one for up but as things turned out i was presented with a Pioneer DV525 for £99.99 brand new so the Oritron went to a freind as payment for welding on my motor.
Anyway i did use the Oritron a few times and i found it a very reliable player more so than my other cheap player (JMB3000) this tends to suffer from the jitters ocasionally and the Oritron does not.
Both picture and sound are both very good although music CD`s played through my widescreen TV via scart set to RGB sounded distorted yet using normal phono stereo leads through my amp it gave a very respectable sound.
As for multi region i would be interested myself so i can pass it on to my freind.........i know it does not play CDR`s or CDRW`s or VCD.....but for a penny short of a tonne what do you want?
In short from my time with the machine i would not hesitate to recommend it as a second player or come to that a main player in budget home cinema set up.......enjoy

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