Info and forum posts by 'brizey'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 20th August 2004, 08:04, Last used: Friday, 20th August 2004, 08:04

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: new to the dvd game. willing to learn more

This user has posted a total of 10 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Toshiba SD-2109

:/ HI, I have an absolute perfect Toshiba SD-2109, but it won`t play the DVD+R discs that I am now burning with my new recordable DVD. I wanted to have this in the kids playroom so they could watch films I recorded for them. Am I missing something obvious ? All the discs I have tried I have finalised and suppopsedly made compatable. Is it a simple situation where this format is not playable on the Tosh due to it`s age ? or is there something I can do other than buying a new, chaep player ? It will be a shame to have to do that, as the Tosh has always been outstanding !!! Thanks. :/

Blank DVD+R Disc question

Hi, me yet again,

I need to buy a few discs, and I`ll probably buy a large pack of some description, 25, 50 or 100. There seem to be loads of cheap ones about. Are they safe to buy, and is the quality OK.

I have seen red, orange, blue, yellow and all at different prices. Normally averaging out at approx £20 for 50
I have a Matsui DVDR 100.
Has anybody had good results from a certain brand ? How much are they ? and where did you get them from ?


Brisey. :) :)

Matsui DVDR 100 FLICKER ???

Hello again, :)
I would still have to admit to being happy with my first venture into DVD Recording. It`s getting easier, although I`m driving the wife mad with my tinkering !!!

I noticed the other night a faint light flicker at the top centre of the TV screen while playing back a recording. I hadn`t noticed it before, and when I checked the other recordings, they all have. It isn`t really that noticable, but now I know it`s there it`s driving me round the bend ! You know how it is.

Can anybody shed any light on this, or have any suggestions ??

Brisey :/ :/

RE: DVDR Setup Scart help please.

Hi Jimbo, Thanks for taking the time out to write back. Sorry, I mis led you with the audio stuff. What I meant was that I ran those leads back to the Hi-Fi unit amp.

I tried what you reccomended with the Scart leads but it was no good. It would appear that I have to run a scart
From TV AV1 to sky box,
From From sky VCR out to DVD in
From DVD out back to TV
otherwise output is not picked up.
This leaves me with no where to run 1 and only scart from video to. Does this sound correct to you ? It may help if you draw it out.

I also have started a couple of other threads. 1 with ref to another query I have, and the other a general question about discs. You may be able to help me further. :/

Thanks again for your help.
Brisey. :)

RE: Anyone else put labels on their DVDR`s?

Hi, I read your reply to the sticker problem and have previously heard the same, so I`m sure that is correct.
Does writing on the disc, either silver or coloured, make any difference to quality or playing problems. The pens I have are those CD pens and those steadliner permanent felt tips !

Brisey. :/

RE: matsui dvdr100

Hi, I only bought the same machine yesterday !!! Small world. I had the same problem, but when I looked deeper intop that big book of instuctions, it guides you easilly through it. As long as you have a scart lead connected from the sky box to your DVDR, (See quick set up), if you press "Source" on the remote untill scart appears on the screen or the DVDR front panel, then you will be able to proceed. The instructions seemed pretty scary to me at first, but in hind sight, they`re in laymans terms for idiots like me !!!

Good luck


DVDR Setup Scart help please.

Hello All, I`ve recently purchased a shiny new Matsui DVDR 100 and must admit to being very impressed with the quality of my machine and it`s performance. I have set it quickly at present but now want to set it up ong term. I have 2 scart sockets on my TV, 2 on the sky box, 2 on my DVDR and only 1 on my nicam Video. I do not have any audio out sockets at the rear of the TV.

The question I am asking is, with the information I have provided, is there a preffered method or way of setting up all the scarts so as to be more correct than another way ?

I cannot see how I am going to do this without buying one of those scart boxes, and I didn`t really want to do that.

The other problem I have, is that the audio is in the back of the Sky box, and always worked perfect before, on both sky and the old DVD player, but now, only works on the Sky. Is there a prefferred method here ?

Any help would be appreciated. Also, am I able to write on the top of the DVD+R discs with one of those CD pens when completed, or will this cause me problems ?

thanks again,

Brisey. :) ;)

RE: Matsui DVDR 100 Recorder

Thanks harveyvan, I appreciate your time. I think I`ve made up my mind with the Matsui, and I`ll let you know how I get on. Thanks again, Brisey.

RE: Matsui DVDR 100 Recorder

Thanks harveyvan, nice one !. What do you think about the Matsui DVDR100 as a whole ? Is it OK, or would I be better off spending my money elsewhere. For instance, what about one of the Phillips DVDRs that is probably a year or so old now. Still brand new, but on offer at a lot of the HI Fi shops etc ?

Matsui DVDR 100 Recorder

Hello All, first time user here, please be gentle !! I am about to purchase an entry level DVD recorder, and seem to have decided on this one. Firstly am I making a good choice ? Secondly, one of the reasons I want to buy a DVDR is so I can use it to play my photo CDs. It says it will play Kodak Picture CD, but will it play any normal saved photos in normal jpeg format ? Any help here will be greatly appreciated boys and girls. Thanks, Brisey.