Info and forum posts by 'squareeyes'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 9th December 2004, 11:00, Last used: Friday, 22nd April 2005, 14:21

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 52 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.05 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: New Pope decided - it`s the German Ratzinger

I second that, just got back from a swift half at the pub and that made me LOL!

same as:

You just *know* there`s been some hot and sweaty priest-on-priest action in his past...

ahhaaaaaa Dave Allen will be turning in grave.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 19th April 2005, 22:05

RE: `I Heart Huckerbees` and `Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind` these films suck!

Haven`t seen I heart Huckabees but watched Eternal Sunshine around New years on the recommendation of a mate and absolutely loved it. Normally I hate JC but he managed not not annoy me in the least and Kate Winslet was brilliant.

A unique plot, a nice rarity, and a film you can watch over and over. I thought it was great.

RE: New Pope decided - it`s the German Ratzinger

aren`t they all? besides he`s prolly just learnt how to levitate or something.....

RE: New Pope decided - it`s the German Ratzinger

yep he`s a hardliner alright and just a caretaker by the looks of it and the age of it! Apparantely they didn`t want some young (under 70?!) upstart coming along.

Benedict eggs? hard boiled? yeah lame......

RE: so many mp3 players so little time

LOL `watching a little 24 on the way to work!!!` I`d be tempted to jump into bushes to many times incase of exploding passersby! Still I might have to investigate cos it sounds cool.

As for the HD3, I love it, it is a bummer that the HD5 is coming out soooo soon afterwards but then again why not just upgrade, I think Sonicstage is meant to be much improved with the HD5, using version 3.1.

I can`t believe they managed to improve on battery life, I`m liking that a lot. looks purdy too, especially the silver one.

RE: so many mp3 players so little time

do you what - I don`t think I`ve heard of that one before? you`re not winding me up are you?

tell me more about it, what made you go for that instead of one of the Sony ones or an ipod?

so many mp3 players so little time

ok, so what have you all got and how do you rate them?

I`m thinking of getting one, possibly flash based possibly not, but all advice gratefully received.

Has anyone got one of Sony`s new HD5`s? I like the look of this one and it`s got a rotating screen sensor ooOOOoo.

RE: What`s your favourite DVD extra?

the whole `we`re not calling her Luke` bit yeeeeeeeah. The only dvd I`ve watched for ages that as soon as it ended I wanted to watch it again!

RE: Another eBay thread

I s`pose it`s reasonable to assume that he`s not been able to get to the post office and wotnot but if it doesn`t turn up by Mon/Tues then I`d get in touch.

RE: Another eBay thread

well as you can imagine my mate reiterated everything you just said and was told `sorry, we`ve changed our rules, if it`s fraud it`s down to you`, nice of helpful of paypal.

To be fair, thats all I know, so maybe there is more too it, but my mate has sold and bought stuff on ebay before with no problem, but he`s certainly been burnt now and not a happy bunny.

o2 giving away stuff tomorrow!

Apparantely o2 are do this big customer day and it`s tomorrow in Covent Garden and I think in Birmingham as well. I reckon it`s all part of their rewarding their customers campaign they seem to be doing at the minute.

Anyway it`s to do with relieving stress?! and doing favours for people I`ve been told, things like giving away free massages and shinin` shoes and carrying your shopping for you that kind of thing.

Whatever floats your boat, sounds good to me anyway!

RE: Another eBay thread

I`d contact ebay if I were you - actually I have a nasty tale to tell about Paypal that happened to a mate of mine. Said friend was selling his mountain bike with ebay, blokey won the auction and bought it, everything went through paypal and my friend posted off the bike.

However, a week later Paypal contacted my friend (the seller) to say he had to pay the outstanding amount on this account for the bike! Apparantely the blokey who bought it used a fraudulant credit card and since feburary paypal have changed their rules and if this happens it is the liability of the seller to pay the outstanding amount!

He`s furious, just had to buy his own bike back (after never receiving the money in the first place) and doesn`t even have the bike anymore! He reported it to police what can you do.

So beware with Paypal, although I dunno if cheques might be more reliable?

RE: My son gets attacked

sounds like a really stressful and upsetting situation, I have to agree with the peeps who said to try and keep your boys confidence up. My nephew was getting bullied at school a few years ago (he was 7 at the time) no one really knew what to do, you want your kid to stand up for himself but not resort to violence and the school refused to have anything to do with the situation.

