Info and forum posts by 'PGH'

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Joined on: Wednesday, 10th December 2003, 17:23, Last used: Wednesday, 10th December 2003, 17:23

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This user has posted a total of 29 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: help philips 610

No you`re right. I never have a need to record from the internal tuner as I record from my Sky+ box so I gues this isn`t much of an issue for me.

One frustration I have had though is the fact that I can`t record on discs that I have recorded onto from the 610 in the DVDR70 any longer. I thought compatibility between same manufacturer models would at least have been kept.

RE: help philips 610

I do use the timer but just haven`t had this problem so far. I will plug the aerial in and see if this re-creates the error others have found also.

RE: help philips 610

This clock business is really weird because I have not seen it once yet. Could it have anything to do with the fact that most of you seem to be using the aerial whereas I and one other on here don`t use the aerial and haven`t had this problem. Not sure why this would be the case but it`s the only thing that seems different.

RE: help philips 610

Nope I haven`t found this strange clock problem so far. I have the latest firmware installed since yesterday. I do really like this device so I am hoping it doesn`t screw up.

RE: Philips 610 & the new update

Same here.. I also only have it connected via the scart to my Sky+ box and have not had the time problems. Are all you guys with this problem connected via the aerial?

RE: help philips 610

How long ago did you buy it from Argos? I have never had any problems returnig items to them...

On the 610 I have only recently got one and have tosay that I have not come across the problems mentioned here yet. I have experienced the Philips reliability thing previously though with a DVDR80 which would intermittently develop faults and screwed up a few discs to boot. It is currently waiting to go back for repair at the moment. I have a DVDR70 which is fine and gives me no problems.

I have stuck with the Philips because I have found them to be the most flexible for the things I do. I know the DVD-RAM recorders offer things like timeslip, etc. but it`s no good to me when it can only be played on the device it was recorded on.

RE: Advice on buying a DVD recorder

Re-writeables. I assumed that this was the problem with the Panasonic.

I mainly use RW discs and the -RW I used on the Sony wouldn`t work on anything else. Using +RW`s on the Liteon has proved fruitless for me if trying to view them on another player. The +R`s are ok but the problem seems to be with the RW`s.

RE: Advice on buying a DVD recorder

I would just like some final clarification on this compatibility issue. I have been using a Phillips DVD recorder for the past 11 months and although reliability wise I have had some issues with it I much prefer it`s flexibility over a Sony recorder I also tried.

At times I have a bunch of programmes on my Sky+ that I want to transfer to DVD. So I set the recorder to do that overnight copying a number of programmes in one go and then splitting the recorded DVD up into seperate programmes once the recording has been done. I also then sometimes want to delete one of those programmes and record into the space left. This is all easily done with the Philips. I tried a Sony at one point but found it was unable to do these things as the editing functions seemed severley limited. I recently picked up Liteon to try and found that was exactly the same as it looks just like a rebadged Sony. Once a disc is recorded on there seems no way to split the recording up or edit it in any way other than to rename the recording.

If I got a Panasonic as many people here seem to be suggesting would I be able to play my recordings back on other DVD players? I found with the Sony and Liteon that the recorded discs rarely played back on other players I have whereas with the Philips they always play back on anything I have tried them on including of course the PC which I use for editing some recordings.

Thanks for any advice.


RE: Playing DVD+RW`s on non-recorders

I thought RAM would only play back on a Panasonic machine?

Maybe I`ll just have to try some different discs, although as I have said some of them play back fine.

Playing DVD+RW`s on non-recorders

Hi all,
Just wondering if anyone has any advice they can offer regarding a problem I seem to have when playing back DVD+RW`s on non-recorders. I have a phillips DVDR80 and usually record onto +RW`s and then if I decide to keep what I have recorded the idea was to transfer then onto DVD+R`s. However I am findnig that neither of my ordinary DVD Players seems very happy about playing back the +RW`s so I am not having much luck getting things transferred at the moment. They play some of them but not others. And they are the exact same make of +RW so it seems very confusing to me.

Any ideas as to whay this could be?


PH :/

RE: a couple of questions on the philips dvdr70.....

I recently got a Philips DVDR70 and had a few problems with it. It has however been faultless for the past few weeks so hopefully those initial teething troubles are past.

I also have the Sony GX3 and between the two I would opt for the Philips. I find the Sony very limiting if you want to do any kind of editing. Even simple chapter marking is not possible on the Sony unless using the -RW discs in VR format. And that format I have not been able to use in any other player so far.

Recording quality wise I have found very little difference between the two units although they do have slightly different quality modes:-

Philips:- M1 60 mins, M2 120 mins, M2+ 150 mins, M3 180 mins, M4 240mins and M6 360 mins.

Sony:- HQ 60 mins, HSP 90 mins, SP 120 mins, LP 180 mins, EP 240mins and SLP 360 mins.

I prefer the actual interface of the Sony over the Philips but one or two things I find annoying, eg with the Sony there is no time remaining display on the LCD panel while recording. You have to use the disc info screen whereas with the Philips the time remaining is shown on the LCD display. May not be an issue for some but it is something I like to be able to see. You cannot chapter mark with the Sony whilst recording, only whilst playing a recording back and as mentioned before only on the -RW VR format discs. With the Philips chapter marking can be done on the fly.. much better in my opinion. Also on the Sony there is no option to hide chapters other than by creating playlists (again on -RW VR only) while with the Philips it is a piece of cake (handy for cutting out adverts on recordings if you haven`t been able to do it live).

