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Matsui DVDR 100 Recorder

brizey (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 5th January 2005, 19:20

Hello All, first time user here, please be gentle !! I am about to purchase an entry level DVD recorder, and seem to have decided on this one. Firstly am I making a good choice ? Secondly, one of the reasons I want to buy a DVDR is so I can use it to play my photo CDs. It says it will play Kodak Picture CD, but will it play any normal saved photos in normal jpeg format ? Any help here will be greatly appreciated boys and girls. Thanks, Brisey.

RE: Matsui DVDR 100 Recorder

harveyvan (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 6th January 2005, 08:31

Yes, it will: all you do is to ensure that the disc you burn has a folder called "Pictures", in which you place the individual .jpeg images (of any size or resolution). I tried this on the DVDR100 a couple of days ago, and it worked fine -- it idenfied it as a "Kodak" disc.

(As I understand it -- and in spite of the name -- that`s all a "Kodak Picture CD" is: a disc with .jpegs filed within a "Pictures" folder)

RE: Matsui DVDR 100 Recorder

brizey (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 6th January 2005, 09:41

Thanks harveyvan, nice one !. What do you think about the Matsui DVDR100 as a whole ? Is it OK, or would I be better off spending my money elsewhere. For instance, what about one of the Phillips DVDRs that is probably a year or so old now. Still brand new, but on offer at a lot of the HI Fi shops etc ?

RE: Matsui DVDR 100 Recorder

harveyvan (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 6th January 2005, 11:13

I really can`t compare them, as we bought the Matsui as a first, cheap foray into DVD of any kind -- we were looking at getting a player, but then decided to ditch the VCR and go for a recorder. To be frank, I bought it purely on price without doing much in the way of product comparison, on a suck-it-and-see basis. (We use it mainly for time-shifting, using DVD+RW discs.)

There have been some glitches -- some people (me included) found that the SCART connection didn`t allow our TVs too switch away from the DVD machine even when it`s gone on standby (probably a TV problem, not the DVD`s fault). There are ways around it, though -- I use a SCART switch block to turn the SCART link on and off; or you can clip out pin 8 on the SCART lead and manually switch the TV to AV/not AV.

Alll said, though, I`m pleased as punch with it -- does everything I want; the quality for what we record seems to be fine. SWMBO seems pleased with it, which makes me happy! ;)

As for the Philips machine, I can`t personally say, but generally their machines seem to be disliked by a lot of people in the forums I`ve read, so I think on balance my own reaction would be to look at something else.

RE: Matsui DVDR 100 Recorder

brizey (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 6th January 2005, 18:16

Thanks harveyvan, I appreciate your time. I think I`ve made up my mind with the Matsui, and I`ll let you know how I get on. Thanks again, Brisey.

RE: Matsui DVDR 100 Recorder

Charli (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 6th January 2005, 19:39

The only problem I`m having with it is the DVD`s which I record won`t play on any other DVD player... Is there something I`m missing? Some process I have to run after I`ve burned the DVD or something? My husband threw away the instructions and I`m pretty stuck now!

Thanks in advance!


RE: Matsui DVDR 100 Recorder

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 6th January 2005, 19:59

You need to finalise the disc if you are writing just to DVD+R


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

RE: Matsui DVDR 100 Recorder

Charli (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 6th January 2005, 20:01

Going to sound really stupid but how do you do that... Please?

Thanks for your help :)

RE: Matsui DVDR 100 Recorder

harveyvan (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 6th January 2005, 21:41

OK: first give your hubby a kick for throwing out the instruction book...some poor sod wrote that thing *precisely* so your "throw-away-the-book" fella would feel stupid... :))

RTFM, as they say........from my copy, it says this:

For DVD+R: in "stop" mode -- with +R you can only do this once.

1. Press Setup
2. Select Record/Disc; press the central green button
3. Select "Finalise"; press the central green button
4. Select "Confirm" to finalise

(Press Setup again to exit.)

For DVD+R: in "stop" mode" -- this makes it compatible

1. Press Setup
2. Select Record/Disc; press the central green button
3. Select "Make Compatible"; press the central green button
4. Select "Confirm" to make it compatible.

Don`t forget to hold an "I TOLD YOU SO" over your hubby`s head, for use at your discretion.....

RE: Matsui DVDR 100 Recorder

Tamar (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 7th January 2005, 01:06

Bought one and am having probs setting it up.

I have Tivo, Sky, and DVDR100.

Set it up according to the Tivo manual, putting it in VCR`s place. It will play ok, but can`t seem to program Tivo into DVD so that we can record from Tivo/ and or Sky, although my br reckons we can record from the TV. Is this somehow connected to the scart lead probs?

Oh yeah, has ANYONE got the region hack 4 it, or do u know where I can get it from??

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