Anyway, a combination of my brother ripping of strip on the headmaster and insisting upon a meeting with the parents and sending my nephew for Karate lessons all helped. It really did raise his confidence and they teach you never to use you skills in anger and all that sh*t.

I agree with trying to talk to the mother again (although she doesn`t seem to have been a lot of help so far) and definitely talk to the other kids and parents of the other kids (afterall this little toe-rag could turn on anyone one of them as well) It does sound like this kid has got a lot of `issues` shall we say and could do with some counselling but that`s not your problem.

At the end of the day your priority is your kid and making sure he`s safe and happy. I reckon if all the kids exclude the bully and agree to stick together it could make a really big difference. good luck with though, not a situation I`d wanna be in.

RE: New MP3 Player from Sony NW-HD5

hmmm I like it a lot, it looks tiny and weighs next to nothing. Also looks quite classy really, maybe Sony have finally found their winning formula, I agree ditching ATRAC was a step in the right direction.

What about Sonicstage though, has that improved as well? I wonder what it`s functionality is like, playlist wise, downloading etc?

RE: What`s your favourite DVD extra?

for me it`s gotta be the whole extra dvd with the Spaced limited edition set. Yes I was that sucker that bought Spaced on video, dvd and then dvd again. But still the bit where Tim and Daisy and Edgar are looking round the house in Tuffnell Park and they spot some real fans outside taking pictures of the place...class.

RE: oasis new vid on the telly

naaa isn`t that his son?

RE: oasis new vid on the telly

ahhh well that explains it then! I think Liam has declared himself the self professed love-child of weller

RE: keep on texting with o2 genie 300 month sim

it does work a bloke in the office has already got £8 back in top up vouchers or maybe this is something different? I think it`s for their PAYG customers and you get 10% back or something like that.

Have you checked the website? I`ll ask him if he got free texts.

This item was edited on Thursday, 7th April 2005, 15:28

RE: oasis new vid on the telly

apologies, I always come to the general forum but you`re right should have posted elsewhere....

I thought Liam was trying to look as much like Paul Weller as humanly possibly. Anyway, how do I move this thread?

oasis new vid on the telly

Did anyone see this alledged exclusive to channel 4 last night? The new single/video from Oasis in 3 years apparently although it feels more like 5.

I thought it sounded like an awful lot of other things, but they`ve turned the drums up and i can`t say i didn`t like it, just not v. original.


the pink panther strikes again
Barefoot in the park
the dead zone
shaun of the dead

and suprisingly teenwolf was very watchable again when I saw it on channel 5 the other weekend!

RE: Prince Charles - good on him

aw bless, it`s Wills I feel sorry for, his hair line is receding quicker than Charles` popularity!

RE: Clive James

Margareeta Prakatan!!!!!!! Now there`s a name I`ve not heard in a long time.....a long time.

RE: Clive James

clive james is one of my heros. the mans a genius.

Have you read Even as we Speak, essays from Clive James. It`s a brilliant book. I remember the postcards from havana one that was great, very dry.

He also released a folk record didn`t he when he was in his twentys I think?

RE: New Fantasic 4 trailer - A better trailer this time.

why am I not suprised the only think left is the name! I never saw Punisher (either film adaptation) I liked the comics too much but I heard bad bad things.

Speaking of bad films made from comics, did anyone see batman over the weekend with Michael Keaton! Now what has happened to him?

RE: MP3 hunt need cheapness!!

you could try argos (believe it or not they sometimes get good deals) or what abpout ebay?

If you could stretch to £70-100 on the mp3 player you`d have a much wider selection to choose from.

RE: New Fantasic 4 trailer - A better trailer this time.

hmmmm could be a goer!

Has anyone seen Constantine yet? I`m not sure about it, I liked the comics and he was a cockney in them somehow I can`t see Keanu Reeves doing apples and pears...

RE: Whens Mother`s Day?

good god already?! I was bombarded by easter eggs in the supermarket last night. Like the cleaning of a never ends.

RE: Did I do bad?

you did the right thing - you`re just suffering from reasonable person`s doubt syndrome.

RE: Who would get your vote for best actor this year??

Simon Pegg or Nick Frost for Shaun of the Dead, why on earth isn`t it up for MORE bafta`s!