I am sure others will have a different opinion of the Sony but after a couple of weeks of playing around with it these limitations have been a bit of a show stopper for me. Of course if things such as chapter marking aren`t a consideration then there is very little to choose between them.

RE: Sony RDR-GX3 DVD Recorder - Good Buy?

Yes these settings do apply to all the supported formats on the RDR-GX3 (-R -RW +RW).

HQ - 60 mins
HSP - 90 mins
SP - 120 mins
LP - 180 mins
EP - 240 mins
SLP - 360 mins

RE: Sony RDR-GX3 DVD Recorder - Good Buy?

That`s what I was saying, you have to use SP or lower for films because they generally last more than 90 minutes (which is the most you can get on the modes higher than SP).

RE: Sony RDR-GX3 DVD Recorder - Good Buy?

I have been using the LP or EP mode for recording some sports over the Christmas period so that I could get more on a disc. It`s still pretty good but I was just curious about what had been posted about the superb quality of the recordings some had made.

Unfortunately the 2 highest quality modes are almost useless for film recording as they only give you 60 and 90 minutes respectively and many films nowadays last longer than 90 minutes so it restricts you to SP or lower.

I wondered how the quality modes on the Sony related to those of the Philips. Anyone have any ideas?

RE: Reliability of 2nd Generation Phillips Recorders

Phillips were unable to offer any ideas as to what could be causing the problem and to be honest I was pretty much under-whelmed by the response I got from them on 2 out of the 3 occassions I contacted them. Basically they just said I should return it and get a replacement.

RE: Sony RDR-GX3 DVD Recorder - Good Buy?

With regard to this talk of picture quality, etc. what mode are you referring to here (HQ, SP, LP....) ? Having got my GX3 just prior to Christmas I am in the process of testing it out and although initially really pleased I have noticed that a few things I have recorded in the last 2 days are not quite as sharp as I expected.

RE: DVD Recording & Finalising

Yes I manage to play unfinalised +RW`s in the machine no problem. I can only assume something screwed up during your recording as I haven`t come across any that wouldn`t play yet.

RE: Sony RDR-GX3 DVD Recorder - Good Buy?

Thanks for all the responses guys. Sounds like the Sony will do for me. I do use a lot of +RW discs so I can play them on my other players and that therefore was a must as far as I was concerned. The fact the Sony will play my +R recordings from the Philips is also important. Now just need to find the best price.

Again thanks.


Sony RDR-GX3 DVD Recorder - Good Buy?

Hi all,

I am in the market for a new DVD recorder after my Philips DVDR70 screwed up again today. Only had it a few weeks but too many freeze-ups and now it has crapped up a disc too.

I have been looking at the Sony RDR-GX3 DVD Recorder and was hoping someone could give me some feedback regarding it.



DVD Recorders Mullti-Format Recommendations

I am after some advice about the most reliable reasonably priced DVD recorder currently on the market that plays all or most of the various disc formats.

I currently have a Philips DVDR70 but am experiencing some problems with it`s reliability and am therefore keen to get some ideas on a replacement before deciding whether to send it back from whence it came!!

I have been looking at a Panasonic machine but am put off by the RAM format which cannot be played on another player. I need to be able to record to a rewriteable disc that can play on other machines as I record a lot of sport that I want to watch on a machine other than that which it would be recorded on.



RE: Reliability of 2nd Generation Phillips Recorders

I have had my R70 for just over three weeks now and it has frozen up on me during timed recordings on about 5 occassions!! Although more than happy with it in every other respect the fact that this has happened doesn`t fill me with confidence that I can reliably expect it to record what I want.

I am waiting on a reply from Philips before deciding whether to return the unit or stick with it.

RE: DVD Recording & Finalising

Thanks for the replies all,

Looks like there won`t be any need to go for a different model then.


RE: DVD Recording & Finalising

The finalising isn`t a major hassle in itself it`s just that I sometimes record programmes that only last 30 minutes to an hour and therefore would like to fit more than one episode on each disc. The finalising means that if I don`t want to waste most of the disc I have to wait until I have recorded 3 or 4 episodes before finalising which in turn means the disc can`t be played in another player until that time.

RE: confused about DVD+R/RW recorders

Should un-finalised -R or +R discs be able to play on other players or do they have to be finalised first?



The current deal is £199 with installation for a quid if you relocate your original Sky box which is an extra 10 quid a month for the extra subscription.

RE: Reliability of 2nd Generation Phillips Recorders

I saw that yesterday and it comes with 10 discs (not sure what ones though). Anybody here got one of these models, I`d like some feedback on how they perform. I have recently got a Phillips DVDR70 but can return it up to the end of January so am keen for an idea of any models currently available for around the same price.

RE: DVD Recording & Finalising

I haven`t seen the +RW`s that cheap so far... around 20quid for 10 is the best I have come up with so far. I`ll check whether the +RW`s need finalising or not to play in other players.


DVD Recording & Finalising

Hi all,

I have recently bought a Phillips DVDR70 and although very happy with it one thing does bug me a bit. In order to play any disc recorded in it in another DVD player the disc has to be finalised otherwise the other player won`t read it.

Is this something that you have to do with all DVD recorders or are there those that do not require this process before the discs can be read in another player.

I have until the end of January before having to decide whether to keep this model so any advice would be greatly appreciated.

