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Toshiba SD-2109

brizey (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 16th January 2005, 17:23

:/ HI, I have an absolute perfect Toshiba SD-2109, but it won`t play the DVD+R discs that I am now burning with my new recordable DVD. I wanted to have this in the kids playroom so they could watch films I recorded for them. Am I missing something obvious ? All the discs I have tried I have finalised and suppopsedly made compatable. Is it a simple situation where this format is not playable on the Tosh due to it`s age ? or is there something I can do other than buying a new, chaep player ? It will be a shame to have to do that, as the Tosh has always been outstanding !!! Thanks. :/

RE: Toshiba SD-2109

Ailegs (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 16th January 2005, 21:10

It will not play recorded discs so you will have to buy a cheaper one.

Is that the time? Give me a minute and I will be there when I finish on the comp!

RE: Toshiba SD-2109

sa_bert (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 19th January 2005, 17:57

Hi, regarding the Toshiba SD-2109, the only way you can play back copied DVD`s is to have the player chipped. (Wrong) I have got a Liteon SOHW-812S internal dual format DVD writer in my PC and you can download an util from Liteon that allows you to change the Booktype of a DVD+ disk. Basically the Booktype tells the DVD Player what type the DVD disk is. (DVD+ or DVD- or DVD-ROM) In theory all DVD Players should play back DVD-ROM`s

So if I copy a DVD movie using DVDShrink to my Hard drive, then run the Booktype util and change the Booktype to DVD-ROM, then use Nero to create a DVD Movie, the disk plays fine on my Toshiba 2109.

The Booktype util only works for Liteon writers and for DVD+ disks only. I have tried the Datasafe and Traxdata DVD+ disks and burnt them at 4x and they play fine.

So you have a choice. Invest in a Liteon writer (they cost around £40) or buy another DVD Player and hope for the best.

I hope this info is useful.

RE: Toshiba SD-2109

phelings (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 19th January 2005, 22:18

The 2109 is an old Toshiba and you will find that if it does ever play a recordable it will give an annoying split screen effect.
Your cheapest bet is to get an el cheapo supermarket player that should play.The 2109 comes from an era when recordable dvd was a dream some years away

RE: Toshiba SD-2109

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 19th January 2005, 22:46


Try backing up your DVD to a DVD/RW.
At worst you will have to format the DVD/RW if it fails while at best it may work.
I know that the 2109, our first unit, will not play CDR but it will play some CDRW so possibly the same may apply with DVD.
It is certainly worth a try I would think.
Other than that you may be better off buying a cheap player :)

Choagy FFCUK The SPL :)

RE: Toshiba SD-2109

zebramidge (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 15th February 2005, 11:48

hey brizey

yeah, ran into the same unexpected problem. oddly out of the first 15 dvds i copied with dvd shrink, 5 of them played on the 2109. go figure. i used a couple different brands of disks, but didn`t pay that close attention to when and where. if i figure out a successful pattern i`ll let you know. good luck.

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